Citrix Cloud Licensing

Troubleshooting Citrix cloud licensing APIs

An unsuccessful Citrix cloud licensing API request returns the following information in the response body:

  • Type: A link to the standard HTTP response code.
  • Details: A brief description of the error.
  • Error_Description: An optional string object to provide the service response error description.

    Sample API error response

{ "type": "404", "detail": "resource not found", "parameters": { "name": "entityType", "value": "the request URL" } }

API 1: GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

  • This API is called to get historical usage for Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) UserDevice model in the specified time range.

GET query parameters

  • startDate
    • Start date from which userdevice historical usage to be retrived.
    • Should be specified as yyyy-MM.
  • endDate
    • End date to which userdevice historical usage to be retrived.
    • Should be specified as yyyy-MM.

Response codes

The following section lists the response codes for the APIs with examples.

200 OK

  • GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

Records retrived successfully

{ "customerId": "xingqit48867", "historicalUsageType": "Monthly", "productEdition": "XAXDFull", "xenAppXenDesktopHistoricalUsageList": [ { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "totalAvailableLicenseCount": 50, "timeStamp": "2021-10-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "releasedCount": 0 }, { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "totalAvailableLicenseCount": 50, "timeStamp": "2021-11-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "releasedCount": 0 }, { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "totalAvailableLicenseCount": 25, "timeStamp": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "releasedCount": 0 } ], "historicalUsageList": [ { "timeStamp": "2021-10-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "totalAvailableLicenseCount": 50, "deviceLicenseUsage": { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "releasedCount": 0 }, "userLicenseUsage": { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "releasedCount": 0 } }, { "timeStamp": "2021-11-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "totalAvailableLicenseCount": 50, "deviceLicenseUsage": { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "releasedCount": 0 }, "userLicenseUsage": { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "releasedCount": 0 } }, { "timeStamp": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "totalAvailableLicenseCount": 25, "deviceLicenseUsage": { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "releasedCount": 0 }, "userLicenseUsage": { "cumulativeAssignedCount": 3, "newAssignedCount": 0, "releasedCount": 0 } } ] }

400 Validation errors

If the parameters are provided incorrectly, the following error occurs:

  • GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

Case 1: DateTime range is invalid

Error 1: If the startDate or endDate format is not set correctly. Should use this date format ‘yyyy-MM’

{ "error_description": "{\"Code\":400,\"Message\":\"Invalid time format.\",\"Details\":\"Invalid time format.\"}" }

Error 2: If the endDate is earlier than the startDate will retuen following error. Make sure the time interval is correct

{ "error_description": "{\"Code\":400,\"Message\":\"StartDate can't be later than EndDate.\",\"Details\":\"StartDate can't be later than EndDate.\"}" }

401 Unauthorized

  • GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

Case 1: If the authorization header is empty or missing the reason mentioned in the parameters value is missing

{ "type": "", "detail": "Missing or invalid authentication details", "parameters": [ { "name": "reason", "value": "missing" } ] }

Case 2: If the authorization header is invalid the reason mentioned in the parameters value is invalid

{ "type": "", "detail": "Missing or invalid authentication details", "parameters": [ { "name": "reason", "value": "invalid" } ] }

403 Forbidden

If the authorization details are provided incorrectly in the header then following error occurs:

  • GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

Case 1: Customer (Bearer Token) details are not correct

{ "type": "", "detail": "Access denied" }

404 Not found

  • GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

Case 1: In case the url is not as per the swagger document

{ "type": "", "detail": "resource not found", "parameters": [ { "name": "entityType", "value": "/personalizati" } ] }

500 Internal server error

Report these errors directly to the engineering team to help resolve the issues. Take a note of the customer ID and Transaction ID from the customer to troubleshoot further.

  • GET/ license/enterprise/cloud/cvad/ud/historicalusage

Case 1: Server Errors

{ "type": "", "detail": "There was a internal issue" }
Citrix Cloud Licensing OpenAPI Specification
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Troubleshooting Citrix cloud licensing APIs