Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK



Citrix HypervisorConnection SDK - Custom Properties

Short Description

Overview of custom properties settings for a HypervisorConnection object.

Long Description

Custom properties are properties of the HypervisorConnection object, which are specific to the object’s hosting hypervisor infrastructure. Custom properties can be used to control or tune behaviors of the hosting connection.

Custom Properties For Azure Resource Manager

The following custom properties are specific to AzureRM.

  • SubscriptionId: (String) The Azure Subscription ID.

  • TenantId: (String) The Azure Tenant ID.

  • AuthenticationAuthority: (String) The Microsoft user authentication endpoint. e.g. “”

  • ManagementEndpoint: (String) The Azure Resource Manager endpoint used to establish communications with Azure APIs. e.g. “”

  • StorageSuffix: (String) The DNS suffix of the Azure Storage endpoint URL. There are 4 default suffix strings, each one belonging to a different Azure environment: Azure Global: “” Azure China: “” Azure US Government: “” Azure Germany: “”

  • ResourceManagementOperationPollingInterval: (Int) How long Azure waits before polling the status of all running operations managed by Azure’s ResourceManagementClient class. Default is 3 seconds in order to poll often without throttling Azure by polling more often than necessary.

  • MaximumConcurrentProvisioningOperations: (Int) The number of threads to use within the hypervisor manager, which limits number of simultaneous MCS Operations that are permitted in the provisioning workflow. Default is 500 threads for Azure, where each thread manages exactly one MCS Operation. Increasing the number of threads is not recommended.

  • PowerStateCacheExpirationInMinutes: (Int) The number of minutes until the memory cache, where the power state is stored, is expired. Once expired, one Azure API call will be made to get the latest power status for all Azure related catalogs in the site. This effectively refreshes the memory cache. Default is 5 mins.

  • PowerStateCacheDegreeOfParallelism: (Int) The number of threads that should be used to fetch missing power states, individually, in parallel, in the event where some machines may be missing from an Azure Resource Graph (ARG) response. In such cases, power states for machines are fetched individually, either through another ARG query or a Virtual Machine ‘Get’ call. Default number of threads is 10. The number of threads provided as an argument must be between 1 and 512.

  • PowerStateCacheUseCachedValuesOnlyAfterInSeconds: (Int) The number of seconds that can elapse before individual ‘Get’ state calls to Azure are no longer queried and instead machine power states are returned from the memory cached.

    Querying machine power states follows a three step process:

    1. A single Azure Resource Graph (ARG) call is used to query all machine power states.
    2. Machine power states that were not picked up by ARG are subsequently individually queried by Azure ‘Get’ state calls.
    3. Machine power states not successfully queried by Azure ‘Get’ state calls within this custom property’s timeframe will be returned from the memory cache.

    If a machine’s power state is not found in the memory cache, then it will be reported as Unknown. Default is 180 seconds. This property does not check if any query has timed out.

Custom Properties For Aws

The following custom properties are specific to the HypervisorConnection object using the AWS plugin.

  • MaximumConcurrentProvisioningOperations: (Int) The number of threads to use within the hypervisor manager, which limits number of simultaneous MCS Operations that are permitted in the provisioning workflow. Default is 100 threads for AWS, where each thread manages exactly one MCS Operation. Increasing the number of threads is not recommended.

Custom Properties For Gcp

The following custom properties are specific to the HypervisorConnection object using the GCP plugin.

  • MaximumConcurrentProvisioningOperations: (Int) The number of threads to use within the hypervisor manager, which limits number of simultaneous MCS Operations that are permitted in the provisioning workflow. Default is 500 threads for GCP, where each thread manages exactly one MCS Operation. Increasing the number of threads is not recommended.

See Also
