Storefront Powershell SDK 2411


Add a new Gateway that can be used for remote access and authentication.


Add-STFRoamingGateway [-RoamingGateway] <RoamingGateway> [[-RoamingService] <RoamingService>] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-STFRoamingGateway [-Name] <String> [-LogonType] <UsedForHDXOnly | Domain | RSA | DomainAndRSA | SMS | GatewayKnows | SmartCard | None> [[-SmartCardFallbackLogonType] <UsedForHDXOnly | Domain | RSA | DomainAndRSA | SMS | GatewayKnows | SmartCard | None>] [[-Version] <Version10_0_69_4 | Version9x>] [[-GatewayUrl] <Uri>] [[-CallbackUrl] <Uri>] [[-SessionReliability] <SwitchParameter>] [[-RequestTicketTwoSTAs] <SwitchParameter>] [[-SubnetIPAddress] <String>] [[-SecureTicketAuthorityUrls] <Uri[]>] [[-StasUseLoadBalancing] <SwitchParameter>] [[-StasBypassDuration] <TimeSpan>] [[-PassThru] <SwitchParameter>] [[-GslbUrl] <Uri>] [[-SecureTicketAuthorityObjs] <SecureTicketAuthorityUrl[]>] [[-IsCloudGateway] <Boolean>] [[-ConnectorBaseUrls] <List`1>] [[-GatewayLookupUrls] <List`1>] [[-RoamingService] <RoamingService>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Add a new Gateway to the global gateway list. Gateways for remote access and authentication are added to Stores from the globally managed list.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
RoamingGateway The Gateway to add true true (ByValue)  
Name The Gateway friendly name true true (ByValue)  
LogonType The login type required and supported by the Gateway true false  
SmartCardFallbackLogonType The login type to use when SmartCard fails false false  
Version The Citrix NetScaler Gateway version false false  
GatewayUrl The Gateway Url false false  
CallbackUrl The Gateway authentication NetScaler call-back Url false false  
SessionReliability Enable session reliability. Session Reliability keeps sessions active and on the user’s screen when network connectivity is interrupted. Users continue to see the application they are using until network connectivity resumes. false false  
RequestTicketTwoSTAs Request STA tickets from two STA servers (Requires two STA servers) false false  
SubnetIPAddress IP address false false  
SecureTicketAuthorityUrls Secure Ticket Authority server Urls. The Secure Ticket Authority (STA) is responsible for issuing session tickets in response to connection requests for published resources on XenApp. These session tickets form the basis of authentication and authorization for access to published resources. false false  
StasUseLoadBalancing Load balance between the configured STA servers (requires two or more STA servers) false false  
StasBypassDuration Time before retrying a failed STA server false false  
PassThru Output the added Gateway false false  
GslbUrl An optional URL which corresponds to the GSLB domain used by multiple gateways false false  
SecureTicketAuthorityObjs Secure Ticket Authority objects. The Secure Ticket Authority (STA) is responsible for issuing session tickets in response to connection requests for published resources on XenApp. These session tickets form the basis of authentication and authorization for access to published resources. This new parameter is added to enable the secure sta endpoint feature, and is encouraged to be used, and for backward compatibility we still support the SecureTicketAuthorityUrls parameter. false false  
IsCloudGateway Whether the Gateway is an instance of Citrix Gateway Service in the cloud. false false  
ConnectorBaseUrls The Connector service base URLs if the Gateway is an instance of Citrix Gateway Service in the cloud. false false  
GatewayLookupUrls If adding a cloud gateway, override the connector gateway config service URLs with a custom port and path. The Urls must match the same HTTP(S) scheme and FQDN for the ConnectorBaseUrls parameter. false false  
RoamingService The Roaming service false false  

Input Type


Parameter RoamingGateway: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.RoamingGateway reference type


Parameter Name: The .NET System.String reference type


Parameter LogonType: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.GatewayLogonType value type


Parameter SmartCardFallbackLogonType: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.GatewayLogonType value type


Parameter Version: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.GatewayVersion value type


Parameter GatewayUrl: The .NET System.Uri reference type


Parameter CallbackUrl: The .NET System.Uri reference type


Parameter SessionReliability: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter value type


Parameter RequestTicketTwoSTAs: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter value type


Parameter SubnetIPAddress: The .NET System.String reference type


Parameter SecureTicketAuthorityUrls: The .NET System.Uri reference type


Parameter StasUseLoadBalancing: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter value type


Parameter StasBypassDuration: The .NET System.TimeSpan value type


Parameter PassThru: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter value type


Parameter GslbUrl: The .NET System.Uri reference type


Parameter SecureTicketAuthorityObjs: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.SecureTicketAuthorityUrl reference type


Parameter IsCloudGateway: The .NET System.Boolean value type

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]

Parameter ConnectorBaseUrls: The .NET System.Collections.Generic.List1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]` reference type

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]

Parameter GatewayLookupUrls: The .NET System.Collections.Generic.List1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]` reference type


Parameter RoamingService: A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Roaming service

Return Values



EXAMPLE 1 Add Version 10x Gateway

Add-STFRoamingGateway -Name "Netscaler10x" -LogonType Domain -Version Version10_0_69_4 -GatewayUrl https://gateway.citrix.storefront -CallbackUrl https://gateway.citrix.storefront/callback -SessionReliability:$true -RequestTicketTwoSTAs:$true -SubnetIPAddress -SecureTicketAuthorityUrls https://XenApp1STA,https://XenApp2STA -SecureTicketAuthorityObjs $StaObj1,$StaObj2 -PassThru


Add a version 10 or greater Gateway.

EXAMPLE 2 Add Version 9 Gateway

Add-STFRoamingGateway -Name "Netscaler9" -LogonType SmartCard -SmartCardFallbackLogonType Domain -Version Version9x -GatewayUrl https://EuNetscaler -CallbackUrl https://EuNetscaler/Callback -SessionReliability -RequestTicketTwoSTAs -SubnetIPAddress -SecureTicketAuthorityUrls https://myxs/STA -SecureTicketAuthorityObjs $StaObj1 -PassThru


Add a version 9 Gateway.

EXAMPLE 3 Add three GSLB Gateways

Add-STFRoamingGateway -Name "EMEAGateway" -LogonType DomainAndRSA -Version Version10_0_69_4 -GatewayUrl https://emeagateway.citrix.storefront -GslbUrl https://gslb.citrix.storefront -CallbackUrl https://emeagateway.citrix.storefront/callback -SessionReliability:$true -RequestTicketTwoSTAs:$true - SubnetIPAddress - SecureTicketAuthorityUrls https://XenApp1STA.citrix.storefront,https://XenApp2STA.citrix.storefront -SecureTicketAuthorityObjs $staobj1,$staobj2 -PassThru \n
Add-STFRoamingGateway -Name "USGateway" -LogonType DomainAndRSA -Version Version10_0_69_4 -GatewayUrl https://usgateway.citrix.storefront -GslbUrl https://gslb.citrix.storefront -CallbackUrl https://usgateway.citrix.storefront/callback -SessionReliability:$true -RequestTicketTwoSTAs:$true - SubnetIPAddress - SecureTicketAuthorityUrls https://XenApp1STA.citrix.storefront,https://XenApp2STA.citrix.storefront -SecureTicketAuthorityObjs $staobj1,$staobj2 -PassThru \n
Add-STFRoamingGateway -Name "APACGateway" -LogonType DomainAndRSA -Version Version10_0_69_4 -GatewayUrl https://apacgateway.citrix.storefront -GslbUrl https://gslb.citrix.storefront -CallbackUrl https://apacgateway.citrix.storefront/callback -SessionReliability:$true -RequestTicketTwoSTAs:$true - SubnetIPAddress - SecureTicketAuthorityUrls https://XenApp1STA.citrix.storefront,https://XenApp2STA.citrix.storefront -SecureTicketAuthorityObjs $staobj1,$staobj2 -PassThru


Add Multiple GSLB Gateways.
