Configuring Citrix Workspace using PowerShell module


The Citrix Workspace Store Configuration PowerShell module is used to configure disallowIcaDownload and inactivityTimeoutInMinutes properties for your Citrix Workspace. This module uses the StoreFrontConfiguration service running in Citrix Cloud to get/set the configurations for your workspace.

The disallowIcaDownload property prevents ICA files from being downloaded to client machines when workspace is accessed through a web browser. This prevents unwanted tampering of ICA files by end users.

The inactivityTimeoutInMinutes property will be used by your Citrix Workspace App to timeout an inactive session after the configured timeout value in minutes.

The inactivityTimeoutInMinutesMobile property will be used by your Citrix Workspace App to timeout an inactive session after the configured timeout value in minutes for Mobile platform.

The module consists of two cmdlets:

  • Get-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations
  • Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations

To use the module, you must generate an API client ID and secret for the Citrix Cloud customer. For more information about obtaining credentials and getting started with the Citrix Cloud APIs, see Get started with Citrix Cloud APIs.

Download the Citrix Workspace Store Configuration PowerShell Module


Get-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations [-WorkspaceUrl] <String> [-ClientId] <String> [-ClientSecret] <String>

Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations [-WorkspaceUrl] <Uri> [-ClientId] <String> [-ClientSecret] <String>
[[-DisallowIcaDownload] <Boolean>] [[-InactivityTimeoutInMinutes] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


In the event of issues, -Verbose may be supplied to any of the cmdlets in order to produce additional logging. For example:

Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations [-WorkspaceUrl] <Uri> [-ClientId] <String> [-ClientSecret] <String> [[-DisallowIcaDownload] <Boolean>] -Verbose

Run Get-Help <name of cmdlet> -Full to obtain help for specific cmdlets. For Example:

Get-Help Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -Full
