Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Change the settings of a shared desktop.


Set-BrokerSharedDesktop [-InputObject] <SharedDesktop[]> [-PassThru] [-InMaintenanceMode <Boolean>] [-LoggingId <Guid>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-TraceParent <String>] [-TraceState <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Set-BrokerSharedDesktop [-MachineName] <String> [-PassThru] [-InMaintenanceMode <Boolean>] [-LoggingId <Guid>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-TraceParent <String>] [-TraceState <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Shared desktops are automatically created when a machine is added to a desktop group with a DesktopKind of ‘Shared’, and these inherit default properties. Use Set-BrokerSharedDesktop to change the configuration settings of an existing shared desktop.

To specify shared desktops, you can choose whether to update by machine name or by passing a SharedDesktop or an array of SharedDesktop objects. You can also use the Uid or an array of Uids instead.

Most properties of a shared desktop cannot be modified as these contain status information; for example DNSName, RegistrationState, and OSVersion. You can change only the maintenance mode setting with this cmdlet.

Many of the properties that can be set with Set-BrokerSharedDesktop can be set by using Set-BrokerMachine (e.g. InMaintenanceMode). Using the Set-BrokerMachine cmdlet, where possible, is the preferred behaviour.

See about_Broker_Desktops for more information about desktops.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
InputObject Specifies the desktop or array of desktops to modify. You can also use an integer Uid of the desktop instead. true true (ByValue)  
MachineName Specifies the desktop to modify using its machine name (in the form ‘domain\machine’). true true (ByPropertyName)  
PassThru This cmdlet does not generate any output, unless you use the PassThru parameter, in which case it returns the affected record. false false False
InMaintenanceMode Changes the maintenance mode setting of a desktop. When a desktop is in maintenance mode, it is not included as a candidate when brokering new sessions, and it does not participate in automatic power management (idle pool); however, it still responds to explicit power operations. false false  
LoggingId Specifies the identifier of the high level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Desktop Studio and Desktop Director typically create High Level Operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a High Level Operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets. false false  
AdminAddress Specifies the address of a XenDesktop controller that the PowerShell snapin will connect to. This can be provided as a host name or an IP address. false false Localhost. Once a value is provided by any cmdlet, this value will become the default.
BearerToken Specifies the bearer token assigned to the calling user false false  
TraceParent Specifies the trace parent assigned for internal diagnostic tracing use false false  
TraceState Specifies the trace state assigned for internal diagnostic tracing use false false  
VirtualSiteId Specifies the virtual site the PowerShell snap-in will connect to. false false  

Input Type


You can pipe SharedDesktop objects into this cmdlet instead of on the command line with the -InputObject parameter.

Return Values

None Or Citrix.Broker.Admin.Sdk.Shareddesktop

This cmdlet does not generate any output, unless you use the PassThru parameter, in which case it generates a Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SharedDesktop object.


Example 1

C:\PS> Set-BrokerSharedDesktop DOMAIN\Machine1 -InMaintenanceMode $true


Put the Machine1 shared desktop into maintenance mode.

Example 2

C:\PS> Get-BrokerSharedDesktop -InMaintenanceMode $true | Set-BrokerSharedDesktop -InMaintenanceMode $false


Bring all shared desktops currently in maintenance mode back into normal service.
