
Statistics for tcp protocol resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
clearstats <String> Read-write Clear the statsistics / counters.

Possible values = basic, full
tcpactiveserverconn <Double> Read-only Connections to a server currently responding to requests.
tcpcurserverconnopening <Double> Read-only Server connections in the Opening state, which indicates that the handshakes are not yet complete.
tcpcurclientconnopening <Double> Read-only Client connections in the Opening state, which indicates that the handshakes are not yet complete.
tcpcurclientconnestablished <Double> Read-only Current client connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the Citrix ADC and the client.
tcpcurserverconnestablished <Double> Read-only Current server connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the Citrix ADC and the server.
tcptotrxpkts <Double> Read-only TCP packets received.
tcprxpktsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotrxpkts
tcptotrxbytes <Double> Read-only Bytes of TCP data received.
tcprxbytesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotrxbytes
tcptottxpkts <Double> Read-only TCP packets transmitted.
tcptxpktsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptottxpkts
tcptottxbytes <Double> Read-only Bytes of TCP data transmitted.
tcptxbytesrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptottxbytes
tcpcurclientconn <Double> Read-only Client connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcpcurclientconnclosing <Double> Read-only Client connections in the Closing state, which indicates that the connection termination process has initiated but is not complete.
tcptotclientconnopened <Double> Read-only Client connections opened by the Citrix ADC since startup (after three-way handshake). This counter is reset when the Citrix ADC is restarted.
tcpclientconnopenedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotclientconnopened
tcpcurserverconn <Double> Read-only Server connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcpcurserverconnclosing <Double> Read-only Server connections in the Closing state, which indicates that the connection termination process has initiated but is not complete.
tcptotserverconnopened <Double> Read-only Server connections initiated by the Citrix ADC since startup. This counter is reset when the Citrix ADC is restarted.
tcpserverconnopenedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotserverconnopened
tcpsurgequeuelen <Double> Read-only Connections in the surge queue. When the Citrix ADC cannot open a connection to the server, for example when maximum connections have been reached, the Citrix ADC queues these requests.
tcpspareconn <Double> Read-only Spare connections available. To save time and resources in establishing another connection for a new client, the connection on the server is not closed after completing the request from the first client and is available for serving future requests.
tcptotzombiecltconnflushed <Double> Read-only Client connections that are flushed because the client has been idle for some time.
tcpzombiecltconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombiecltconnflushed
tcptotzombiehalfopencltconnflushed <Double> Read-only Half-opened client connections that are flushed because the three-way handshakes are not complete.
tcpzombiehalfopencltconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombiehalfopencltconnflushed
tcptotzombieactivehalfclosecltconnflushed <Double> Read-only Active half-closed client connections that are flushed because the client has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpzombieactivehalfclosecltconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombieactivehalfclosecltconnflushed
tcptotzombiepassivehalfclosecltconnflushed <Double> Read-only Passive half-closed client connections that are flushed because the Citrix ADC has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpzombiepassivehalfclosecltconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombiepassivehalfclosecltconnflushed
tcptotzombiesvrconnflushed <Double> Read-only Server connections that are flushed because there have been no client requests in the queue for some time.
tcpzombiesvrconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombiesvrconnflushed
tcptotzombiehalfopensvrconnflushed <Double> Read-only Half-opened server connections that are flushed because the three-way handshakes are not complete.
tcpzombiehalfopensvrconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombiehalfopensvrconnflushed
tcptotzombieactivehalfclosesvrconnflushed <Double> Read-only Active half-closed server connections that are flushed because the server has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpzombieactivehalfclosesvrconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombieactivehalfclosesvrconnflushed
tcptotzombiepassivehalfclosesrvconnflushed <Double> Read-only Passive half-closed server connections that are flushed because the Citrix ADC has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpzombiepassivehalfclosesrvconnflushedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotzombiepassivehalfclosesrvconnflushed
pcbtotzombiecall <Double> Read-only Times the Zombie cleanup function is called. Every time a connection is flushed, it is marked for cleanup. The Zombie cleanup function clears all these connections at predefined intervals.
pcbzombiecallrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for pcbtotzombiecall
tcptotsyn <Double> Read-only SYN packets received
tcpsynrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotsyn
tcptotsynprobe <Double> Read-only Probes from the Citrix ADC to a server. The Citrix ADC sends a SYN packet to the server to check its availability and expects a SYN_ACK packet from the server before a specified response timeout.
tcpsynproberate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotsynprobe
tcptotsvrfin <Double> Read-only FIN packets received from the server.
tcpsvrfinrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotsvrfin
tcptotcltfin <Double> Read-only FIN packets received from the clients.
tcpcltfinrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotcltfin
tcpwaittosyn <Double> Read-only SYN packets (packets used to initiate a TCP connection) received on connections that are in the TIME_WAIT state. Packets cannot be transferred on a connection in this state.
tcpwaittosynrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcpwaittosyn
tcpwaittodata <Double> Read-only Bytes of data received on connections that are in the TIME_WAIT state. Data cannot be transferred on a connection that is in this state.
tcpwaittodatarate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcpwaittodata
tcptotsynheld <Double> Read-only SYN packets held on the Citrix ADC that are waiting for a server connection.
tcpsynheldrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotsynheld
tcptotsynflush <Double> Read-only SYN packets flushed on the Citrix ADC because of no response from the server for three or more seconds.
tcpsynflushrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotsynflush
tcptotfinwaitclosed <Double> Read-only Connections closed on the Citrix ADC because the number of connections in the TIME_WAIT state has exceeded the default value of 7000.
tcpfinwaitclosedrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcptotfinwaitclosed
tcperrbadchecksum <Double> Read-only Packets received with a TCP checksum error.
tcperrbadchecksumrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrbadchecksum
tcperrdataafterfin <Double> Read-only Packets received following a connection termination request. This error is usually caused by a reordering of packets during transmission.
tcperrdataafterfinrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrdataafterfin
tcperrsyninsynrcvd <Double> Read-only SYN packets received on a connection that is in the SYN_RCVD state. A connection goes into the SYN_RCVD state after receiving a SYN packet.
tcperrsyninsynrcvdrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsyninsynrcvd
tcperrsyninest <Double> Read-only SYN packets received on a connection that is in the ESTABLISHED state. A SYN packet is not expected on an ESTABLISHED connection.
tcperrsyninestrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsyninest
tcperrsynsentbadack <Double> Read-only Incorrect ACK packets received on a connection that is in the SYN_SENT state. An incorrect ACK packet is the third packet in the three-way handshake that has an incorrect sequence number.
tcperrsynsentbadackrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsynsentbadack
tcperrrst <Double> Read-only Reset packets received from a client or a server.
tcperrrstrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrrst
tcperrrstnonest <Double> Read-only Reset packets received on a connection that is not in the ESTABLISHED state.
tcperrrstnonestrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrrstnonest
tcperrrstoutofwindow <Double> Read-only Reset packets received on a connection that is out of the current TCP window.
tcperrrstoutofwindowrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrrstoutofwindow
tcperrrstintimewait <Double> Read-only Reset packets received on a connection that is in the TIME_WAIT state. Packets cannot be transferred on a connection in the TIME_WAIT state.
tcperrrstintimewaitrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrrstintimewait
tcperrsvroutoforder <Double> Read-only Out of order TCP packets received from a server.
tcperrsvroutoforderrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsvroutoforder
tcperrcltoutoforder <Double> Read-only Out of order TCP packets received from a client.
tcperrcltoutoforderrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcltoutoforder
tcperrclthole <Double> Read-only TCP holes created on a client connection. When out of order packets are received from a client, a hole is created on the Citrix ADC for each group of missing packets.
tcperrcltholerate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrclthole
tcperrsvrhole <Double> Read-only TCP holes created on a server connection. When out of order packets are received from a server, a hole is created on the Citrix ADC for each group of missing packets.
tcperrsvrholerate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsvrhole
tcperrcookiepktseqreject <Double> Read-only SYN cookie packets rejected because they contain an incorrect sequence number.
tcperrcookiepktseqrejectrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcookiepktseqreject
tcperrcookiepktsigreject <Double> Read-only SYN cookie packets rejected because they contain an incorrect signature.
tcperrcookiepktsigrejectrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcookiepktsigreject
tcperrcookiepktseqdrop <Double> Read-only SYN cookie packets dropped because the sequence number specified in the packets is outside the current window.
tcperrcookiepktseqdroprate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcookiepktseqdrop
tcperrcookiepktmssreject <Double> Read-only SYN cookie packets rejected because the maximum segment size (MSS) specified in the packets is incorrect.
tcperrcookiepktmssrejectrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcookiepktmssreject
tcperranyportfail <Double> Read-only Port allocations that have failed on a mapped IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has been exceeded.
tcperranyportfailrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperranyportfail
tcperripportfail <Double> Read-only Port allocations that have failed on a subnet IP address or vserver IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has been exceeded.
tcperripportfailrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperripportfail
tcperrstraypkt <Double> Read-only Number of stray or misrouted packets.
tcperrstraypktrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrstraypkt
tcperrsentrst <Double> Read-only Reset packets sent to a client or a server.
tcperrsentrstrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsentrst
tcperrbadstateconn <Double> Read-only Connections that are not in a valid TCP state.
tcperrbadstateconnrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrbadstateconn
tcperrrstthreshold <Double> Read-only Reset packets dropped because the default threshold of 100 resets per 10 milliseconds has been exceeded. This is a configurable value using the set rateControl command.
tcperrrstthresholdrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrrstthreshold
tcperroutofwindowpkts <Double> Read-only Packets received that are out of the current advertised window.
tcperroutofwindowpktsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperroutofwindowpkts
tcperrsyndroppedcongestion <Double> Read-only SYN packets dropped because of network congestion.
tcperrsyndroppedcongestionrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsyndroppedcongestion
tcperrcltretrasmit <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted by a client. This usually occurs because the acknowledgement from the Citrix ADC has not reached the client.
tcperrcltretrasmitrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcltretrasmit
tcperrfullretrasmit <Double> Read-only Full packets retransmitted by the client or the server.
tcperrfullretrasmitrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrfullretrasmit
tcperrsynretry <Double> Read-only SYN packets resent to a server.
tcperrsynretryrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsynretry
tcperrsyngiveup <Double> Read-only Attempts to establish a connection on the Citrix ADC that timed out.
tcperrsyngiveuprate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsyngiveup
tcperrretransmit <Double> Read-only TCP packets retransmitted. The Citrix ADC attempts to retransmit the packet up to seven times, after which it resets the other half of the TCP connection.
tcperrretransmitrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrretransmit
tcperrfirstretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted once by the Citrix ADC.
tcperrfirstretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrfirstretransmissions
tcperrthirdretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted three times by the Citrix ADC.
tcperrthirdretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrthirdretransmissions
tcperrfifthretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted five times by the Citrix ADC.
tcperrfifthretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrfifthretransmissions
tcperrseventhretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted seven times by the Citrix ADC. If this fails, the Citrix ADC terminates the connection.
tcperrseventhretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrseventhretransmissions
tcperrfastretransmissions <Double> Read-only TCP packets on which the Citrix ADC performs a fast retransmission in response to three duplicate acknowledgements or a partial acknowledgement. The Citrix ADC assumes that the packet is lost and retransmits the packet before its time-out.
tcperrfastretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrfastretransmissions
tcperrsvrretrasmit <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted by a server. This usually occurs because the acknowledgement from the Citrix ADC has not reached the server.
tcperrsvrretrasmitrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsvrretrasmit
tcperrpartialretrasmit <Double> Read-only Partial packet retransmits by a client or server due to congestion on the connection. This usually occurs because the window advertised by the Citrix ADC is not big enough to hold the full packet.
tcperrpartialretrasmitrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrpartialretrasmit
tcperrfinretry <Double> Read-only FIN packets resent to a server or a client.
tcperrfinretryrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrfinretry
tcperrfingiveup <Double> Read-only Connections that were timed out by the Citrix ADC because of not receiving the ACK packet after retransmitting the FIN packet four times.
tcperrfingiveuprate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrfingiveup
tcperrsecondretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted twice by the Citrix ADC.
tcperrsecondretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsecondretransmissions
tcperrforthretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted four times by the Citrix ADC.
tcperrforthretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrforthretransmissions
tcperrsixthretransmissions <Double> Read-only Packets retransmitted six times by the Citrix ADC.
tcperrsixthretransmissionsrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrsixthretransmissions
tcperrretransmitgiveup <Double> Read-only Number of times Citrix ADC terminates a connection after retransmitting the packet seven times on that connection.Retrasnmission happens when recieving end doesn't acknowledges the packet.
tcperrretransmitgiveuprate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrretransmitgiveup
tcperrcipalloc <Double> Read-only Number of times TCP level client header insertion failure
tcperrcipallocrate <Double> Read-only Rate (/s) counter for tcperrcipalloc


(click to see Properties )

  • GET (ALL)

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: *

Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green

get (all)

URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/protocoltcp



http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/stat/protocoltcp? args=detail: <Boolean_value> ,fullvalues: <Boolean_value> ,ntimes: <Double_value> ,logfile: <String_value> ,clearstats: <String_value>

Use this query-parameter to get protocoltcp resources based on additional properties.

HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>



HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{  "protocoltcp": [ {
