Citrix Endpoint Management Reporting API

Rate limits

To prevent performance issues in Citrix Endpoint Management, the reporting API imposes rate limits per site. By default, there is a limit of 5 requests per 60 seconds for each site. Additionally, there is a batch limit on requests of 500 elements. If a request exceeds the limit, Endpoint Management returns an HTTP status code of 429 Too Many Requests along with a message corresponding to which limit was exceeded. These restrictions are based on the following configurable server properties:

  1. “reporting.rate.limit.window”
  2. “reporting.rate.limit.frequency”

The honored request returns a success status code of 200 OK with the response body containing the CSV or JSON file to download.
If any user queries the reporting API after exceeding rate-limit, they will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.

Success responses include the following headers:

  1. Citrix-RateLimit-Limit
  2. Citrix-RateLimit-Remaining

To allow users to handle this issue, error responses pertaining to rate limit include the message:

Retry-After: <RFC 3339 UTC Formatted Date> -> Date allowed for next retry

Citrix Endpoint Management Reporting API OpenAPI Specification
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Rate limits

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