Descriptions for enums and error codes


Error Code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown
1 None None (no failure)
2 SessionPreparation Failure during session preparation
3 RegistrationTimeout Failure due to registration timeout
4 ConnectionTimeout Failure due to connection timeout
5 Licensing Failure due to licensing
6 Ticketing Failure due to ticketing
7 Other Other failure reasons
8 GeneralFail General failure
9 MaintenanceMode Desktop group, machine, or hypervisor is in maintenance mode
10 ApplicationDisabled Selected application is currently disabled
11 LicenseFeatureRefused Required feature is not licensed
12 NoDesktopAvailable No machine is available to satisfy launch
13 SessionLimitReached VDI machine is already in use (not used for RDS)
14 DisallowedProtocol Requested protocol is not allowed
15 ResourceUnavailable Resource is unavailable
16 ActiveSessionReconnectDisabled Active session stealing is required, but is disabled
17 NoSessionToReconnect Session to which reconnect is directed is not found (can only occur on a launch retry)
18 SpinUpFailed Failed to power-up machine for launch
19 Refused Session refused
20 ConfigurationSetFailure Configuration set failure
21 MaxTotalInstancesExceeded App launch refused because limit on total concurrent usage is reached
22 MaxPerUserInstancesExceeded App launch refused because limit on per-user usage is reached
23 CommunicationError Launch failed because the VDA could not be contacted
24 MaxPerMachineInstancesExceeded App launch refused because limit on per machine usage is reached
25 MaxPerEntitlementInstancesExceeded Desktop launch refused because limit on per entitlement usage is reached
100 NoMachineAvailable No machine available
101 MachineNotFunctional Machine not functional


Error code Enum value Description
0 ThinCloned A thin-cloned catalog is used for original golden VM images that are cloned when they are assigned to a VM, and users’ changes to the VM image are retained after the VM is restarted
1 SingleImage A single-image catalog is used when multiple machines provisioned with Provisioning Services for VMs all share a single golden VM image when they run and, when restarted, they revert to the original VM image state
2 PowerManaged This catalog kind is for managed machines that are manually provisioned by administrators. All machines in this type of catalog are managed, and so must be associated with a hypervisor connection.
3 UnManaged This catalog kind is for unmanaged machines, so there is no associated hypervisor connection
4 Pvs This catalog kind is for managed machines that are provisioned using Provisioning Services. All machines in this type of catalog are managed, and so must be associated with a hypervisor connection. Only shared desktops are suitable for this catalog kind.
5 Pvd A personal vDisk catalog is similar to a single-image catalog, but it also uses personal vDisk technology
6 PvsPvd A Provisioning Services-personal vDisk (PvsPvd) catalog is similar to a Provisioning Services catalog, but it also uses personal vDisk technology


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown The unknown
1 Site The site
2 Controller The controller
3 DesktopGroup The delivery group
4 Catalog The Catalog
5 RdsWorker The RDS worker
6 Vdi The vdi
7 User User


Error code Enum value Description
0 None None
1 ClientConnectionFailure Session failed to start
2 MachineFailure Machine failure
3 NoCapacityAvailable No available capacity to start or reconnect to a session
4 NoLicensesAvailable No Licenses available
5 Configuration Configuration failure


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Default value: unknown
1 Connected Actively connected to desktop
2 Disconnected Disconnected from desktop, but session still exists
3 Terminated Session has been terminated
4 PreparingSession Session is in the preparing state
5 Active Session is active
6 Reconnecting User is reconnecting to the session
7 NonBrokeredSession Session is non-brokered
8 Other Connection state is reported as Other
9 Pending Connection state is pending


Error code Enum value Description
0 DesktopsOnly Only desktops are published
1 AppsOnly Only applications are published
2 DesktopsAndApps Both desktops and applications are published


Error Code Name Description
0 AgentShutdown VDA reported shutdown via CBP.
1 AgentSuspended VDA reported OS suspended via CBP.
2 AgentRequested Failure during SessionPreparation.
100 IncompatibleVersion Broker agent version on the VDA is too old.
101 AgentAddressResolutionFailed Broker cannot find VDA machine information in AD (the VDA machine SPN).
102 AgentNotContactable Test callback from broker to VDA failed.
103 AgentWrongActiveDirectoryOU When using AD-based discovery on the VDA, and the AD OU used by the VDA is the wrong one for this site.
104 EmptyRegistrationRequest Registrtation request body from VDA is empty/missing.
105 MissingRegistrationCapabilities Expected callback endpoints from the registration request are missing.
106 MissingAgentVersion Registration request does not specify agent version.
108 NotLicensedForFeature Required edition-specific feature is unavailable for configured license.
109 UnsupportedCredentialSecurityVersion Requested credential encryption method is not supported by the broker.
110 InvalidRegistrationRequest Registration request contains details that are not allowed or corrupted.
111 SingleMultiSessionMismatch VDA is configured to be in a catalog/group for single/multi session VDAs but reports as the opposite kind.
112 FunctionalLevelTooLowForCatalog VDA reported funtional level is lower than the catalog configured minimum functonal level.
113 FunctionalLevelTooLowForDesktopGroup VDA reported funtional level is lower than the group configured minimum functonal level.
114 OSNotCompatibleWithDdc Some types of Windows OS, such as multi-session win10, are not allowed to use with on-premises Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.
115 VMNotCompatibleWithDdc Some types of VM, such as multi-session win10 on non-Azure hosted machines, are not allowed.
200 PowerOff VDA is marked as deregistered because the VDA is reported as powered off.
201 DesktopRestart End user requested a restart of the VDA.
202 DesktopRemoved VDA has been removed from its delivery group.
203 AgentRejectedSettingsUpdate CBP call to Configuration.Set failed because the VDA broker agent rejected it.
204 SendSettingsFailure CBP call to Configuration.Set failed for some other reason.
205 SessionAuditFailure CBP call to request a session audit failed.
206 SessionPrepareFailure CBP call to prepare for a session launch failed.
207 ContactLost VDA has not contacted the broker (eg with a ping) for longer than the timeout period.
208 SettingsCreationFailure Settings could not be sent to the VDA because preparing the settings to send failed.
300 UnknownError General failure, such as an unexpected exception.
301 BrokerRegistrationLimitReached Broker cannot accept another VDA registration based on the configured limit.
400 None For power action case, no deregistration.
401 HypervisorReportedFailure For power action case, hypervisor request failed.
402 HypervisorRateLimitExceeded For power action case, hypervisor request refused due to quotas.
1000 HardRegistrationPending Registration success. VDA hard registration is pending.
1001 SoftRegistered Registration success. VDA is soft registered.
1002 Unknown Registration failure. Internal reason code does not map to opevent code.


Error code Enum value Description
0 Private Private desktops
1 Shared Shared desktops


Error code Enum value Description
0 None None
1 Vdi VM hosted desktop
2 RemotePc Unmanaged desktop RemotePC
3 Rds VM hosted RDS
4 Unknown Unknown type


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Default value: unknown
1 Connection Connection failure category
2 Machine Machine failure category


Error code Enum value Description
0 Active Default value: entity is active
1 Deleted Object was deleted
2 RequiresResolution Object was created, but values are missing, so a background process should poll to update missing values
3 Stub Stub object: for example, a machine or a session that does not exist but is created by internal processing logic to preserve data relationships


Error code Enum value Description
0 None Default value: none
1 UsersLastSession User’s last session information
2 UsersSessionAverage Average across the user’s sessions
3 DesktopGroupAverage Average for the desktop group


Error code Enum value Description
0 Total Total
1 Brokering Time taken to complete the process of brokering the session
2 VMStart If the session required a machine to be started, the time taken to start the VM
3 Hdx Time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM
4 Authentication Time taken to complete authentication to the remote session
5 Gpos If any Group Policy settings have been enabled on the machines, the time taken for the GPOs to be applied.
6 LogOnScripts If logon scripts are configured for the session, the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed
7 ProfileLoad If profile settings are configured for the user or the machine, the time taken for the profile to be loaded.
8 Interactive Time taken to hand off keyboard and mouse control to the user.


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Fault unknown
1 None No fault (healthy machine)
2 FailedToStart Last power-on operation for the machine failed
3 StuckOnBoot Machine might not have booted following power on (VM tools did not transition to running)
4 Unregistered Machine has failed to register within the expected period, or its registration has been rejected
5 MaxCapacity Machine is reporting itself at maximum capacity
6 VirtualMachineNotFound Virtual machine is not found


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown reason.
1 Reset For shutdown power actions when a user requests the reset of a VM from WI/Storefont.
2 Pvd For ‘turn on’ power actions when a VM needs to have its associated PvD disk updated due to a change in the underlying master OS disk image.
3 Schedule For shutdown and turn on power actions to be generated to reboot machines at configured times and/or to reboot machines to roll out updated base master OS image disks to VMs.
4 Launch For ‘turn on’ or ‘resume’ power action if the VM is required to satisfy the requested desktop or app resource and is not in a suitable power state.
5 Admin An administrator can directly request any power action (turn on, turn off, suspend, resume, restart, reboot etc.)
6 Untaint For shutdown power action to ‘clean’ a VM OS disk back to the state of the golden master image that the VM was originally provisioned with.
7 Policy Rules can be created to cause VMs to be shutdown or suspended some number of minutes after trigger events such as user disconnect or user logoff. This source is also used for some other cases, such as the shutdown issued to a VM if it doesn’t register in time after a turn on.
8 IdlePool For shutdown or turn on power actions generated to cause the appropriate number of VMs to be made running/ready at any one time, driven by the pool size and buffer size (and peak/off-peak times and timezone) configuration.


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown action type.
1 PowerOn Turn a VM on from an ‘off’ state.
2 PowerOff Abruptly turn off a VM without allowing the guest OS to shut down.
3 Shutdown Gracefully shut down a VM, allowing the guest OS to perform shut down actions as needed.
4 Reset Abruptly reset (turn off and then turn on) a VM without allowing the guest OS to shut down.
5 Restart Gracefully restart (shut down and then turn on) a VM, allowing the guest OS to perform shut down actions as needed.
6 Suspend Request a hypervisor suspend VM activity. This may or may not involve guest OS notification depending on hypervisor type.
7 Resume Request a hypervisor resume a previously suspend VM activity. This may or may not involve guest OS notification depending on hypervisor type.


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown
1 MCS Machine provisioned by Machine Creation Services (machine must be a VM)
2 PVS Machine provisioned by Provisioning Services (may be physical, blade, VM)
3 Manual No automated provisioning


Error code Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown
1 Registered Machine is currently registered
2 Unregistered Machine has been unregistered


Error code Enum value Description
0 Desktop Desktop session
1 Application Application session


Type Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown.
1 AssumedCost Assumed Cost.
2 ConfiguredCostFromStudio The cost configured in Studio.
3 AzureRetailAPI Azure Retail API cost.
4 CostFromHostService Cost associated with host service.
5 ActualCost Actual Cost.


Type Enum value Description
0 Unknown Unknown.
1 USD Currency type in US dollar.
2 EUR Euro currency in Europe.
3 CAD Canadian dollar currency type.
4 CNY Chinese yuan currency type.
5 BRL Brazilian real currency type.
6 NZD New Zealand dollar currency.
7 GBP British pound currency type.
8 JPY Japanese yen currency type.
9 KRW South Korean won currency.


Granularity Enum value Description
0 Hour Granularity used for hour level data.
1 Day Granularity used for day level data.
2 Month Granularity used for month level data.
3 DayLevelInMinutes Granularity used for day level data in terms of minutes.


Granularity Enum value Description
0 None Used for machine data for which there is no Hypervisor attached.
1 Unknown Hypervisor type is unknown.
2 Azure Hypervisor type from Microsoft.
3 AWS Amazon Web Services hypervisor type.
4 GCP Hypervisor type from Google cloud.
5 XenServer Hypervisor type from Citrix.
6 HyperV Microsoft HyperV hypervisor type.
7 AHV Hypervisor type from Nutanix.
8 VSphere Hypervisor type from VMWare.
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Descriptions for enums and error codes