Property Commandlets.BaseWemDatabaseCommand`1.SqlServerCredential
PSCredential for connecting to the SQL instance for database creation. Leave empty to use Windows Authentication for current user.
Property Commandlets.BaseWemDatabaseCommand`1.WindowsAccount
Windows account granted access to WEM database.
Property Commandlets.BaseWemDatabaseCommand`1.DatabaseServerInstance
SQL Server on which the database will be hosted. (serveraddress,port\instancename).
Property Commandlets.BaseWemDatabaseCommand`1.DatabaseName
Name of the WEM database to create.
Property Commandlets.BaseWemDatabaseCommand`1.PSDebugMode
Debug mode displays extra exception information. Specify ‘None’ to leave the current value unchanged. This is equivalent to omitting this parameter.
Type Commandlets.NewWemDatabase
Creates a WEM database.
The New-WemDatabase cmdlet creates one Workspace Environment Management (WEM) database. The database is created on the SQL server.
Example: Create a database instance on the remote SQL DatabaseServerInstance ( It uses SQL DatabaseServerInstance authentication for the initialization connection:
$passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "[Password]" -AsPlainText -Force
$sqlServerCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("sa", $passwd);
$DBname = "WEM_DB";
$fileFolder = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL DatabaseServerInstance\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\";
New-WemDatabase -DatabaseServerInstance "" -DatabaseName $DBname -DataFilePath($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Data.mdf") -LogFilePath($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Log.ldf") -DefaultAdministratorsGroup "[Domain]\[GroupName]" -SqlServerCredential $sqlServerCred
Example: Create a database instance on the remote SQL DatabaseServerInstance( It uses Windows authentication for the initialization connection:
$DBname = "WEM_DB";
$fileFolder = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL DatabaseServerInstance\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\";
New-WemDatabase -DatabaseServerInstance "[Server\Instance]" -DatabaseName $DBname -DataFilePath($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Data.mdf") -LogFilePath($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Log.ldf") -DefaultAdministratorsGroup "[Domain]\[GroupName]"
Example: Create a database instance on the remote SQL DatabaseServerInstance( It uses Windows authentication for the initialization connection with adding extra database user via “WindowsAccount” attribute:
$DBname = "WEM_DB";
$fileFolder = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL DatabaseServerInstance\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\";
New-WemDatabase -DatabaseServerInstance "[Server\Instance]" -DatabaseName $DBname -DataFilePath($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Data.mdf") -LogFilePath($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Log.ldf") -DefaultAdministratorsGroup "[Domain]\[GroupName]" -WindowsAccount "[Domain]\[UserName]
Example: Creating new database instance on the remote SQL DatabaseServerInstance( It uses single configuration object for connecting to the server and configuring database:
$fileFolder = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL DatabaseServerInstance\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\";
$DBname = "WEMDB_1_Obj";
$cfg = New-Object Citrix.WEM.SDK.Configuration.Database.SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration;
$cfg.DatabaseServerInstance = "[Server\Instance]";
$cfg.DatabaseName = $DBname;
$cfg.DataFilePath = ($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Data.mdf");
$cfg.LogFilePath = ($fileFolder+$DBname+"_Log.ldf") ;
$cfg.DefaultAdministratorsGroup = "[Domain]\[GroupName]";
$cfg.WindowsAccount = "[Domain]\[UserName]";
New-WemDatabase -Configuration $cfg;
Property Commandlets.NewWemDatabase.DataFilePath
Path to the .mdf file location on the SQL Server. You must provide a valid filepath, otherwise the cmdlet will fail. No default value is assumed.
Property Commandlets.NewWemDatabase.LogFilePath
Path to the .ldf file location on the SQL Server. You must provide a valid filepath, otherwise the cmdlet will fail. No default value is assumed.
Property Commandlets.NewWemDatabase.DefaultAdministratorsGroup
Default group of WEM administrators with Full Access to the administration console.
Property Commandlets.NewWemDatabase.VuemUserSqlPassword
Specific password for the WEM vuemUser SQL user account. Leave empty to create a default password.
Property Commandlets.NewWemDatabase.CommandTimeout
Timeout period for connection attempts to the WEM database. After this time an error message is displayed. Leave empty to use default timeout of 300 seconds.
Property Commandlets.NewWemDatabase.Configuration
Configuration set to save settings in.
Type Commandlets.UpdateWemDatabase
Updates an existing WEM database.
The Update-WemDatabase cmdlet updates an existing Workspace Environment Management (WEM) database instance on the SQL server.
Example: Update an existing database to the latest version. Uses Windows authentication for the initialization connection:
Update-WemDatabase -DatabaseServerInstance "NK_SQL" -DatabaseName "WEM_DB"
Example: Update an existing database to the latest version. Uses SQL Server authentication for the initialization connection:
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "[Password]" -AsPlainText -Force;
$sqlServerCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("sa", $password);
Update-WemDatabase -DatabaseServerInstance "NK_SQL" -DatabaseName "WEM_DB" -SqlServerCredential $sqlServerCred;
Example: Update an existing database to the latest version. Uses SQL Server authentication for the initialization connection and adds extra database user via “WindowsAccount” attribute:
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "[Password]" -AsPlainText -Force;
$sqlServerCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("sa", $password);
Update-WemDatabase -DatabaseServerInstance "NK_SQL" -DatabaseName "WEM_DB" -SqlServerCredential $sqlServerCred -WindowsAccount "[Domain]\[UserName]";
Example: Update an existing database instance on the remote SQL Server ( Uses a single configuration object for connecting to the server and for configuring the database:
$cfg_obj = New-Object Citrix.WEM.SDK.Configuration.Database.SDKDatabaseConfiguration
$cfg_obj.DatabaseServerInstance = "";
$cfg_obj.DatabaseName = "WEM_DB";
$cfg_obj.WindowsAccount = "[Domain]\[UserName]";
Update-WemDatabase -Configuration $cfg_obj;
Property Commandlets.UpdateWemDatabase.Configuration
Configuration set.
Type SDKDatabaseConfiguration
SDK Database Configuration object.
Property SDKDatabaseConfiguration.SqlServerCredential
PSCredential for connecting to the SQL instance for database creation. Leave empty to use Windows Authentication for current user.
Property SDKDatabaseConfiguration.WindowsAccount
Windows account granted access to WEM database.
Property SDKDatabaseConfiguration.DatabaseServerInstance
SQL Server on which the database will be hosted (serveraddress,port\instancename).
Property SDKDatabaseConfiguration.DatabaseName
Name of the WEM database to create or update.
Type SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration
SDK new database Configuration object.
Property SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration.DataFilePath
Path to the .mdf file location on the SQL Server. You must provide a valid filepath, otherwise the cmdlet will fail. No default value is assumed.
Property SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration.LogFilePath
Path to the .ldf file location on the SQL Server. You must provide a valid filepath, otherwise the cmdlet will fail. No default value is assumed.
Property SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration.DefaultAdministratorsGroup
Default group of WEM administrators with Full Access to the Administration Console.
Property SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration.VuemUserSqlPassword
Specific password for the WEM vuemUser SQL user account. Leave empty to create a default password.
Property SDKNewDatabaseConfiguration.CommandTimeout
Timeout period for connection attempts to the WEM database. After this time an error message is displayed. Leave empty to use default timeout of 300 seconds.