Property BaseCmdlet.PSDebugMode
Determines whether to display debugging information. Default value is False.
Property BaseCmdlet.InfrastructureServer
The infrastructure server host name or IP address. Default value is “localhost”.
Property BaseCmdlet.Port
The port used to connect to the infrastructure service. Default value is 8284.
Type ExportAdObject
Exports all AD objects in a specified configuration set.
The Export-AdObject cmdlet exports all AD objects (user-level and machine-level) in a specified configuration set.
Export-AdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -FolderName "C:\backup" -SiteId 3
Exports all AD objects in the configuration set whose ID is 3 to the folder “C:\backup”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Export-AdObject -FolderName "C:\backup" -SiteName "Default Site"
Exports all AD objects (on the local infrastructure server) in “Default Site” to the folder “C:\backup”.
Property ExportAdObject.FolderName
The name of the folder to which all AD objects are exported. Note: The folder is created automatically if it does not exist.
Property ExportAdObject.SiteName
The name of the configuration set whose AD objects are to be exported. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified.
Property ExportAdObject.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set whose AD objects are to be exported.
Type ExportSite
Exports a specified configuration set.
The Export-WemSite cmdlet exports a WEM configuration set.
Export-WemSite -InfrastructureServer "" -FolderName "C:\backup-site" -SiteId 3
Exports the configuration set whose ID is 3 to the folder “C:\backup-site”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Export-WemSite -FolderName "C:\backup-site" -SiteName "Default Site"
Exports “Default Site” (on the local infrastructure server) to the folder “C:\backup-site”.
Property ExportSite.FolderName
The name of the folder to which the configuration set is exported. Note: The folder is created automatically if it does not exist.
Property ExportSite.SiteName
The name of the configuration set to be exported. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified.
Property ExportSite.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set to be exported.
Type ImportAdObject
Imports all AD objects to a specified configuration set.
The Import-AdObject cmdlet imports all AD objects (user-level and machine-level) to a specified configuration set.
Import-AdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -FolderName "C:\backup" -SiteId 3
Imports all AD objects from the folder “C:\backup” to the configuration set whose ID is 3. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Import-AdObject -FolderName "C:\backup" -SiteName "Default Site"
Imports AD objects from the folder “C:\backup” to “Default Site”. By default, this operation is performed on the local infrastructure server unless otherwise specified.
Property ImportAdObject.FolderName
The name of the folder from which AD objects are to be imported.
Property ImportAdObject.SiteName
The name of the configuration set to which AD objects are to be imported. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified.
Property ImportAdObject.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set to which AD objects are to be imported.
Type ImportSite
Imports a WEM configuration set.
The Import-WemSite cmdlet imports a WEM configuration set from a folder.
Import-WemSite -InfrastructureServer "" -FolderName "C:\backup-site"
Imports a WEM configuration set from the folder “C:\backup-site”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Property ImportSite.FolderName
The name of the folder from which the configuration set is to be imported.
Type CreateMachineAdObject
Creates a machine-level AD object.
The New-MachineAdObject cmdlet creates a machine-level AD object.
$Machine = New-Object Citrix.DeviceMgmt.Agent.Windows.Sdk.MachineModel
$Machine.Name = "CN=YourComputerName,CN=Computers,DC=domain,DC=local"
$Machine.Type = "Computer"
$Machine.Enabled = $True
$Machine.Priority = 100
New-MachineAdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -MachineAdObject $Machine
Creates a computer named “YourComputerName” with a priority of 100. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
$Machine = New-Object Citrix.DeviceMgmt.Agent.Windows.Sdk.MachineModel
$Machine.Name = "OU=YourOUName,DC=domain,DC=local"
$Machine.Type = "OU"
$Machine.Enabled = $False
$Machine.Priority = 80
New-MachineAdObject -MachineAdObject $Machine
Creates a disabled OU named “YourOUName” with a priority of 80 on the local infrastructure server.
Property CreateMachineAdObject.MachineAdObject
The machine-level AD object to be created. Note: Use “distinguished name” or “SID” to specify this machine-level AD object. You do not need to specify the “Id” property when creating this object because the ID is generated automatically.
Type DeleteMachineAdObject
Deletes a machine-level AD object.
The Remove-MachineAdObject cmdlet deletes a machine-level AD object.
Remove-MachineAdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -Id 3
Deletes a machine-level AD object whose ID is 3. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
$Machine = (Get-MachineAdObject) | Where-Object { $_.Name.ToLower().Contains("cn=your-computer-name,") })
Remove-MachineAdObject -MachineAdObject $Machine.Id
Deletes a computer named “your-computer-name” on the local infrastructure server.
Property DeleteMachineAdObject.Id
The ID of the machine-level AD object to be deleted.
Type GetMachineAdObject
Queries machine-level AD objects.
The Get-MachineAdObject cmdlet queries machine-level AD objects.
Get-MachineAdObject -InfrastructureServer ""
Queries all machine-level AD objects. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Get-MachineAdObject -SiteName "Default Site"
Queries all machine-level AD objects in “Default Site” on the local infrastructure server.
Get-MachineAdObject -Id 10
Queries the machine-level AD object whose ID is 10 on the local infrastructure server.
Get-MachineAdObject -Sid "S-1-5-21-1375803180"
Queries the machine-level AD object whose SID is “S-1-5-21-1375803180” on the local infrastructure server.
Property GetMachineAdObject.SiteName
The name of the configuration set that is used to filter machine-level AD objects. Only the AD objects that belong to this configuration set are to be displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the filtering operation does not work. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified.
Property GetMachineAdObject.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set that is used to filter machine-level AD objects. Only the AD objects that belong to this configuration set are to be displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the filtering operation does not work.
Property GetMachineAdObject.Id
If this parameter is specified, only the machine-level AD object with the specified ID is to be displayed.
Property GetMachineAdObject.Sid
If this parameter is specified, only the machine-level AD object with the specified SID is to be displayed.
Type UpdateMachineAdObject
Updates a machine-level AD object.
The Update-MachineAdObject cmdlet updates a machine-level AD object.
$Machine = (Get-MachineAdObject -InfrastructureServer "") | Where-Object { $_.Name.ToLower().Contains("cn=your-computer-name,") }
$Machine.Enable = $False
$Machine.Priority += 10
$Machine.Description = "Modify the description"
Update-MachineAdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -MachineAdObject $Machine
Updates a machine whose name is “your-computer-name”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”. These commands disable the machine status, change the description, and increase the priority by 10.
Property UpdateMachineAdObject.MachineAdObject
The machine-level AD object to be updated. Note: This cmdlet updates the machine-level AD object according to the property “Id”. The properties “Sid”, “Name”, and “Type” are read-only, and they remain unchanged even if you specify values for them.
Type CreateSite
Creates a configuration set.
The New-WemSite cmdlet creates a WEM configuration set.
$Site = New-Object Citrix.DeviceMgmt.Agent.Windows.Sdk.SiteModel
$Site.Name = "New Configuration Set"
$Site.Description = "This is a new configuration set created by Powershell SDK"
New-WemSite -InfrastructureServer "" -Site $Site
Creates a new configuration set named “New Configuration Set”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Property CreateSite.Site
The configuration set to be created. Note: You do not need to specify the “Id” property when creating this object because the ID is generated automatically.
Type DeleteSite
Deletes a configuration set.
The Remove-WemSite cmdlet deletes a WEM configuration set.
Remove-WemSite -InfrastructureServer "" -Id 12
Deletes a configuration set whose ID is 12. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Remove-WemSite -SiteName "New Configuration Set"
Deletes a configuration set whose name is “New Configuration Set”. By default, this operation is performed on the local infrastructure server unless otherwise specified.
Property DeleteSite.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set to be deleted. Note: You cannot delete the built-in configuration set named “Default Site”.
Property DeleteSite.SiteName
The name of the configuration set to be deleted. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified. You cannot delete the built-in configuration set named “Default Site”.
Type GetSite
Queries WEM configuration sets.
The Get-WemSite cmdlet queries WEM configuration sets.
Get-WemSite -InfrastructureServer ""
Queries all WEM configuration sets. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Get-WemSite -SiteName "Default Site"
Queries the configuration set whose name is “Default Site”. By default, this operation is performed on the local infrastructure server unless otherwise specified.
Get-WemSite -SiteId 2
Queries the configuration set whose ID is 2 on the local infrastructure server.
Property GetSite.SiteName
The name of the configuration set to be queried. All configuration sets are to be displayed if this parameter is not specified. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified.
Property GetSite.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set to be queried. All configuration sets are to be displayed if this parameter is not specified.
Type UpdateSite
Updates a WEM configuration set.
The Update-WemSite cmdlet updates a WEM configuration set.
$Site = Get-WemSite -InfrastructureServer "" -SiteName "Default Site"
$Site.Name = "New Name"
$Site.Description = "Modify the description"
Update-WemSite -InfrastructureServer "" -Site $Site
Updates the name and description of “Default Site”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Property UpdateSite.Site
The configuration set to be updated. Note: This cmdlet updates the configuration set according to the property “Id”.
Type CreateUserAdObject
Creates a user-level AD object.
The New-UserAdObject cmdlet creates a user-level AD object.
$User = New-Object Citrix.DeviceMgmt.Agent.Windows.Sdk.UserModel
$User.Name = "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local"
$User.Type = "Group"
$User.Enabled = $True
$User.Priority = 100
New-UserAdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -UserAdObject $User
Creates a group named “Domain Users” with a priority of 100. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
$User = New-Object Citrix.DeviceMgmt.Agent.Windows.Sdk.UserModel
$User.Name = "CN=User1,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local"
$User.Type = "User"
$User.Enabled = $False
$User.Priority = 80
New-UserAdObject -UserAdObject $User
Creates a disabled user named “User1” with a priority of 80 on the local infrastructure server.
Property CreateUserAdObject.UserAdObject
The user-level AD object to be created. Note: Use “distinguished name” or “SID” to specify this user-level AD object. You do not need to specify the “Id” property when creating this object because the ID is generated automatically.
Type DeleteUserAdObject
Deletes a user-level AD object.
The Remove-UserAdObject cmdlet deletes a user-level AD object.
Remove-UserAdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -Id 12
Deletes a user-level AD object whose ID is 12. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
$User = (Get-UserAdObject) | Where-Object { $_.Name.ToLower().Contains("cn=user1,") })
Remove-UserAdObject -UserAdObject $User.Id
Deletes a user whose name is “user1” on the local infrastructure server.
Property DeleteUserAdObject.Id
The ID of the user-level AD object to be deleted. Note: You cannot delete the built-in user-level AD objects (Everyone and BUILTIN\Administrators) using this cmdlet.
Type GetUserAdObject
Queries user-level AD objects.
The Get-UserAdObject cmdlet queries user-level AD objects.
Get-UserAdObject -InfrastructureServer ""
Queries all user-level AD objects. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”.
Get-UserAdObject -SiteName "Default Site"
Queries all user-level AD objects in “Default Site” on the local infrastructure server.
Get-UserAdObject -Id 10
Queries the user-level AD object whose ID is 10 on the local infrastructure server.
Get-UserAdObject -Sid "S-1-1-0"
Queries all user-level AD objects whose SIDs are “S-1-1-0” on the local infrastructure server.
Property GetUserAdObject.SiteName
The name of the configuration set that is used to filter user-level AD objects. Only the AD objects that belong to this configuration set are to be displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the filtering operation does not work. Note: This parameter does not work if the parameter “SiteId” is specified.
Property GetUserAdObject.SiteId
The ID of the configuration set that is used to filter user-level AD objects. Only the AD objects that belong to this configuration set are to be displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the filtering operation does not work.
Property GetUserAdObject.Id
If this parameter is specified, only the user-level AD object with the specified ID is to be displayed.
Property GetUserAdObject.Sid
The SID used to filter user-level AD objects. Only the AD objects with the specified SID are to be displayed. If this parameter is not specified, the filtering operation does not work.
Type UpdateUserAdObject
Updates a user-level AD object.
The Update-UserAdObject cmdlet updates a user-level AD object.
$User = (Get-UserAdObject -InfrastructureServer "") | Where-Object { $_.Name.ToLower().Contains("cn=user1,") }
$User.Enable = $False
$User.Priority += 10
$User.Description = "Modify the description"
Update-UserAdObject -InfrastructureServer "" -UserAdObject $User
Updates a user whose name is “user1”. The IP address of the remote infrastructure server is “”. These commands disable the user status, change the description, and increase the priority by 10.
Property UpdateUserAdObject.UserAdObject
The user-level AD object to be updated. Note: This cmdlet updates the user-level AD object according to the property “Id”. The properties “Sid”, “Name”, and “Type” are read-only, and they remain unchanged even if you specify values for them.
Property Norskale.Administration.Console.Configuration.IAuthorizationInfo.CurrentAuthorizationLevel
Current user authorization level.
In this article
- Type ExportAdObject
- Type ExportSite
- Type ImportAdObject
- Type ImportSite
- Type CreateMachineAdObject
- Type DeleteMachineAdObject
- Type GetMachineAdObject
- Type UpdateMachineAdObject
- Type CreateSite
- Type DeleteSite
- Type GetSite
- Type UpdateSite
- Type CreateUserAdObject
- Type DeleteUserAdObject
- Type GetUserAdObject
- Type UpdateUserAdObject