Viewing Service Entitlements

Determine service entitlement status for a customer

In order to find out which services a customer is entitled to, the days remaining on each of those entitlements, and the “quantity” of each entitlement, you can use the serviceStates API within Citrix Cloud.


Read the prerequisites and ensure that you have the customerId and the bearer token.

Getting Service States

The API call needed to get service states is shown below:


GET HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Authorization: CwsAuth Bearer=<token-from-call-to-trust>


Replace acme above with the ID of the customer you wish to query.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 2031 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 22:24:00 GMT X-Cws-TransactionId: bfc9b56c-bcd0-4cf1-9ea1-3da4d48a81c0 { "items": [ { "serviceName": "applayering", "state": "Production", "type": "Production", "quantity": 1, "daysToExpiration": 622, "futureEntitlementStartDate": null }, { "serviceName": "xendesktop", "state": "Production", "type": "Production", "quantity": 100, "daysToExpiration": 622, "futureEntitlementStartDate": null }, ... ] }

Interpreting the response

serviceName is the name of each product service within Citrix Cloud.

  • applayering: App Layering.
  • xendesktop: XenApp & XenDesktop service.
  • lifecyclemanagement: Smart tools.
  • sharefile: ShareFile.
  • xenmobile: XenMobile service.
  • browserservice: Remote Browser Isolation service.
  • licensing: License usage insights service.
  • office365: Office365 service (labs).
  • mas: NetScaler Management and Analytics service.
  • netscalergateway: NetScaler Gateway service.
  • aggregation: On-premises Site Aggregation service.
  • cas: Citrix Analytics service.
  • waf: Web App Security service.

state can be one of:

  • NotOnboarded: The customer has not yet been onboarded to the service. Customers get onboarded to services when they receive an entitlement to the service.
  • Expired: The entitlement to the service has expired.
  • Default: The service has not received any entitlements.
  • ProductionTrialDenied: A trial request for the service has been denied.
  • ProductionTrialPending: A trial for the service has been requested and is awaiting approval.
  • ProductionTrialApproved: A trial for the service has been granted, and is currently being provisioned.
  • ProductionTrial: The service is active, within a trial period.
  • ProductionTrialDeleted: The service trial period was completed, and the service data was deleted.
  • ProductionPending: The service is currently being provisioned.
  • Production: The service is active in a production mode.
  • PartnerProductionPending: The service is being provisioned in a partner (e.g. resellable) mode.
  • PartnerProduction: The service is active in a partner (e.g. resellable) mode.
  • NotOnboardedTrialPending: The customer has not yet been onboarded to the service but a trial has already been requested.


The states can be generally grouped into three categories:

  • The customer is not currently entitled to the service: NotOnboarded, Expired, Default, ProductionTrialDenied, ProductionTrialPending, ProductionTrialDeleted

  • The customer is entitled to the service but the service has not yet been provisioned: ProductionTrialApproved, ProductionPending, PartnerProductionPending, NotOnboardedTrialPending

  • The customer is entitled to the service and it is fully provisioned: ProductionTrial, Production, PartnerProduction.

type indicates the service mode:

  • Production: The service operates with full capabilities as defined by the terms of its license.
  • ProductionTrial: The customer has temporary access in order to evaluate the service. Note that the service may also have lower availability and redundancy than Production mode.
  • PartnerProduction: Similar to Production but allowing the partner to resell the service.
  • Default: The customer is not entitled to the service.

quantity indicates the number of licenses currently active for the service. Consult the service documentation to determine what the quantity metric refers to (users, devices, capacity units, etc).

daysToExpiration indicates the number of days remaining in the license term. If a customer has purchased multiple licenses for the same service, with different end dates, daysToExpiration will reflect the longest remaining license term.

futureEntitlementStartDate, if present, indicates a future date at which the service entitlement will take effect.

C# Example

This example illustrates how to enumerate the customer’s service states.

public static async Task<ItemCollection<ServiceStateResponse>> GetServiceStates(string bearerToken, string customer) { var client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.ParseAdd("application/json"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("CwsAuth", "Bearer=" + bearerToken); var response = await client.GetAsync( "" + customer + "/serviceStates" ); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ItemCollection<ServiceStateResponse>>(content); } public class ItemCollection<T> { public IList<T> Items { get; set; } } public class ServiceStateResponse { public string ServiceName { get; set; } public string State { get; set; } public string Type { get; set; } public int? Quantity { get; set; } public int? DaysToExpiration { get; set; } public string FutureEntitlementStartDate { get; set; } }
Viewing Service Entitlements OpenAPI Specification
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Determine service entitlement status for a customer