Citrix Endpoint Management Reporting API

Error codes

Following the REST guidelines, the HTTP status code denotes the type of error:

  • 400 BAD REQUEST denotes that something is wrong with the query definition (e.g Bad format, Unknown field name, Segment not defined)
  • 401 UNAUTHORIZED relates to authorization issues
  • 403 FORBIDDEN relates to authentication problems
  • 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS relates to rate limit issues

Error response format

{ "type": "<Type of error>", "detail": "<Detail message about the error>", "parameters": [ { "name": "<Parameter name>", "value": "<Detail message about the value>" }, ... ] }


HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN { "type": "errorType/authenticationError", "detail": "Auth validation failed for the request.", "parameters": [ { "name": "reason", "value": "Auth token in the request is not valid." } ] }
400 BAD REQUEST { "type": "errorType/badRequest", "detail": "Query String JSON or Body JSON validation failed.", "parameters": [ { "name": "internalErrorCode", "value": "4000" }, { "name": "message", "value": "Error in excludes/includes field: 'deviceType, ' is not a valid device field" } ] }
Citrix Endpoint Management Reporting API OpenAPI Specification
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Error codes

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