How to get details of all published applications for a catalog

Use REST APIs to get details of all applications published for a catalog.

You can make API requests using the PowerShell code, C# code, or any tool that supports invoking the REST API.

Catalog apps documentation.

Steps to get details of all published applications for a catalog in Azure account

To get details of all applications published for a catalog in your Azure account, use the following procedure:

Get details of all published applications for a catalog in Azure account using any REST API tool

Learn from the following example to get details of all applications published for a catalog in your Azure account using any REST API tool.


GET{customerId}/{siteId}/catalogs/{catalogId}/apps HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: CwsAuth bearer=<token-from-prerequisites>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
citrix-transactionid: 80699539-ae66-4eb7-ae67-370606d12766
content-Length: 6676
content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
date: "Tue, 26 September 2017 19:20:13 GMT"

  "items": [
      "state": "Published",
      "id": "522e06cf-974e-4a7a-bd26-06faa010288f",
      "name": "Calculator",
      "applicationPath": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\calc.exe",
      "workingDirectory": "%windir%\\system32",
      "description": "Calculator application",
      "compressedb64Icon": "iVBORw0KGgoAAA..."
      "state": "Published",
      "id": "73352308-ea31-41dc-ab95-9fa524e67fed",
      "name": "Command Prompt",
      "applicationPath": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe",
      "description": "Command prompt application",
      "compressedb64Icon": "iVBORw0KGgoAAA..."
      "commandLineParams": "start notepad"

Interpreting the response

The response is a JSON with a list of all your published applications for the catalog.

Property name Description  
state Publish state of the application. This is always set to Published .
id The ID of the application. This is the ID to pass to any API that accepts an appId.  
name The name of the application. This name matches the start menu discovered applications on a image.  
applicationPath The path of the application executable on the image.  
workingDirectory By default, this path is the same as the path in the ApplicationPath field. To run the application from a different directory, add an  
absolute path to this field.    
description This is the description that shows in your user’s workspace.  
compressedb64Icon The compressed application icon in Base64 format. This is for  
displaying the icon in the UI.    
commandLineParams The command line parameters for the app at startup.  

Get details of all published applications for a catalog in Azure account using PowerShell

Learn from the following example to get details of all applications published for a catalog in your Azure account using PowerShell code.

function GetCatalogApplications {
  param (
    [string] $customerId,
    [string] $siteId,
    [string] $catalogId,
    [string] $bearerToken
  $requestUri = [string]::Format("{0}/{1}/catalogs/{2}/apps", $customerId, $siteId, $catalogId)
  $headers = @{"Accept"="application/json";
               "Authorization"="CwsAuth bearer=$bearerToken"}

  $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUri -Method GET -Headers $headers
  return $response

$customerId = "customer1" #Replace with your customerId
$siteId = "61603f15-cdf9-4c7f-99ff-91636601a795" #Replace with your site ID
$catalogId = "8d352ba7-1917-41c3-95e5-50f436be8968" #Replace with your catalog ID
$bearerToken = "ey1.." #See Prerequisites for all API calls section for a sample of how to get your bearer token
$response = GetCatalogApplications $customerId $siteId $catalogId $bearerToken

Get details of all published applications for a catalog in Azure account using C# code

Learn from the following example to get details of all applications published for a catalog in your Azure account using C# code.

public static async Task<string> GetCatalogApplications(
    string customerId,
    string siteId,
    string catalogId,
    string bearerToken)
    var requestUri = string.Format("{0}/{1}/catalogs/{2}/apps", customerId, siteId, catalogId);
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
                   new AuthenticationHeaderValue("CwsAuth", "Bearer=" + bearerToken);

        var response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri);

        if (response != null)
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // Parsing the JSON content is left as an exercise to the reader.
            // Consult Json.NET documentation on for more information.

            return content;

        return null;
Citrix Virtual Apps Essentials OpenAPI Specification
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How to get details of all published applications for a catalog