Reference information

This section includes the following:

  • Command line utilities
  • Configuration files
  • Library files
  • Scripts

Commandline utilities


You can use a connection file simply by typing its name after wfica without any of the options below.

To Type
Specify the custom connection to use from the Connection file. Note: With the new self-service UI, you cannot set up a custom connection in this way. -desc description
Specify the custom connection to use from the Connection file. Note: With the new self-service UI, you cannot set up a custom connection in this way. -description
Specify a desktop file. -desktop filename
Specify a connection file. -file connection_filename
Set alternative protocol file. This enables the use of an alternative module.ini. -protocolfile filename
Set alternative client configuration file. This enables the use of an alternative wfclient.ini. -clientfile filename
Display a different name for Workspace app, specified by name, wherever that name appears. The default name is the device name. However, if you use a Sunray device, the default name is derived from the device’s MAC address. This is overridden by the ClientName entry in .ICAClient/wfclient.ini, which is itself overridden by issuing the - clientname option. -clientname name
Show this list of parameters. -help
Display version information. -version
Show error numbers and string. -errno
Set the location of Workspace app installation files. This is equivalent to setting the ICAROOT environment variable. -icaroot directory
Suppress connection dialogs. -quiet
Enable key logging. -keylog
Set session geometry. -geometry WxH+X+Y
Set color depth. -depth <4, 8, 16, 24, auto>
Set monitor spanning. -span [h][o][a, mon1[,mon2[,mon3,mon4]]]
Use private color map. -private
Use shared color map. -shared
Specify a string to be added to a published application. -param string
Specify the UNIX path to be accessed through client drive mapping by a published application. -fileparam unixpath
Specify a user name. -username
Specify a disguised password. -password
Specify a clear text password. -clearpassword "clear password"
Specify a domain. -domain
Specify an initial program. -program
Specify a directory for the initial program to use. -directory
Turn on sound. -sound
Turn off sound. -nosound
Set drive mapping overrides. These are of the form A$=path, where path can contain an environment variable (for example A$=$HOME/tmp). This option must be repeated for each drive to be overridden. For the override to work, there must be an existing mapping, though it need not be enabled. -drivemap string


The following table documents the options that you can use with the storebrowse utility.

Option Description Notes
-a, --addstore Adds a new store To add a store, the operation accepts an incomplete URL and tries possible stores, using default names, until it finds one that exists. Whenever it adds a store it reports the complete URL. With this release, other operations that require a store can implicitly add the store in addition to their main function, provided that they are given the complete URL for the store.
-E, --enumerate Enumerates the available resources. By default, the resource name, display name, and folder of the resource are displayed. Additional information can be displayed, by using the --details option.
-e, --listerrorcodes Lists error codes.  
-S, --subscribed Lists the subscribed resources. By default, the resource name, display name, and folder of the resource are displayed. Additional information can be displayed using the --details option.
-M, --details Use in conjunction with the -E or -S option. Selects which attributes of published applications are returned. This option takes an argument that is the sum of the numbers corresponding to the required details: Publisher(0x1), VideoType(0x2), SoundType(0x4), AppInStartMenu(0x8), AppOnDesktop(0x10), AppIsDesktop(0x20), AppIsDisabled(0x40), WindowType(0x80), WindowScale(0x100), and DisplayName(0x200). CreateShortcuts(0x100000) can be used in conjunction with -S, -s, and -u to create menu entries for subscribed applications. RemoveShortcuts(0x20000 0) can be used with -S to delete all menu entries. Some of these details are not available through storebrowse. If this is the case, the output is 0. Values can also be expressed in decimal as well as hexadecimal (for example, 512 for 0x200).
-v, --version Writes the version number of storebrowse to the standard output.  
-?, -h, --help Lists the usage for storebrowse. An abbreviated version of this table is displayed.
-U, --username Passes the user name to the server. These options work with Program Neighborhood Agent sites and StoreFront sites. When used with a StoreFront site, the site must be configured to support HTTP Basic authentication, otherwise, these options are ignored.
-P, --password Passes the password to the server. These options work with Program Neighborhood Agent sites and StoreFront sites. When used with a StoreFront site, the site must be configured to support HTTP Basic authentication, otherwise, these options are ignored.
-D, --domain Passes the domain to the server. These options work with Program Neighborhood Agent sites and StoreFront sites. When used with a StoreFront site, the site must be configured to support HTTP Basic authentication, otherwise, these options are ignored.
-r, --icaroot Specifies the root directory of the Citrix Workspace app for Linux installation. If not specified, the value is taken from the ICAROOT environment variable or determined at run time.
-i, --icons Use in conjunction with the -E or -S option. Fetches desktop or application icons, in PNG format, of the size and depth given by the best or size argument. If the best argument is used, the best sized icon available on the server is fetched. You can convert this to any size required. The best argument is the most efficient for storage and bandwidth, and can simplify scripting. If the size argument is used, an icon is fetched of the specified size and depth. In both cases, icons are saved in a file for each of the resources that the –E or -S option returns. The best argument creates an icon of the form <resource name>.png. The size argument is of the form WxB, where W is the width of the icon (all icons are square, so only one value is needed to specify the size), and B is the color depth (that is, the number of bits per pixel). W is required but B is optional. If it is not specified, icons of all available image depths are fetched for that size. The files that are created are named <resource name>_WxWxB.png.
-u, --unsubscribe Unsubscribes the specified resource from the given store.  
-s, --subscribe Subscribes the specified resource from the given store. If you use a different Workspace app, subscriptions on Program Neighborhood Agent servers are unavailable.

Important: The unique gateway

Option Description Notes
-d, --deletestore Deregisters a store with the Service Record daemon.  
-c, --configselfservice Gets and sets the self- service UI settings that are stored in StoreCache.ctx. Takes an argument of the form <entry[=value]>. If only entry is present, the setting’s current value is printed. If a value is present, it is used to configure the setting. Example: storebrowse --configselfservice SharedUserMode=True Important: Both entry and value are case sensitive. Commands that use this option will fail if the case is different to the documented case of the setting itself (in StoreCache.ctx).
-C, --addCR Reads the provided Citrix Workspace app (CR) file, and prompts the user to add each store. The output is the same as –a, but might contain more than one store, separated by newlines.
-K, --killdaemon Terminates the storebrowse daemon process. All credentials and tokens are purged. The SSO credentials inserted last are also removed.

storebrowse return codes

Error number Description


Important: The pnabrowse utility is deprecated but can still query Program Neighborhood Agent sites for lists of servers and published resources, and lets you connect to a published resource. Citrix discourages the use of pnabrowse because it prevents users from accessing StoreFront stores; use storebrowse instead. storebrowse can prompt for credentials from both sites and stores. The -U, -P and -D options only work with Program Neighborhood Agent sites.

An optional argument of pnabrowse specifies the server to connect to. This may be either:

  • The name of the XenApp server, for options -S and -A.
  • The URL of the server running a Program Neighborhood Agent site, for options -E and -L.

The pnabrowse utility returns an exit value indicating success or failure, and can use the following options with XenApp.

Option Description
-S List servers, one per line.
-A List published applications, one per line.
-m Used in conjunction with -A, this expands the information returned about published applications to include Publisher, Video Type, Sound Type, AppInStartMenu, AppOnDesktop, AppIsDesktop, AppIsDisabled, Window Type, WindowScale, and Display Name.
-M Used in conjunction with -A, this selects individual columns of information returned about published applications. It takes an argument (1-1023) which is the sum of the numbers corresponding to the required details: Publisher(1), Video Type(2), Sound Type(4), AppInStartMenu(8), AppOnDesktop(16), AppIsDesktop(32), AppIsDisabled(64), Window Type(128), Window Scale(256), and DisplayName(512).
-c When appended to option -A, create files specifying the minimum information the client engine needs to connect to published applications; for example, application name, browse server, window resolution, color depth, audio, and encryption settings. File names are formatted as follows: /tmp/xxx_1.ica, /tmp/xxx_2.ica where xxx is replaced by the decimal process identifier for the pnabrowse process.
-d Used in conjunction with -L to specify the XDG desktop file.
-e Shows error numbers.
-i Include paths to files containing icon images for published applications in the output from option -A. Either .xpm or .png files are returned depending on the use of the size (WxB) option: -i returns 16x16 icons in XPM format at 4 bits per pixel. -iWxB returns WxW icons in PNG format at B bits per pixel.
-f Include Citrix XenApp folder names for published applications in the output from option -A.
-u Specify a user name for authenticating the user to a proxy server.
-p Specify a password for authenticating the user to a proxy server.

The following options provide Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service functionality and can be used with both XenApp and XenDesktop.

Option Description
-E Invoke Citrix XenApp and enumerate all published resources. If you specify both -E and -L, the last option on the command line takes effect. The utility then terminates, possibly leaving a connection open. For each resource the following details are written to standard output, enclosed in single quotation marks and separated by tab characters: Name: The display name from the Access Management Console Application Properties dialog box. Folder: The Program Neighborhood folder from the Access Management Console Application Properties dialog box. Type: Either Application or Content. Icon: The full path name of an .xpm format icon file.
-L Specify the name of the published resource to which you want to connect. This invokes Citrix XenApp and launches a connection to a published resource. If you specify both -E and -L, the last option on the command line takes effect. The utility then terminates, possibly leaving a connection open.
-N Specify a new password. This option must be used with existing credentials and is valid only when the existing password has expired, as indicated by the exit code 238: PASSWORD_EXPIRED_OR_MUST_CHANGE.
-P Specify a password for authenticating the user to the server running the Web Interface or the server running the Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service.
-U Specify a user name for authenticating the user to the server running the Web Interface or the server running the Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service.
-D Specify a domain for authenticating the user to the server running the Web Interface or the server running the Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service.
-WD Disconnects all active sessions for the user.
-WT Terminates all sessions for the user.
-Wr Reconnects to all disconnected sessions for the user.
-WR Reconnects to all sessions (active or disconnected) for the user.
-k Use an existing Kerberos ticket to authenticate, rather than user name, password, and domain. This requires configuration of the client and server. It is applicable only for pnabrowse.

The following common options are used:

Option Description
-q Quiet mode; do not print error messages.
-r Include raw icon data for published applications in the output from options - E or -A.
-V Displays version details.
-h Print a usage message listing the options.
-? Print a usage message listing the options.

Exit Status values

The command-line utilities storebrowse and pnabrowse report exit status values to indicate success or failure. If problems arise, these values give guidance on possible error causes and their meanings, and are listed in the following table. Note that some error conditions may result in different exit values depending on which part of the code detects them.

Value Description
0 Success
1-242 These error codes are associated with common error messages. Run pnabrowse -errno for a list of these messages.
246 Citrix XenApp has reported an error. See the text written to standard output for more information on this error.
247 A published resource has not been recognized.
248 Invalid credentials.
249 Failed to enumerate servers.
250 Failed to make a directory.
251 Failed to load a .ini file.
252 No Web Interface server was specified.
253 No Program Neighborhood Agent server was specified.
254 A parameter is missing
255 Execution failed

When pnabrowse fails to change a password, the exit code can be useful in diagnosing the problem. For example:

63 E_NOT_ALLOWED WI configuration prohibits change
65 E_NOT_SUPPORTED Could be seen if :-
-  WI config requires “direct connection” (=Kerberos), but couldn’t load Kerberos library
-  Support is not compiled into client - might see it with pre 11.114 version
-  Trying to change a Novell password
255 EX_EXEC_FAILED Some problem with the server changing the password, such as it hasn’t expired.

Configuration files

For any given connection, the configuration files are checked in a specific order. For details, see Configuration files earlier in this document.


This .ini file contains a section for parameters specific to the Workspace app user interface (UI), such as version number and desired resolution.

In Version 10.x and later of Workspace app for Linux, for each entry in wfclient.ini, there must be a corresponding entry in All_Regions.ini for the setting to take effect. In addition, for each entry in the [Thinwire3.0], [ClientDrive], and [TCP/IP] sections of wfclient.ini, there must be a corresponding entry in canonicalization.ini for the setting to take effect. See the All_Regions.ini and canonicalization.ini files in the $ICAROOT/config/ directory for more information.

Parameter syntax

Boolean parameters use Yes, True, 1, or On to indicate TRUE. Any other values, including No, False, 0, or Off, are interpreted as FALSE.

For all parameters, spaces are significant and values are case-sensitive.

Parameters marked as ignored are not currently used by the client, but can be reserved for future use, redundant, or used by other clients; for example, Win32 or Macintosh. In the last case, the parameter is read by the client but the result is discarded.

Default values are embedded into the client program itself. Fixed values are set by the unmodified .ini configuration files.

In the following table, the parameters are listed alphabetically within each section of the file.

Item Description
[WFClient] The engine uses this section. It contains default session oriented parameters.
AllowAudioInput=boolean To enable the webcam and audio input for connections, you must ensure this parameter is set to True; otherwise, it overrides the setting for the EnableAudioInput parameter in appsrv.ini. Default=False
AllowBidirectionalContentRedirection=boolean Enables bidirectional content redirection support on the client. You must still set the policy in Studio for this feature to work. Default=True
ApplySucConnTimeoutToDesk tops=boolean Works with the SucConnTimeout setting. Ensures that the setting SucConnTimeout is honored by virtual desktops as well as virtual applications. When ApplySucConnTimeoutToDesktops is applied to desktops, repeated clicks open multiple sessions, but you can set SucConnTimeout to a suitable timeout and run a custom script in between the desktop launches. Default=False
AutoResponse=integer Specifies a bitmapped value that enables automatic response to user prompts (such as dialog boxes). The values are as follows: 1: log message to standard error output; 2: exit program whenever that choice is offered. Default=0 (wait for user response).
BalanceShiftKeys=boolean Corrects the server when it attempts to change the state of the client keyboard’s locking shift key. Default = True
BalancedShiftMask=integer Uses a bit mask to control the response to attempted changes of individual locking shifts: Scroll=1; Num=2; Caps=4. Setting BalanceShiftKeys=true is equivalent to BalancedShiftMask = 7. Overrides BalanceShiftKeys when set. No default value.
BufferLength=integer Input buffer length. Default=2048
BypassSetLED=boolean Prevents virtual applications running macros multiple times. When a virtual application runs a macro on one of the LED key presses (that is, on the Caps Lock, Number Lock, or Scroll Lock key), the application expects the key state to be sent once. However, the macro runs multiple times and sends the state each time. Default=False
CGPAllowed= Desired value: [On or Off], Enables or disables Common Gateway Protocol (CGP), the underlying mechanism that provides HDX Broadcast session reliability. Disabling CGP can be useful when debugging this feature. Do not use this setting to configure the feature permanently for users. Use server policies instead. Default=On
CGPAddress=string Address and port for CGP connection. The address is usually * to indicate that the same address should be used as if CGP is not used. For example,*:1111 will set the port to 1111. Default=”*:2598”
CGPSecurityTicket=boolean Specifies whether CGP security ticket is to be used, when traversing a Secure Gateway. Default=Off
ClientComm Desired value: [On or Off], Determines if Client COM Port Mapping is on. Default=On
ClientName=string Allows client name to be overridden; normally this is obtained from the system. Default=none (no override)
ClientPrinterList=string Allows specified named printers to be used; for example, lp1:laser1:lp2. No default (look in /etc/printcap if UsePrintcap is true; or run lpstat -a)
ClientUnicodeEnabled=boolean Client can use UNICODE. Default=True
ComPort1...99=string COM port device name. No default
ConnectionBar=integer Enables the pulldown Connection Bar (“Desktop Viewer”) in nonseamless sessions. Default=0 (Disabled)
ConnectionBarDisplayChar=string Specifies an alternative keyboard shortcut char for displaying the Desktop Viewer accessibility menu. This can be any of the values F1-F12, Minus, Plus, Tab, or Pause as listed in the ‘[Hotkey Keys]’ section of $ICAROOT/config/module.ini. Remember to add this entry to both All_Regions.ini. Default=Pause
ConnectionBarDisplayShift=string Specifies an alternative keyboard shortcut shift for displaying the Desktop Viewer accessibility menu. This can be any of the values Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Alt+Ctrl, Alt+Shift, Ctrl+Shift, and Alt+Ctrl+Shift as listed in the ‘[Hotkey Shift States]’section of $ICAROOT/config/module.ini. Remember to add this entry to both All_Regions.ini. Default=Alt+Ctrl
CRBrowserCommand=string Indicates the command used to request the display in an existing browser or start a new browser from those listed. This command is executed after appending the URL. Default= nslaunch firefox, mozilla, iceweasel
CRBrowserPath=string Server to client content redirection browser path. No default. Use $PATH Obsolete.
CREnabled=boolean Server to client content redirection enabled. Default=True
CRPlayerCommand=string Server to client content redirection media player command. Default=realplay %s Obsolete.
CRPlayerPath=string Server to client content redirection media player path. No default. Use $PATH Obsolete.
CursorStipple=hex_integer,he x_integer Defines a stipple pattern in cursor masks to replace inversion regions in Windows cursors. Default=aaaa,5555
DefaultPrinter=string Print queue to be used as the default printer in the Citrix XenApp session. For more information, see Workspace app for Linux on the Product Documentation site.
DefaultPrinterDriver=string Printer driver to be used for the default printer in XenApp sessions on Windows. For more information, see Workspace app for Linux on the Product Documentation site.
DeferredUpdateMode=boolean Enables batched updates from the Local Video Buffer (LVB) to the screen. The LVB is used when seamless windows or SpeedScreen Latency Reduction are in use, and for 256-color connections when specified by the UseSDLVB parameter. Default=False
DisableClientAutoQuit=boolean Quit client on disconnect. Ignored.
DisableCtrlAltDel=boolean Disable requirement for Ctrl+Alt+Delete event to start logon to a Windows server. Default=On. Must be Off for smart card logons.
DisableSound=boolean Disables Windows alert sounds. Default=False
DriveEnabledA…Z=boolean True if drive is mapped. Default=False
DrivePathA…Z=string UNIX file path for client drive mapping. No default.
DriveReadAccessA...Z Desired value: [0, 1, 2] 0=full access, 1=no access, 2=ask user. Default=0
DriveWriteAccessA…Z Desired value: [0, 1, 2] 0=full access, 1=no access, 2=ask user. Default=0
DynamicCDM Desired value: [On or Off] Enabled Dynamic Client Drive Mapping. Default=On
DynamicCDMDirs=string Comma-separated list of directories to monitor for newly mounted file systems. No default
EchoShiftKeys=boolean To improve the behavior of a Windows application that attempts to manipulate the keyboard shift key state. Default=False
EnableAudioLRVolume=boolean Specifies that the client audio accepts the left and right volume control set by server. Default=True
EnableAudioPlaybackRate=boolean Specifies that the client audio accepts the playback rate control set by server. Default=True
EnableAudioVolume=boolean Specifies that the client audio accepts the volume control set by the server. Default=True
EnableICC=boolean Enables inter-client communication features used by seamless session sharing and Connection Center. Default=True
EnableOSS=boolean Allows off-screen drawing surfaces to be used when constructing the image to be displayed. This reduces flicker. Default=True
EnableSessionSharingClient=boolean Sends session sharing requests to other ICA sessions on the same X display. Default=False
EnableSessionSharingHost=boolean Accepts session sharing requests from other ICA sessions on the same X display. Default=False
EnableSSOnThruICAFile=boolean Allow ICA file to turn on single sign-on. Default=False
ForceLVBMode=boolean Ensures that the Local Video Buffer (LVB) is used. Default=False
ForceRedrawOnReset=boolean Force server to redraw after a Thinwire reset. This may be needed to clean-up the screen on entry or exit from Shadowing. Default=True
HBCCapMB Sets the cap of the hot bitmap cache. This value is also used when BatchDecoding is enabled and replaces BatchDecodeCacheSize. Default=48
HDXoverUDP= string Transport protocol; On – Use UDP and do not fall back to TCP on failure; Off – Use TCP; Preferred – Try UDP first and fall back to TCP on failure Default=Off.
edtMSS= integer EDT maximum segment size in bytes. Default = 1500.
edtRCVBUF=integer Receive flow window * (edtMSS-28) in bytes. Default = 0.
edtSNDBUF=integer Send flow window * (edtMSS-28) in bytes. Default = 0.
edtUDPRCVBUF=integer SO_RCVBUF value passed to underlying UDP socket. Default = 0.
edtUDPSNDBUF=integer SO_SNDBUF value passed to underlying UDP socket. Default = 0.
edtIFlightFlagSize=integer Buffer count related to in-flight data. Default = 0.
edtNSGHAFTimeout=integer NetScaler Gateway high-availability failover timeout. Default = 0.
HDXWebCamDebug=boolean Enables the gst_read debug option. Default=False
HDXWebCamDelayTime=integer The period of time, in milliseconds, to wait before opening a webcam during a session. Default=2000ms
HDXWebCamDelayType=integer Determines whether or not to delay the opening of a webcam during a session. 0=do not delay opening, 1=if last close was less than delay time, delay by time remaining, 2=always delay. Default=1
HDXRTMEWebCamLaunchDelayTime=integer Determines the delay, in milliseconds, to wait at startup before the webcam can be activated, to allow the RTME plugin a chance to grab the camera (if installed). Default = 45000ms
HDXWebCamDevice=string Location of the webcam device. Default=/dev/video0
HDXWebCamEnabled=boolean Enables webcam support if AllowAudioInput is also true. Default=True
HDXWebCamFramesPerSec=integer Frame rate requested from a webcam. Default=15
HDXWebCamGStDebug=string Comma-separated list of GStreamer debug options. No default
HDXWebCamHeight=integer Height of image requested from a webcam. Default=288
HDXWebCamFramesPerSecDenominator=integer Denominator of a fraction specifying the frame rate requested from webcam. The numerator is HDXWebCamFramesPerSec. Default=1
HDXWebCamQuality=integer Theora quality requested from a webcam, within a range of 1-63. Default=16
HDXWebCamWidth=integer Width of image requested from a webcam. Default=352
HoldComPortsOpen=boolean Determines whether the client holds system serial ports open for session duration. Default=False
Hotkey1...12Char=[F1...F12] Function key to use for mapping keyboard shortcut sequence ALT+Fn.
HotKey1...12Shift=string Shift state to get keyboard shortcut mapping for Alt+Fn; for example, ALT+CTRL.
HowManySkipRedrawPerChange=integer The maximum number of successive palette changes that can follow one another closely without a redraw. Default=9
HttpBrowserAddress=string Server name or IP address used for HTTP browsing. Default=ica
HttpBrowserAddress2...14=string Server names or IP addresses for business failover. No default
ICAKeepAliveEnabled=boolean Monitors reception of data from the ICA host and assumes the connection has failed if a request packet fails to produce a response. Default=TransportReconnectEnabled setting
ICAKeepAliveInterval=integer The interval, in milliseconds, for checking on data received when ICAKeepAliveEnabled is set. Disconnection occurs if the connection is idle for the specified period and if no response is received during this time after a request. Default=10000
IgnoreErrors=integer list A comma-separated list of the error numbers to be ignored by the client. No default
IgnoreFileChangeSize=boolean Stops time-out copying large files to floppies. Default=False
IgnoreShutdownErrors=boolean Error messages are not shown during session shutdown when this is enabled. Default=True
KeyboardDescription=string Description of keyboard mapping. Default=Automatic (User Profile)
KeyboardLayout=string Keyboard layout from module.ini. Default=none
KeyboardMappingFile=string Name of file in $ICAROOT/keyboard. Default=automatic.kbd
KeyboardTimer=integer Keyboard event flush interval. Default=0ms
KeyboardType=string Selects a keyboard type code to be sent to the server. The value should be one of the strings in the [KeyboardType] section of module.ini.
LastComPortNum=integer Last COM port device number used. Default=0
MapMouseButton2= boolean Treats the middle mouse button the same as the right button. Default=False
MouseDoubleClickHeight=integer Mouse double-click height in pixels. Default=4
MouseDoubleClickTimer=integer Mouse double-click time. Default=500ms
MouseDoubleClickWidth=integer Mouse double-click width in pixels. Default=4
MouseMap=string Mouse button remapping: a string of up to ten of the letters X, B, W, C. M, with an optional unsigned integer parameter, each specifying an action for a mouse button: X - ignore; B - send a (possibly different) button to the server; W - send a vertical scroll wheel up/down event; H - send a horizontal scroll wheel left/right even; C - send an ASCII character with left- control down; M - as for C, but only to Windows servers, otherwise send the button. Buttons have the “natural” numbering, so the middle of three main buttons is 2, not 3 as MS have it. The default, “BBBW1WH1HB4B5”, is good for Linux/Unix clients with X11, where wheels are presented as buttons 4-7. An alternative string for those who hate to have to touch the keyboard for cut and paste: “BM118BW1WH1HM99M120”. For Windows servers, Ctrl-V, C and X are available on buttons 2, 8 and 9. (Button 2 is normally “Paste PRIMARY” in X11).
MouseScrollAmount=integer Sets the amount moved for each scroll wheel click. Default=120
MouseTimer=integer Mouse event flush interval in milliseconds or zero. Default=0
MouseWheelMapping=integer,integer Mouse buttons whose down events are treated as a mouse wheel motion in the ICA protocol. Default=4,5
MouseXButtonMapping=integer,integer Specifies mouse buttons that should be mapped as additional buttons X1 and X2. Default=8,9
MSLocaleNumber=hexnumber The Microsoft locale identifier to send to the server. These numbers are identical to the low 16-bits of the corresponding keyboard layout numbers. Always be tried before the configuration file is checked. Default=””
PointerClickTime=integer Specifies the length of time after a mouse click that the client allows attempts by the server to move the pointer, overriding the effect of PointerGrabTime. Default=1000 (milliseconds)
PointerGrabTime=integer Specifies the length of time after mouse movement that the client ignores attempts by the server to move the pointer. This is for echo suppression. Default=750 (milliseconds)
ReaderStatusPollPeriod=integer Smart card status polling period. Default=5000ms
Realm_abc=ANY.COM Causes Windows domain abc to be mapped to Kerberos realm ANY.COM when changing an expired password. The default action is to map to uppercase (ABC).
SessionReliabilityTTL=integer Client-Side CGP timeout - the period of time in seconds during which the client will attempt a CGP reconnection. Default=180
SetTWIFocus=boolean Propagates local focus changes for seamless windows to the server. Default=False Note that the default setting for versions earlier than 8.2 is True.
ServerDoesMultiMod=boolean Should be set when the client’s X11 server accurately reflects physical motion of notionally locking shift keys (Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, and Num Lock). Some (non-Linux) X servers treat these keys as though they really locked, halving the number of events reported. Default=True
ShadowPointer=boolean Passes mouse pointer-positioning commands to the X server. Default=True
SkipRedrawPerPaletteChange=boolean Enables batching of redraw requests following palette changes. This reduces flickering when an application changes the palette rapidly. It is only relevant in 256 color mode when shared colors or a TrueColor visual are used. It is ignored if Session-Depth Local Video Buffer (SDLVB), the default, is used. Default=Off
SmallFramesEnabled=boolean Controls the use of small, non-H. 264, rectangle updates in H.264 mode. Ignored unless TextTrackingEnabled is true. Default=True
SoftwareMouse=boolean Hides the OS mouse pointer when it is in the session window, and causes wfica to draw the mouse image itself. Not effective in Seamless sessions. Default=False
SpeedScreenMMAAudioEnabled=boolean Enables HDX MultiStream Windows Media Redirection support for compressed audio data. Default=True
SpeedScreenMMAFlowControlV3=boolean Enables Version 3 flow control for HDX MultiStream Windows Media Redirection support when used with suitable servers. Default=True
SpeedscreenMMAForceAspectRatio=boolean Sets the force_aspect_ratio property for the GStreamer image sink element. Default=False
SpeedscreenMMAGSTCheck=boolean When enabled, checks for GStreamer support. Default=False
SpeedScreenMMASecondsToBuffer=integer Number of seconds of multimedia data that the server expects to be buffered in the client. Default=10
SpeedScreenMMAStopOverlayHandlingEvents=boolean Stops GStreamer overlay from handling X events. This avoids a problem with mouse movements not ending Windows Media Player’s full screen mode properly. Note, however, that this may cause problems with the size of the video window. Default=True
SpeedScreenMMAVerbose=boolean Enables logging of format information for audio and video streams in the Citrix HDX MultiStream Windows Media Redirection channel. Default=False
SpeedScreenMMAVideoEnabled=boolean Enables HDX MultiStream Windows Media Redirection support for compressed video data. Default=True
SSLEnable=boolean Controls the use of SSL for TCP connections that do not specify their own value. Default=False
SSLInTitle=boolean Controls whether or not the SSL strength indicator is shown in a session window’s title bar. Default=On
SSOnUserSetting=boolean Allows UseLocalUserAndPassword to be trusted in appsrv.ini. Default=False
StopOnUnmap=boolean Commands the server to stop sending screen updates when the session window is iconified. Default=True
SucConnTimeout=integer Works with the ApplySucConnTimeoutToDesktops setting. Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a recently started session to become available for session sharing. When ApplySucConnTimeoutToDesktops is applied to desktops, repeated clicks Delaunch multiple sessions, but you can set SucConnTimeout to a suitable timeout and run a custom script in between the desktop launches. Default=20. Note: To revert to the behavior in versions before Workspace app for Linux 13.0, and allow a separate session launch for each click, set SucConnTimeout to 0.
SunRayClientName=string Specifies the prefix part of a SunRay client name with URL escape characters. This allows trailing spaces, represented by %20. The remaining part of the client name is based on the Ethernet address of the SunRay terminal. Default=SunRay-
TcpBrowserAddress=string Server name or IP address to use for browsing. No default. Use broadcast.
TcpBrowserAddress2...15=string Controls the protocol used to locate the ICA host for the connection. This is a default value for connections that do not specify it individually.
TCPRecvBufferSize=integer Similar to TCPSendBufferSize except that it sets the receive buffer size. No default.
TCPRecvBufferSizeNoFlow=integer Similar to TCPRecvBufferSize except that it is used only when TCPRecvBufferSize is not set and the server does not support flow control. When flow control is supported and TCPRecvBufferSize is not set, the kernel is allowed to control the buffer size. Default: 60
TextTrackingEnabled=boolean Controls the use of optimized lossless text overlays in H.264 mode. Default=True
TransportReconnectDelay=integer Time in seconds to wait for the network to recover before automatic reconnection starts. Default=30
TransportReconnectEnabled= boolean Enables automatic reconnection of sessions when the network connection to the ICA host is lost. Default=True
TransportReconnectOptions=integer Specifies options for automatic reconnection. Add 1 to show a dialog box during reconnection, and 2 to remove session windows when reconnection starts. Default=3
TransportReconnectRetries=integer Specifies how often to retry automatic reconnection. Default=3
TWICleanupTimer=integer Period in milliseconds of a watchdog timer that prevents corruption of Seamless window after a window moves or resizes. Default = 50
TWICoordinateWinPosition=boolean Seamless windows: try to force repositioning of a server window after a server-controlled move has positioned it outside the work area. Recommended only when using outline move on the server, and the behavior may be sensitive to the local window manager. Default = Off
TWIFlashMethod=integer Sets the method to handle a “flash window icon” command for a Seamless window. The value is formed by adding selection of the following numbers: 1 - use the _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION request to the Window Manager; 2 - set the Urgency bit in the WM_HINTS window property; 4 - rudely attempt to force the window to the top of the stack; 8 - standard-violating last ditch method: use the overrideredirect attribute to force the window to the top of the stack. Default = 3
UnixPrintCommand=string Command format used to print files. Default=”lpr -P\“%s\””
UpdateTime=integer Time in milliseconds between batched Local Video Buffer (LVB) updates. Default=100. Note that this value is used only if your server does not control updates.
UseAlternateAddress=boolean Uses alternate address for firewall connections. Default=False
UseIconWindow=boolean Uses a window rather than a pixmap for the icons of session windows. This is required for strict CM compliance, but note that many window managers do not show icons correctly if this is set to True. Default=False
UseLocalIM=boolean Uses the local X input method to interpret keyboard input. This is supported only for European languages. Default=True
UseLocalUserAndPassword=boolean Enables Kerberos authentication for the current connection (see also SSOnUserSetting and EnableSSOThruICAFile). Default = False
UsePrintcap=boolean Allows Workspace app for Linux to look for printers in /etc/printcap. Default=False
UserVisualClass=string Allow user-specified X visual class. Value is PseudoColor, TrueColor, or Grayscale. No default.
UserVisualID=hexadecimalinteger Uses this X visual, if possible, for session windows. No default.
Version=integer Fixed value=2, overrides value in appsrv.ini, ignored.
WindowManagerHeightAllowance=integer Estimated height in pixels of window manager top and bottom frames. Default= 60
WindowManagerWidthAllowance=integer Number of pixels to allow for Window Manager decoration. Default=20
WpadHost=string Specifies the URL to query for the automatic proxy detection configuration file.Default=http://wpad/wpad.dat
XmlAddressResolutionType Desired values: [DNS-Port or IPv4-Port], Controls the form used for the ICA host location. Using DNSPort (the default) may help a connection to pass through an addresstranslating firewall.
XmsReserve=integer Default=0. Ignored
[Thinwire3.0] Thinwire Virtual Driver configuration.
ApproximateColors=boolean Default color approximation setting. Default=False
BypassWindowManager=boolean Creates all seamless windows with the override-redirect attribute, so that they are ignored by the local window manager. Default=False
DesiredColor=integer Valid values: [1, 2, 4, 8, 15] (1 = 4 bit (16 colors), 2 = 8 bit (256 colors), 4 = 15 bit, 8 = 24 bit), 15 chooses the greatest depth that the hardware supports. If the option is not present in the ICA file, a value from [Thinwire3.0] is used, with a final built-in default value of 15.
DesiredHRES=integer Default horizontal window dimension. Default=640
DesiredVRES=integer Default vertical window dimension. Default=480
DisableXRender=boolean Disables the use of the X11 Render extension required for color cursors. Default=False
ForceEmbeddedColormapSwitch=boolean Forces sessions that are embedded in a web page to use a private colormap. Default=False
IgnoreXErrors=string Comma separated list of entries such as m.n/ p meaning ignore error code p on X protocol request with major type m and minor type n. No default.
InstallColormap=boolean Installs the colormap when an override- redirect seamless window gains focus. Default=True
LargeCacheSizeInK=integer Large cache size in KB. Default=2048
LocalWMDecorations=boolean Allows the X window manager to decorate seamless windows. Default=False
PersistentCacheMinBitmap=integer Minimum size of bitmap for caching. Default=8192 bytes
PersistentCachePath=string Location of persistent cache. Default=”Cache”
PersistentCacheSize=integer Persistent cache size in KB. Default=0
RedrawTimer=integer Time delay (milliseconds) before a new screen update is requested after copying multiple obscured screen regions. Default=1000
ScreenPercent=integer Percentage of screen to use. Default=-1. Only values 1-100 are used.
Tw2CachePower=integer Sets the size of the Thinwire 2 bitmap cache. Attempting to set this lower than 19 (512 KB cache) or higher than 25 is ineffective. The default value is calculated dynamically to be 1.25 times the screen image size at the preferred color depth.
TWIMoveResizeHideWindowType=integer Controls the method used for hiding server-side windows when moving or resizing client side seamless windows that are controlled by a window manager. 1 hides server-side windows by minimizing them. 2 hides server-side windows by moving them to the bottom right corner, outside the screen. Default=1. Other values are invalid.
TWISetFocusBeforeRestore=boolean Sets the focus on server-side windows before restoring them. This is a workaround for an issue with virtual Java applications. Default=False
TWIWSHideWindowType=integer Controls the method used for hiding server-side windows when switching between client-side workspaces. 1 hides server-side windows by minimizing them. 2 hides server-side windows by moving them to the bottom right corner, outside the screen. Default=1. Other values are invalid.
TwTotalOssSizePowerOf2=integer Sets the maximum size of off-screen drawing surfaces used by the X server. (See EnableOSS). Default=24, meaning 16 MB.
XFree86ShapeFixLevel= hexadecimal integer Highest version number of XFree86 X servers that require a workaround when using the SHAPE extension. Default=40200001 (Version 4.2.1)
RelativeMouse=int Sends relative (incremental) mouse position reports, if the server offers this feature. Valid values: 0 - Off; 1 - Under keyboard control; disabled when focus is lost, initially off; 2 – Automatically enabled when session has keyboard focus; 3 - Under keyboard control, initially on; 4 – Enabled when the mouse pointer is hidden, under keyboard control. Default is Off.
RelativeMouseMap=int Bitmap-encoded policy for the relative mouse. The value is formed by adding the following values: 1 - keyboard control is enabled; 2 - enable when a session starts; 4 - enable when a session gains keyboard focus; 8 - disable when a session loses keyboard focus; 16 - enable when the server hides the mouse cursor; 32 - disable when the server shows the mouse cursor. Default is set by the RelativeMouse value.
RelativeMousePointerFeedback=boolean Accepts all mouse-positioning commands from a server when using Relative Mouse. That keeps the pointer positions synchronized between client and server with XenDesktop 7.11 and later when the round-trip time is short. It may cause problems otherwise. Default is True
RelativemouseOnChar=string Keystroke to enable Relative Mouse. Default is “F12”
RelativeMouseOnShift=string Modifier keys used with RelativemouseOnChar. Default is “Ctrl”
RelativemouseOffChar=string Keystroke to enable Relative Mouse. Default is “F12”
RelativeMouseOffShift=string Modifier keys used with RelativemouseOffChar. Default is “Ctrl+Shift”
SpeedScreenMMAEnablePlaybin2=boolean Enables GStreamer playbin2 support, falling back to playbin if disabled. Default = True
SSONDetected=boolean A boolean setting enabled when Single Sign-on is being used. Default=False
UseLocalUserAndPassword=boolean Enables Kerberos authentication for all connections. Default = False
EnableSSOThruICAFile=boolean Allows UseLocalUserAndPassword to be trusted in ICA files, default=False. Note that this is always trusted in ICA files obtained by PNAgent.
SSLCertificateRevocationCheckPolicy=string Accepted values: NoCheck, CheckWithNoNetworkAccess, FullAccessCheck, FullAccessCheckAndCRLRequired. Default=CheckWithNoNetworkAccess
SSLCRLParentDir=string An existing directory in which a “crls” sub-directory might be created to hold Certificate Revocation Lists. Default=CheckWithNoNetworkAccess. This option is only read from $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini. Environment variables can be expanded.
MinimumTLS=string The lowest version of the TLS protocol that can be used: 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2. The ‘.’ may be omitted. Default=1.0
MaximumTLS=string The highest version of the TLS protocol that can be used: 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2. The ‘.’ may be omitted. Default=1.2
ProxyPort=integer Port number for proxy. If present, it overrides any port value in ProxyHost. Default=0
ProxyHost=string Name of proxy server (The optional “:port” is only used if ProxyHost is not set) Default=””


This file contains a comprehensive listing of parameters used to select and configure the communications stack modules. The section headings identify the target module by name. The stack element types are:

  • Transport Drivers (TD) - manage the communications connection.
  • Protocol Drivers (PD) - manage intermediate data stream filters.
  • WinStation Drivers (WD) - manage the presentation data stream.
  • Virtual Drivers (VD) - manage ICA protocol extensions.

These elements are all loaded depending on the user configuration and the required stack relationships. The transport driver is loaded first, then protocol drivers, the WinStation driver, and virtual drivers. Each of the supported types has a section that describes the module name and default parameters. Most parameters in this file are defaults. They can be overridden by equivalent entries in appsrv.ini, an ICA file or All_Regions.ini.

Parameter syntax

Boolean parameters use Yes, True, 1, or On to indicate TRUE. Any other values, including No, False, 0, or Off, are interpreted as FALSE.

For all parameters, spaces are significant and values are case-sensitive.

Those marked as ignored are not currently used by the client, but can be reserved for future use, are redundant, or are used by other clients; for example, Win32 or Macintosh. In the last case, the parameter is read by the client but the result discarded.

Default values are embedded into the client program itself. Fixed values are set by the unmodified .ini configuration files.


The values in module.ini are not affected by those in All_Regions.ini in the same way that values from other configuration files are. This is because the same permissions are required to change both files.

In the following table, the parameters are listed alphabetically within each section of the file.

Item Description
[WFClient] This section is used by the engine. It contains default session oriented parameters.
AllowWriteOpenToROF=boolean Emulates Microsoft Windows behavior by allowing files on a readonly disk to be opened for writing. Default=True
AttemptCrossPlatformSessionReuse=boolean Allows a seamless published application launched from one system to run in an ICA session originally started from a different system. The two systems must use the same X display. Default=False
AllowMultiStream=boolean Uses multi-stream ICA. Default=FALSE
ContentRedirectionScheme=scheme1, scheme2 Defines a list of schemes for server to client content redirection. Server-client content redirection allows administrators to specify that URLs in a published application are opened using a local application. Each scheme is defined by its own section.
DeferredUpdateMode=boolean Enables an efficient algorithm for updating seamless windows. Default=False
DesktopApplianceMode=boolean Enables unconditional attaching of USB devices. When Off devices are only candidates for remote control when the session has the keyboard focus. Default=Off
EnableSessionSharingClient=boolean When launching a seamless published application, search for an existing ICA session that can run it. Default=False
EnableSessionSharingHost=boolean Allow independently launched seamless published applications to run in the same ICA session. Default=False
HostLookupTimeout=integer Time-out (in seconds) for calls to gethostbyname(). Used only on Solaris. Default=5
KeyPassthroughEscapeChar=string Key for the keyboard command to disable the transparent keyboard mode. Default=F2
KeyPassthroughEscapeShift=string Keyboard shift for the keyboard command to disable the transparent keyboard mode. Default=Ctrl
PrinterQueryRefreshTime=integer Maximum time in seconds to cache list of available printer queues. Default=60
ReplaceOverlineWithTilde=boolean Treat overline key as tilde. Used only when Japanese keyboard layout is selected. Default=False
ServerToClientPowerOf2=integer Controls the buffer size for the compression method used in MetaFrame 1.0. Default=15
TransparentKeyPassthrough=string Enables keyboard shortcut sequences defined by the local Windows manager in the session. Keywords are: Local, Remote, FullScreenOnly. Default=FullScreenOnly
UseSystemCharacterConversion=boolean Uses CHARICONV.DLL in preference to CHARCONV.DLL for character encoding conversions. Default=True
Version=2 Fixed value; overrides value in appsrv.ini. Ignored.
[ICA 3.0] Client module configuration
AllowShared16Colors=boolean Enables colormap entry sharing for 16-color.
BufferLength2=integer High performance buffer length. Default=5000
ClientAudio=boolean Enables client audio mapping. Default=On
ClientComm=boolean Enables serial port mapping. Default=On
ClientDrive=boolean Enables client drive mapping. Default=On
ClientPrinterQueue=boolean Enables printer queue mapping. Default=On
Clipboard=boolean Enables the clipboard. Default=On
ICACTL=boolean Enables the ICA control channel. Default=On
MaxRequestSize2=integer High performance buffer request size. Default=4116
MaxWindowSize2=integer High performance buffer window. Default=62500
MultiMedia=boolean Enables HDX MediaStream Multimedia Acceleration. Default sets to On during installation if GStreamer is installed.
SmartCard=boolean Enables smart card support. Default=On
ThinWire3.0=boolean Enables Thinwire. Default=On
TWI=boolean Enables seamless VD. Default=On
UserExperience=boolean Enables performance information. Default=On
VirtualDriver=stringlist Comma-separated list of VDs to load.
WindowSize2=integer High performance window size. Default=4102 bytes
ZL_FONT=boolean Enables latency reduction font VD. Default=On
ZLC=boolean Enables latency reduction VD. Default=On
[TransportDriver] This section lists all of the sections in module.ini that define transport settings.
TCP/IP= Fixed null value.
[TCP/IP] Transport driver configuration.
BrowserRetry=integer Number of attempts to locate data collector, which acts as master browser. Default=3
BrowserTimeout=integer Number of milliseconds to wait before retry. Default=1000
Encrypt=boolean Turns on basic encryption. Default=Off. Fixed value=On
ICAPortNumber=integer Server port to use for ICA connection. Default=1494 from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
ProtocolSupport=stringlist Protocol drivers to load, fixed value=Rframe, Encrypt.
OutBufCountClient=integer Number of client output buffers to allocate. Default=6
OutBufCountClient2=integer High performance client buffer count. Default=42
OutBufCountHost=integer Number of server output buffers to allocate. Default=8
OutBufCountHost2=integer High performance server buffer count. Default=42
OutBufLength=integer Size of output buffer. Default=512. Fixed value=530 bytes.
OutBufLength2=integer High performance buffer length. Default=530 bytes
RFrame=boolean Turn on reliable framing. Default=Off. Fixed value=On.
[XenDesktop] Parameters specifically for connection to XenDesktop, particularly for full-screen sessions.
[RFrame] Reliable framing protocol driver configuration, no parameters.
[EncryptionLevelSession] This section specifies the encryption protocol for each level of encryption. EncryptionLevelSession in appsrv.ini defines the level used by each connection. Each encryption protocol is defined by corresponding drivers specified in module.ini.
Basic=Encrypt Fixed value.
RC5 (128 bit-LoginOnly)=EncRC5-0 Fixed value.
RC5 (40 bit)=EncRC5-40 Fixed value.
RC5 (56 bit)=EncRC5-56 Fixed value.
RC5 (128 bit)=EncRC5-128 Fixed value.
[Encrypt] Encryption protocol driver configuration.
DriverName=PDCRYPT1.DLL Fixed value.
[EncRC5-0] Encryption protocol configuration.
DriverName=PDCRYPT2.DLL Fixed value.
[EncRC5-40] Encryption protocol configuration.
DriverName=PDCRYPT2.DLL Fixed value.
[EncRC5-56] Encryption protocol configuration.
DriverName=PDCRYPT2.DLL Fixed value.
[EncRC5-128] Encryption protocol configuration.
DriverName=PDCRYPT2.DLL Fixed value.
[Reliable] Reliable transport protocol driver. Ignored.
[Compress] Compression protocol driver configuration. Ignored.
[Framing] Framing protocol driver configuration. Ignored.
[Modem] Async protocol driver configuration. Ignored.
[Thinwire3.0] Thinwire virtual driver configuration, overridden by parameters in wfclient.ini.
[Clipboard] Clipboard virtual driver configuration.
ClipboardAllowed=boolean Enables the clipboard channel. Default=True
[ClientDrive] Client drive mapping virtual driver configuration.
AllowSymlinkTraversalOutsideMap=boolean Allows the following of symlinks outside the mapped root of the client drive mapping host. Default=False
CacheDisable=boolean Disable cache. Default=False
CacheTimeout=integer Cache time-out (seconds). Default=600
CacheTimeoutHigh=integer Cache time-out for times greater than 18 hours. Default=0
CacheTransferSize=integer Amount of data to transfer per operation. Default=0 (ICA buffer size)
CacheWriteAllocateDisable=boolean Disable cache for write operations. Default=False
CDMReadOnly=boolean Allow only read-only access to client filesystems. Default=False
DesktopFolder=path Sets the desktop directory for the Special Folder Redirection feature. No default.
DocumentsFolder=path Sets the documents directory for the Special Folder Redirection feature. No default.
MaxRequestSize=integer For flow management. Fixed value=1046 bytes.
MaxWindowSize=integer Window size for flow management. Fixed value=6276 bytes.
SFRAllowed=boolean Enables the Special Folder Redirection option. Default=False
TranslateCDMFileNames=boolean The file names passed through the CDM channel are translated into the character encoding of the receiving system, in both directions. Default=True
[ClientPrinterQueue] Client printer mapping virtual driver configuration.
MaxWindowSize=integer Maximum window size for flow management. Fixed value=1024 bytes.
MFPrintCommand=string Command to use for Universal Printer Driver (UPD) printing. Default=lpr -P
UnicodeEnabled=boolean Enable UNICODE printer names. Default=True
UnixPrintCommand=string Command to use for non-UPD printing. Default=lpr -l -P
WindowSize=integer Write window size for flow management. Fixed value=512 bytes.
[ClientAudio] Client audio mapping virtual driver configuration.
AckDelayThresh=integer Max time (in milliseconds) between sending “resource free” message if any resources free. Default=350
AudioBufferSizeMilliseconds=integer Audio buffer size, in ms. Default=200 ms
AudioDevice=string Audio device name. Linux default=default, SPARC default=/dev/audio. No default for other platforms.
AudioLatencyControlEnabled=boolean Enables latency control. Default=False
AudioMaxLatency=integer Sets the maximum latency (in ms) before trying to discard audio data. Default=300 ms
AudioLatencyCorrectionInterval=integer Defines how often to correct the latency (in ms). Default=300 ms
AudioTempLatencyBoost=integer Sets the higher latency band (in ms) above the lower PlaybackDelayThresh band. Default=300 ms
CommandAckThresh=integer Number of free client command buffers causing a “resource free” message to be sent to the server. Default=10
DataAckThresh=integer Number of free client data buffers causing a “resource free” message to be sent to the server. Default=10
DriverName=VDCAM.DLL Fixed value.
MaxDataBufferSize = integer Maximum size of each data buffer. Default=2048 bytes
NumCommandBuffers=integer Number of client buffers to use for audio commands. Default=64
PlaybackDelayThresh=integer Delay (in ms) between being asked to start audio playback and actually starting audio playback in order to build up a backlog of sound. Default=150
[AudioConverter] Audio format converter configuration.
DriverName=ClientAudCvt Fixed value.
[AudioConverterList] Audio format converter configuration.
Converter0=ADPCMConverter Fixed value.
NumConverters=1 Fixed value.
[ADPCMConverter] Audio format converter configuration.
DriverName=ADPCM_Module Fixed value.
NumDataBuffers=integer Number of client audio data buffers. Default=32
[ClientComm] Client COM port mapping virtual driver configuration.
CommPollSize=string Use asynchronous polling. Default=Off
CommPollWaitInc=integer See CommPollWaitIncTime. Default=1
CommPollWaitIncTime=integer Time (in ms) polling will poll before slowing by the number of milliseconds defined in CommPollWaitInc. Default=20
CommPollWaitMax=integer Slowest COM port polling rate. Default=500 ms
CommPollWaitMin=integer Time (in milliseconds) to delay after receiving data. Default=1
CommWakeOnInput=boolean Uses the client’s event loop to wake up immediately when serial port data is available to be read. Used only when CommPollSize=True. Default=True
WindowSize=integer Window for flow management. Default=1024 bytes
[TWI] Seamless parameters.
DriverName=VDTWIN.DLL Fixed value.
[ZLC] Zero latency parameters.
DriverName=VDZLC.DLL Fixed value.
[ZL_FONT] Zero latency font parameter.
DriverName=VDFON30W.DLL Fixed value.
[ICACTL] ICA control channel parameters.
[KeyboardLayout] List of possible keyboards supported.
keyboardname=locale Keyboard name; for example, British, German, US, and NT locale identifier. Fixed value.
[KeyboardType] List of supported keyboard types.
keyboardtype=identifier One keyboard type entry for each supported keyboard type.
[SmartCard] Smart card virtual driver configuration.
DriverName=VSCARD.DLL Fixed value.
PCSCCodePage=integer Code page that must be used for communication with smart cards and readers. Default=0. A value of zero means use the default code page for the language used by the client.
PCSCLibraryName=string File name of PC/SC shared library for smart card access.
SmartCardAllowed=boolean Allows access to smart card devices on the client machine. Default=True
[Hotkey Shift States] Fixed values for keyboard shortcut masking.
(none)=0 Fixed value.
Alt=2560 Fixed value.
Ctrl=1280 Fixed value.
Shift=3 Fixed value.
Alt+Ctrl=3840 Fixed value.
Alt+Shift=2563 Fixed value.
Ctrl+Shift=1283 Fixed value.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift=3843 Fixed value.
[Hotkey Keys] Fixed scan code values for keyboard shortcut keys.
(none)=0 Fixed value.
F1...F12=112...123 Fixed values.
Minus=12 Fixed value.
Plus=13 Fixed value.
Tab=16 Fixed value.
[File Type Associations] This section lists the names of applications together with the file name extensions of their data files. It is used to construct the File Associations properties menu on clients with CDE support, and when the client is configured to use static file type associations.
[Scheme] Defines the type of scheme for this section, for example [Browser] or [Player]. For more information, see the ContentRedirectionScheme parameter in module.ini.
AcceptURLType=type1, type2 The types of URL accepted by a given scheme, for example http, https.
Command=string The command that runs the executable used for server to client redirection. No default.
Path=string Search path for the executable used for server to client redirection. No default.
PercentS=integer Number of “%s” occurrences in the command used for server to client redirection.
RejectURLType=type1, type2 The types of URL rejected by a given scheme.
[HeimdalKerberos] This section contains information about the Heimdal implementation of Kerberos.
LIBKCP=string The library to use for changing expired passwords using Heimdal Kerberos.
[MITKerberos] This section contains information about the MIT implementation of Kerberos.
LIBKCP=string The library to use for changing an expired password using MITKerberos.
PrinterFlowControl=boolean Enables flow control in the printing channel, usually only used with UnixPrintCommand when the command is blocked. Default = Off
[CEIP] This section contains information about the Citrix Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP).
EnableCeip=Enable By default, you are automatically enrolled in CEIP when you install Citrix Workspace app for Linux.
[WebPageRedirection] This section contains information about driver which is used for browser content redirection.
DriverName = VDBROWSER.DLL  
[PortForward] This section contains information about driver which is used for port forwarding.


reg.ini contains Citrix XenApp configuration settings. It is written by pnabrowse so it does not exist immediately after a typical installation. reg.ini provides initial values to pnabrowse that you can override through command-line arguments.

Important: reg.ini works with pnabrowse only. It has no effect on the deployments involving storebrowse or selfservice.

You may prefer to have a password in reg.ini, because this file has restricted read permission, rather than have it appearing on the command line. To do this, change lastSavePassword=REG_DWORD:0 to lastSavePassword=REG_DWORD:1, and append the password using basic encryption to lastPassword=REG_SZ:.

This allows pnabrowse to run without the -P option. To do this, you must also omit the -U and D options. pnabrowse continues to be governed by config.xml and therefore may reset these entries if the Web Interface does not have the authentication method properties set to allow the user to save the password.

Other configuration files

The $ICAROOT/config/ directory also contains several other .ini files, including All_Regions.ini, canonicalization.ini, regions.ini, Trusted_Region.ini, Unknown_Region.ini, and Untrusted_Region.ini. These files offer administrators an alternative way to configure the client settings described in previous sections. The files also allow administrators to configure client selective trust, a security feature that restricts the characteristics of an ICA session depending on the server to which the client connects.

For more information, see the configuration files in the $ICAROOT/config/ directory.

Library files

You can disable specific functionality from Citrix Workspace app for Linux by removing the appropriate shared library file (.dll or .so file) from a client installation. The following table describes these libraries.

File Location Description
ADPCM.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides support for low quality audio if Speex is not available.
AUDALSA.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides ALSA backend for the Client Audio Mapping Virtual Channel.
AUDOSS.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides OSS backend for the Client Audio Mapping Virtual Channel.
CHARICONV.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides character conversion functionality using the facilities of the standard system libraries. An alternative version, CHARCONV.DLL, is available for embedded system environments that lack the necessary library support. Note that Citrix recommends you do not remove this library without replacing it with the alternative.
ctxusb /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Helper utility for Generic USB redirection. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Decoder for H.264 images. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Fallback decoder for H.264 images. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Decoder for JPEG images. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Fallback decoder for JPEG images when Version 6 of libjpeg is present. This decoder also supports libjpegturbo. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Fallback decoder for JPEG images when Version 8 of libjpeg is present.
ctxusbd /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Daemon process for Generic USB redirection.
ctx_usb_isactive /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Helper utility for Generic USB redirection.
FlashContainer.bin /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides support for Flash redirection.
gst_play /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util A GStreamer utility required for HDX Windows Multimedia Redirection.
gst_read /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util HDX RealTime Webcam Video Compression requires GStreamer 0.10.25 (or a later 0.10.x version), including the distribution’s “plugins-good” package; or GStreamer 1.0 (or a later 1.x version), including the distribution’s “plugins-base,” “plugins-good,” “plugins-bad,” “plugins-ugly,” and “gstreamer-libav” packages. If GStreamer is not included in your Linux distribution, you can download it from /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/lib SDK used for communications between Workspace app and Authentication Manager. This is required for connections using storebrowse or selfservice, but not pnabrowse. This is a system library. Cryptographic functions used to authenticate to NTLM proxies. Can be downloaded from /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Contains functionality for using proxies and functionality for Citrix SSL Relay, which provides endto-end Secure Sockets Layer/ Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) encryption between specific servers and clients. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/lib The library required by /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util The GStreamer plug-in required for HDX MultiStream Windows Media Redirection. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/lib Provides password change support for pnabrowse using Heimdal Kerberos. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/lib Provides password change support for pnabrowse using MIT Kerberos.
new_store /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util A helper script used by to handle CR files.
PDCRYPT1.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Contains basic Citrix encryption functionality. Citrix recommends that you do not remove this library.
PDCRYPT2.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Contains functionality for Citrix Secure ICA, which encrypts information sent between servers and clients.
SPEEX.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides preferred support for low and medium quality audio. /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/lib Allows creation of customized dialogs including for non-X Windows systems. See UI Dialog library earlier in this document.
VDFLASH2.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides support for Flash redirection.
VDCAM.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides support for bi-directional audio using Client Audio Mapping.
VDGUSB.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides support for Generic USB redirection.
VDGSTCAM.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides an experimental GStreamer based implementation of Client Audio Mapping.
VDMM.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Contains functionality for HDX MultiStream Windows Media Redirection.
VDSCARD.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Contains functionality for smart card support. The support is based around the PC/SC standard, to which any deployment of Workspace app for Linux involving smart cards must adhere.
VORBIS.DLL /opt/Citrix/ICAClient Provides preferred support for high quality audio.
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