Citrix-online integration feature (generic applications)

The optional Citrix-online integration feature, if added to an installation, will add support for ‘Generic Applications’. These are resources additional to, or modified versions of, the resources returned by XenApp, XenDesktop, or VDI-in-a-box. The Generic Applications functionality is driven from configuration.

The Generic Applications configuration appears in the citrix.deliveryservices/genericApplications section of the web.config configuration file in the Store web application. It has the form:

<application name="name" clientType="clientType">
<source enabled="true|false" resourceId="resourceId" title="title" summary="summary" imageLocation="imagePath">
<transform enabled="true|false" markerKeyword="keyword"/>
Attribute Value
application/@name A name to identify the generic application. Must be unique. Must contain path-friendly characters (for example, abc_123) as it is used to identify the generic application details using the PowerShell configuration provider.
application/@clientType The client type to be returned for resources of this type.
application/source/@enabled Indicates whether a resource for this generic application should be generated for all users.
application/source/@resourceId Indicates the id to be used for the resource for this generic application (if enabled is true).
application/source/@title Indicates the title to be used for the resource for this generic application (if enabled is true).
application/source/@summary Indicates the summary to be used for the resource for this generic application (if enabled is true).
application/source/@imageLocation Indicates the icon to be used for the resource for this generic application (if enabled is true). The location can be an absolute path or relative to the web application’s folder (for example, App_Data/resources/g2m.ico)
application/transform/@enabled Indicates whether a resource for this generic application should be generated by transforming a specific resource returned by XenApp or XenDesktop.
application/transform/@markerKeyword Indicates the keyword that marks a resource as being suitable for transformation. Any resource that contains this keyword (case-sensitive) will be transformed (if enabled is true).


If the source enabled attribute is set to true, then for all users, resource enumeration contains an extra resource of type ‘Citrix.MPS.Application’ with the specified id, title, summary, client-types, keywords, properties, and icon.


If the transform enabled attribute is set to true then, any resource that has the specified marker-keyword, will be replaced with a resource with the same id, type and other data, but with the client-types changed to contain the single, specified client-type.


  • It is not recommended to specify enabled="true" for both source and transform elements for a single application entry, since that can lead to some users having two copies of the same generic application.
  • If more than one resource contains the specified marker keyword, then it is possible that some users will have more than one copy of the same generic application.
Citrix-online integration feature (generic applications)