Configuring Citrix Workspace using PowerShell module

Getting started

Before you get started with your integration, ensure the following prerequisites are met to set up the Citrix Workspace platform for development.

System requirements

Windows PowerShell version 5 is the minimum required version.

Steps before doing any configuration

  1. Download the Configuring Citrix Workspace using PowerShell module.
  2. To use the module, you must generate an API client ID and secret. For more information about obtaining credentials and getting started with the Citrix Cloud APIs, see Get started with Citrix Cloud APIs.
  3. To import this module, pass the path to the Citrix.Workspace.StoreConfigs directory to the Import-Module cmdlet, that is, from the directory containing this file, run Import-Module ./Citrix.Workspace.StoreConfigs.
  4. Once the module has been imported, run Get-Help <name of cmdlet> -Full to obtain help for specific cmdlets. For example: Get-Help Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -Full

Steps to configure DisallowICADownload

  1. Run the following command to enable DisallowICADownload: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl <workspace_url> -ClientId <client_id> -ClientSecret <client_secret> -DisallowIcaDownload $true
  2. Run the following command to set inactivityTimeoutInMinutes to 1 hour, for example: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl <workspace_url> -ClientId <client_id> -ClientSecret <client_secret> -InactivityTimeoutInMinutes "60"
  3. Run the following command to enable DisallowICADownload and set inactivityTimeoutInMinutes in a single command: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl <workspace_url> -ClientId <client_id> -ClientSecret <client_secret> -DisallowIcaDownload $true -InactivityTimeoutInMinutes "60"
  4. Run the following command to set inactivityTimeoutInMinutesMobile to 5 minutes, for example: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl <workspace_url> -ClientId <client_id> -ClientSecret <client_secret> -InactivityTimeoutInMinutesMobile "5"
Getting started