ADC Advanced Policy Expressions


provides operations for the TCP/UDP src/dst port

This topic lists the expressions that are provided by this class.

BETWEEN (uint iuint j)

Returns Boolean TRUE if the source port OR destination port is in between given range. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.BETWEEN(60, 500)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

            j- Port Number

Returns: bool_at

EQ (uint i)

Returns Boolean TRUE if either source port OR destination port is same as the argument. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.EQ(80)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

Returns: bool_at

GE (uint i)

Returns Boolean TRUE if the source port OR destination port is greater than or equal to the argument. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.GE(80)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

Returns: bool_at

GT (uint i)

Returns Boolean TRUE if the source port OR destination port is greater than the argument. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.GT(80)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

Returns: bool_at

LE (uint i)

Returns Boolean TRUE if the source port OR destination port is less than or equal to the argument. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.LE(80)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

Returns: bool_at

LT (uint i)

Returns Boolean TRUE if the source port OR destination port is less than the argument. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.LT(80)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

Returns: bool_at

NE (uint i)

Returns Boolean TRUE if both the source port AND destination port are not same as the argument. Example : CONNECTION.PORT.NE(80)

Parameters (expressions not allowed):

            i- Port Number

Returns: bool_at


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