
Each custom virtual channel has a virtual channel stream name (streamName) and virtual channel code resources information (appId) as part of the configuration.


We recommend using Configuration Utility Tool to generate required configuration through a Graphical user interface. You can find the corresponding guide here.

Use one of the following ways to configure a virtual channel:


Sample configuration

var HTML5_CONFIG = {
"customVC": [
"appId": "<html=https://<webserver>:<port>/<resource>>",
             "streamName": "<virtual channel name>"}


  • Configuration.js saved successfully.
  • Example:
var HTML5_CONFIG = {
"customVC": [
           "appId": "html=",
           "streamName": "CTXPING"

Global App Config service

Sample setting

    "category": "CustomVC",
    "userOverride": false,
    "assignedTo": [
    "settings": [{
        "name": "custom virtual channels",
        "value": [{
                "Id of the Html5 App implementing the custom vc":
                "Virtual Channel Name ": "<virtual channel name>"


  • PUT request for updating the configuration is successful with ‘204’ status
  • Perform a GET request and verify the settings that have been pushed.

For example,

    "category": "CustomVC",
    "userOverride": false,
    "assignedTo": [
    "settings": [{
        "name": "custom virtual channels",
        "value": [
                "Id of the Html5 App implementing the custom vc": "html="
                "Virtual Channel Name ": "CTXPING"