ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “authentication-OAuthAction”:

unset rm add set show

unset authentication OAuthAction

Use this command to remove authentication OAuthAction settings.Refer to the set authentication OAuthAction command for meanings of the arguments.


unset authentication OAuthAction [-OAuthType] [-idtokenDecryptEndpoint] [-defaultAuthenticationGroup] [-Attribute1] [-Attribute2] [-Attribute3] [-Attribute4] [-Attribute5] [-Attribute6] [-Attribute7] [-Attribute8] [-Attribute9] [-Attribute10] [-Attribute11] [-Attribute12] [-Attribute13] [-Attribute14] [-Attribute15] [-Attribute16] [-GraphEndpoint] [-refreshInterval] [-CertEndpoint] [-audience] [-userNameField] [-skewTime] [-issuer] [-UserInfoURL] [-CertFilePath]

rm authentication OAuthAction

Removes a OAuth authentication action. You cannot remove an action that is used in any part of a policy.


rm authentication OAuthAction


name Name of the OAuth authentication action to remove.


rm authentication OAuthAction a1

add authentication OAuthAction

Adds an action to be used for OAuth authentication.


add authentication OAuthAction \[-OAuthType \( GENERIC | INTUNE )] \[-authorizationEndpoint ] \[-tokenEndpoint ] \[-idtokenDecryptEndpoint ] -clientID -clientSecret \[-defaultAuthenticationGroup ] \[-Attribute1 ] \[-Attribute2 ] \[-Attribute3 ] \[-Attribute4 ] \[-Attribute5 ] \[-Attribute6 ] \[-Attribute7 ] \[-Attribute8 ] \[-Attribute9 ] \[-Attribute10 ] \[-Attribute11 ] \[-Attribute12 ] \[-Attribute13 ] \[-Attribute14 ] \[-Attribute15 ] \[-Attribute16 ] \[-tenantID ] \[-GraphEndpoint ] \[-refreshInterval <positive\_integer>] \[-CertEndpoint ] \[-audience ] \[-userNameField ] \[-skewTime ] \[-issuer ] \[-UserInfoURL ] \[-CertFilePath ] \[-grantType \( CODE | PASSWORD )]


name Name for the OAuth Authentication action. Must begin with a letter, number, or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-), period (.) pound (#), space ( ), at (@), equals (=), colon (:), and underscore characters. Cannot be changed after the profile is created.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my authentication action” or ‘my authentication action’).

OAuthType Type of the OAuth implementation. Default value is generic implementation that is applicable for most deployments.

Possible values: GENERIC, INTUNE Default value: GENERIC

authorizationEndpoint Authorization endpoint/url to which unauthenticated user will be redirected. Citrix ADC redirects user to this endpoint by adding query parameters including clientid. If this parameter not specified then as default value we take Token Endpoint/URL value. Please note that Authorization Endpoint or Token Endpoint is mandatory for oauthAction

tokenEndpoint URL to which OAuth token will be posted to verify its authenticity. User obtains this token from Authorization server upon successful authentication. Citrix ADC will validate presented token by posting it to the URL configured

idtokenDecryptEndpoint URL to which obtained idtoken will be posted to get a decrypted user identity. Encrypted idtoken will be obtained by posting OAuth token to token endpoint. In order to decrypt idtoken, Citrix ADC posts request to the URL configured

clientID Unique identity of the client/user who is getting authenticated. Authorization server infers client configuration using this ID

clientSecret Secret string established by user and authorization server

defaultAuthenticationGroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups.

Attribute1 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute1 from the oauth response

Attribute2 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute2 from the oauth response

Attribute3 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute3 from the oauth response

Attribute4 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute4 from the oauth response

Attribute5 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute5 from the oauth response

Attribute6 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute6 from the oauth response

Attribute7 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute7 from the oauth response

Attribute8 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute8 from the oauth response

Attribute9 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute9 from the oauth response

Attribute10 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute10 from the oauth response

Attribute11 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute11 from the oauth response

Attribute12 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute12 from the oauth response

Attribute13 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute13 from the oauth response

Attribute14 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute14 from the oauth response

Attribute15 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute15 from the oauth response

Attribute16 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute16 from the oauth response

tenantID TenantID of the application. This is usually specific to providers such as Microsoft and usually refers to the deployment identifier.

GraphEndpoint URL of the Graph API service to learn Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) endpoints.

refreshInterval Interval at which services are monitored for necessary configuration. Default value: 1440 Minimum value: 0

CertEndpoint URL of the endpoint that contains JWKs (Json Web Key) for JWT (Json Web Token) verification.

audience Audience for which token sent by Authorization server is applicable. This is typically entity name or url that represents the recipient

userNameField Attribute in the token from which username should be extracted.

skewTime This option specifies the allowed clock skew in number of minutes that Citrix ADC allows on an incoming token. For example, if skewTime is 10, then token would be valid from (current time - 10) min to (current time + 10) min, ie 20min in all. Default value: 5

issuer Identity of the server whose tokens are to be accepted.

UserInfoURL URL to which OAuth access token will be posted to obtain user information.

CertFilePath Path to the file that contains JWKs (Json Web Key) for JWT (Json Web Token) verification.

grantType Grant type support. value can be code or password

Possible values: CODE, PASSWORD Default value: CODE


add authentication oauthAction a -authorizationEndpoint -tokenEndpoint -clientiD sadf -clientsecret df

set authentication OAuthAction

Modifies the attributes of an existing OAuth authentication action.


set authentication OAuthAction \[-OAuthType \( GENERIC | INTUNE )] \[-authorizationEndpoint ] \[-tokenEndpoint ] \[-idtokenDecryptEndpoint ] \[-clientID ] \[-clientSecret ] \[-defaultAuthenticationGroup ] \[-Attribute1 ] \[-Attribute2 ] \[-Attribute3 ] \[-Attribute4 ] \[-Attribute5 ] \[-Attribute6 ] \[-Attribute7 ] \[-Attribute8 ] \[-Attribute9 ] \[-Attribute10 ] \[-Attribute11 ] \[-Attribute12 ] \[-Attribute13 ] \[-Attribute14 ] \[-Attribute15 ] \[-Attribute16 ] \[-tenantID ] \[-GraphEndpoint ] \[-refreshInterval <positive\_integer>] \[-CertEndpoint ] \[-audience ] \[-userNameField ] \[-skewTime ] \[-issuer ] \[-UserInfoURL ] \[-CertFilePath ] \[-grantType \( CODE | PASSWORD )]


name Name of the action to configure.

OAuthType Type of the OAuth implementation. Default value is generic implementation that is applicable for most deployments.

Possible values: GENERIC, INTUNE Default value: GENERIC

authorizationEndpoint Authorization endpoint/url to which unauthenticated user will be redirected. Citrix ADC redirects user to this endpoint by adding query parameters including clientid. If this parameter not specified then as default value we take Token Endpoint/URL value. Please note that Authorization Endpoint or Token Endpoint is mandatory for oauthAction

tokenEndpoint URL to which OAuth token will be posted to verify its authenticity. User obtains this token from Authorization server upon successful authentication. Citrix ADC will validate presented token by posting it to the URL configured

idtokenDecryptEndpoint URL to which obtained idtoken will be posted to get a decrypted user identity. Encrypted idtoken will be obtained by posting OAuth token to token endpoint. In order to decrypt idtoken, Citrix ADC posts request to the URL configured

clientID Unique identity of the client/user who is getting authenticated. Authorization server infers client configuration using this ID

clientSecret Secret string established by user and authorization server

defaultAuthenticationGroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups.

Attribute1 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute1 from the oauth response

Attribute2 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute2 from the oauth response

Attribute3 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute3 from the oauth response

Attribute4 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute4 from the oauth response

Attribute5 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute5 from the oauth response

Attribute6 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute6 from the oauth response

Attribute7 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute7 from the oauth response

Attribute8 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute8 from the oauth response

Attribute9 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute9 from the oauth response

Attribute10 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute10 from the oauth response

Attribute11 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute11 from the oauth response

Attribute12 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute12 from the oauth response

Attribute13 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute13 from the oauth response

Attribute14 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute14 from the oauth response

Attribute15 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute15 from the oauth response

Attribute16 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute16 from the oauth response

tenantID TenantID of the application. This is usually specific to providers such as Microsoft and usually refers to the deployment identifier.

GraphEndpoint URL of the Graph API service to learn Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) endpoints.

refreshInterval Interval at which services are monitored for necessary configuration. Default value: 1440 Minimum value: 0

CertEndpoint URL of the endpoint that contains JWKs (Json Web Key) for JWT (Json Web Token) verification.

audience Audience for which token sent by Authorization server is applicable. This is typically entity name or url that represents the recipient

userNameField Attribute in the token from which username should be extracted.

skewTime This option specifies the allowed clock skew in number of minutes that Citrix ADC allows on an incoming token. For example, if skewTime is 10, then token would be valid from (current time - 10) min to (current time + 10) min, ie 20min in all. Default value: 5

issuer Identity of the server whose tokens are to be accepted.

UserInfoURL URL to which OAuth access token will be posted to obtain user information.

CertFilePath Path to the file that contains JWKs (Json Web Key) for JWT (Json Web Token) verification.

grantType Grant type support. value can be code or password

Possible values: CODE, PASSWORD Default value: CODE


set authentication OAuthAction a1 -ClientID someid123 -clientSecret somesecret

show authentication OAuthAction

Displays information about the configured OAuth authentication action.


show authentication OAuthAction []


name Name of the OAuth authentication action to display. If a name is not provided, information about all actions is shown.


stateflag authorizationEndpoint Authorization endpoint/url to which unauthenticated user will be redirected. Citrix ADC redirects user to this endpoint by adding query parameters including clientid. If this parameter not specified then as default value we take Token Endpoint/URL value. Please note that Authorization Endpoint or Token Endpoint is mandatory for oauthAction

tokenEndpoint URL to which OAuth token will be posted to verify its authenticity. User obtains this token from Authorization server upon successful authentication. Citrix ADC will validate presented token by posting it to the URL configured

idtokenDecryptEndpoint URL to which obtained idtoken will be posted to get a decrypted user identity. Encrypted idtoken will be obtained by posting OAuth token to token endpoint. In order to decrypt idtoken, Citrix ADC posts request to the URL configured

clientID Unique identity of the client/user who is getting authenticated. Authorization server infers client configuration using this ID

clientSecret Secret string established by user and authorization server

defaultAuthenticationGroup This is the default group that is chosen when the authentication succeeds in addition to extracted groups.

Attribute1 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute1 from the oauth response

Attribute2 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute2 from the oauth response

Attribute3 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute3 from the oauth response

Attribute4 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute4 from the oauth response

Attribute5 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute5 from the oauth response

Attribute6 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute6 from the oauth response

Attribute7 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute7 from the oauth response

Attribute8 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute8 from the oauth response

Attribute9 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute9 from the oauth response

Attribute10 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute10 from the oauth response

Attribute11 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute11 from the oauth response

Attribute12 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute12 from the oauth response

Attribute13 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute13 from the oauth response

Attribute14 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute14 from the oauth response

Attribute15 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute15 from the oauth response

Attribute16 Expression that would be evaluated to extract attribute16 from the oauth response

tenantID TenantID of the application. This is usually specific to providers such as Microsoft and usually refers to the deployment identifier.

GraphEndpoint URL of the Graph API service to learn Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) endpoints.

refreshInterval Interval at which services are monitored for necessary configuration.

CertEndpoint URL of the endpoint that contains JWKs (Json Web Key) for JWT (Json Web Token) verification.

OAuthType Type of the OAuth implementation. Default value is generic implementation that is applicable for most deployments.

audience Audience for which token sent by Authorization server is applicable. This is typically entity name or url that represents the recipient

userNameField Attribute in the token from which username should be extracted.

skewTime This option specifies the allowed clock skew in number of minutes that Citrix ADC allows on an incoming token. For example, if skewTime is 10, then token would be valid from (current time - 10) min to (current time + 10) min, ie 20min in all.

issuer Identity of the server whose tokens are to be accepted.

OAuthStatus Describes status information of oauth server.

UserInfoURL URL to which OAuth access token will be posted to obtain user information.

CertFilePath Path to the file that contains JWKs (Json Web Key) for JWT (Json Web Token) verification.

grantType Grant type support. value can be code or password

devno count


show authentication OAuthAction a1
