NetScaler xDS adapter Developer Guide

Build the NetScaler xDS adapter

To build the NetScaler xDS adapter container, you need to have the following software installed on your machine:

  • Docker
  • Make
  • Go 1.13 version

To build images, run the following command:

make build

To create the NetScaler xDS adapter container, run the following command:

make docker_build

Testing the NetScaler xDS adapter

NetScaler xDS adapter is developed to work generically for Ingress and sidecar proxy. So, testing NetScaler xDS adapter in any mode of NetScaler CPX is enough. NetScaler xDS adapter’s test coverage primarily focuses on Unit testing of NetScaler xDS adapter code and Integration testing with NetScaler.

As a prerequisite for testing NetScaler xDS adapter, run NetScaler CPX in the same machine.

Specify the following environment variables before running the test command.

Parameter Description
NS_TEST_IP NetScaler management IP
NS_TEST_LOGIN NetScaler user name
NS_TEST_PASSWORD NetScaler password

Tests with code coverage are invoked with make utest. This triggers both unit and integration tests.

    make utest

You can clean up using the following command:

    make clean
NetScaler xDS adapter Developer Guide