Configuring Citrix Workspace using PowerShell module


The Citrix Workspace Store Configuration PowerShell module can be used to view and configure certain settings for your Citrix Workspace.

You can view and configure the following settings:

Setting Description
disallowIcaDownload Prevents ICA files from being downloaded to client machines when workspace is accessed through a web browser. This prevents unwanted tampering of ICA files by end users.
inactivityTimeoutInMinutes Used by your Citrix Workspace App on desktop to timeout an inactive session after the configured timeout value in minutes.
inactivityTimeoutInMinutesMobile Used by Citrix Workspace App on mobile devices to timeout an inactive session after the configured timeout value in minutes.
workspaceHosts The list of URLs
longLivedTokenConfiguration Contains a number of parameters defining whether Workspace app can stay logged in and the timeout periods.
Citrix Enterprise Browser settings See Simplified single sign-on for web and SaaS apps

The module consists of two cmdlets:

  • Get-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations
  • Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations

For more information about getting started with the PowerShell APIs, see Getting started.
