
Configuration for “VLAN” resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
id <Double> Read-write A positive integer that uniquely identifies a VLAN.

Minimum value = 1

Maximum value = 4094
aliasname <String> Read-write A name for the VLAN. Must begin with a letter, a number, or the underscore symbol, and can consist of from 1 to 31 letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-), period (.) pound (#), space ( ), at sign (@), equals (=), colon (:), and underscore (_) characters. You should choose a name that helps identify the VLAN. However, you cannot perform any VLAN operation by specifying this name instead of the VLAN ID.

Maximum length = 31
dynamicrouting <String> Read-write Enable dynamic routing on this VLAN.

Default value: DISABLED

Possible values = ENABLED, DISABLED
ipv6dynamicrouting <String> Read-write Enable all IPv6 dynamic routing protocols on this VLAN. Note: For the ENABLED setting to work, you must configure IPv6 dynamic routing protocols from the VTYSH command line.

Default value: DISABLED

Possible values = ENABLED, DISABLED
mtu <Double> Read-write Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The MTU is the largest packet size, excluding 14 bytes of ethernet header and 4 bytes of crc, that can be transmitted and received over this VLAN.

Default value: 0

Minimum value = 500

Maximum value = 9216
sharing <String> Read-write If sharing is enabled, then this vlan can be shared across multiple partitions by binding it to all those partitions. If sharing is disabled, then this vlan can be bound to only one of the partitions.

Default value: DISABLED

Possible values = ENABLED, DISABLED
linklocalipv6addr <String> Read-only The link-local IP address assigned to the VLAN.
rnat <Boolean> Read-only Temporary flag used for internal purpose.
portbitmap <Double> Read-only Member interfaces of this vlan.
lsbitmap <Double> Read-only Member linksets of this vlan.
tagbitmap <Double> Read-only Tagged members of this vlan.
lstagbitmap <Double> Read-only Tagged linksets of this vlan.
ifaces <String> Read-only Names of all member interfaces of this vlan.
tagifaces <String> Read-only Names of all tagged member interfaces of this vlan.
ifnum <String> Read-only The interface to be bound to the VLAN, specified in slot/port notation (for example, 1/3).

Minimum length = 1
tagged <Boolean> Read-only Make the interface an 802.1q tagged interface. Packets sent on this interface on this VLAN have an additional 4-byte 802.1q tag, which identifies the VLAN. To use 802.1q tagging, you must also configure the switch connected to the appliance's interfaces.
vlantd <Double> Read-only Traffic domain associated with vlan.

Minimum value = 0

Maximum value = 4094
sdxvlan <String> Read-only SDX vlan.

Default value: NO

Possible values = YES, NO
partitionname <String> Read-only Name of the Partition to which this vlan bound to.

Minimum length = 1
vxlan <Double> Read-only The VXLAN that extends this vlan.
__count <Double> Read-only count parameter


(click to see Properties )

  • ADD
  • GET (ALL)
  • GET

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: *

Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan


Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Request Payload:

<b>      "id":<Double_value>,
</b>      "aliasname":<String_value>,



HTTP Status Code on Success: 201 Created

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan/ id_value<Double>


Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan

HTTP Method: PUT

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Request Payload:

<b>      "id":<Double_value>,
</b>      "aliasname":<String_value>,



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan? action=unset


Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Request Payload:

<b>      "id":<Double_value>,
</b>      "aliasname":true,



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

get (all)

URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan



http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan? attrs=property-name1,property-name2

Use this query parameter to specify the resource details that you want to retrieve.


http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan? filter=property-name1:property-val1,property-name2:property-val2

Use this query-parameter to get the filtered set of vlan resources configured on NetScaler.Filtering can be done on any of the properties of the resource.


http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan? view=summary

Use this query-parameter to get the summary output of vlan resources configured on NetScaler.

Note: By default, the retrieved results are displayed in detail view (?view=detail).


http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan? pagesize=#no;pageno=#no

Use this query-parameter to get the vlan resources in chunks.

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{ "vlan": [ {



URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan/ id_value<Double>



http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan/ id_value<Double> ? attrs=property-name1,property-name2

Use this query parameter to specify the resource details that you want to retrieve.


http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan/ id_value<Double> ? view=summary

Use this query-parameter to get the summary output of vlan resources configured on NetScaler.

Note: By default, the retrieved results are displayed in detail view (?view=detail).

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{  "vlan": [ {



URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/vlan? count=yes

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{ "vlan": [ { "__count": "#no"} ] }
