Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Gets the list of resources created for provisioning schemes, image versions, and virtual machines.


Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeName <String> [-BearerToken <String>] [-TraceParent <String>] [-TraceState <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid <Guid> [-BearerToken <String>] [-TraceParent <String>] [-TraceState <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Detailed Description

Let you retrieve the list of provisioning resources, such as disks created for a provisioning scheme, image versions, and virtual machines.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
ProvisioningSchemeName The name of the provisioning scheme. true true (ByPropertyName)  
ProvisioningSchemeUid The unique identifier of the provisioning scheme. true false  
BearerToken Specifies the bearer token assigned to the calling user false false  
TraceParent Specifies the trace parent assigned for internal diagnostic tracing use false false  
TraceState Specifies the trace state assigned for internal diagnostic tracing user false false  
VirtualSiteId Specifies the virtual site the PowerShell snap-in will connect to. false false  
AdminAddress The address of a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops controller the PowerShell snap-in will connect to. You can provide this as a host name or an IP address. false false Localhost. Once a value is provided by any cmdlet, this value becomes the default.

Input Type


You can pipe an object containing a parameter called ‘ProvisioningSchemeName’ to Get-ProvResource.

Return Values


This object provides details of the provisioning scheme and contains the following information:

  • ProvisionedScheme &lt;Citrix.MachineCreation.Sdk.ProvisionedSchemeResource&gt; An object containing provisioning scheme id, name, and resources attached to the provisioning scheme.

  • ProvisionedImageVersion &lt;Citrix.MachineCreation.Sdk.ProvisionedImageVersionResource[] &gt; A list of objects containing provisioning scheme id, name, and resources attached to the provisioning image versions.

  • ProvisionedVirtualMachine &lt;Citrix.MachineCreation.Sdk.ProvisionedVirtualMachineResource[] &gt; A list of objects containing provisioning scheme id, name, and resources attached to the provisioned virtual machines.


The Get-ProvResource cmdlet returns an object containing three sub-objects: o The provisioned scheme o Array of provisioned image versions o Array of provisioned virtual machines


Example 1

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result

                ProvisionedScheme                                    ProvisionedImageVersion

                -----------------                                    -----------------------

                Citrix.MachineCreation.Sdk.ProvisionedSchemeResource {/example.vm/example.snapshot, /example...



Returns the ProvisionedScheme object, ProvisionedImageVersion object, and ProvisionedVirtualMachine object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 2

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedScheme

                Id                                   Name                    Resource

                --                                   ----                    --------

                e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92 Example_Catalog



Returns the Id, Name, and Resource of the ProvisionedScheme object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 3

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedImageVersion

                ImageStatus Id                                   Name

                ----------- --                                   ----

                Deleted     92bd1cb2-4d16-43ad-8672-04b28889f072 /example.vm/example.snapshot

                Current     def7badc-4769-4c5d-93e1-2c20018dca26 /example.vm/example.snapshot

                Deleted     9dca4d28-acc6-49c8-bdc4-94cc12b958ea /example.vm/example.snapshot



Returns ImageStatus, ID, and Name of the ProvisionedImageVersion sub-object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 4

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedImageVersion[1].Resource

                Id                                   ResourceType Metadata

                --                                   ------------ --------

                0005f0fa-2f3f-4361-9103-5d9e6b9c656c Disk         {Role, StorageId}



Returns the Resource (Id, ResourceType, and Metadata) of the ProvisionedImageVersion object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 5

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedImageVersion[1].Resource[0].Metadata

                Key       Value

                ---       -----

                Role      Base Disk

                StorageId 1a033f55-d552-5ba9-e364-2af7b859303e



Returns the Metadata (Role and StorageId) of the resource of the ProvisionedImageVersion sub-object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 6

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedVirtualMachine

                Id                                   Name        Resource

                --                                   ----        --------

                7141f207-844f-f271-a076-10258186bb52 ExampleVM01 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, 539e7ebb-296f-4021-9faa-8614ff159e77, 00000000-000...

                1f8cceed-1c6b-efb3-079e-486477e2b2c2 ExampleVM02 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, 2574798c-014c-4457-9040-d040246c2dc8, 00000000-000...



Returns ID, Name, and Resource of the provisioned virtual machines for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 7

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedVirtualMachine[0].Resource

                Id                                   ResourceType Metadata

                --                                   ------------ --------

                00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Disk         {Role, ParentDiskId, StorageId}

                539e7ebb-296f-4021-9faa-8614ff159e77 Disk         {Role, StorageId}

                00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Disk         {Role, StorageId}



Returns the Resource (Id, ResourceType, and Metadata) of the ProvisionedVirtualMachine object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 8

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedVirtualMachine[0].Resource[0].Metadata

                Key          Value

                ---          -----

                Role         OS Delta Disk

                ParentDiskId 5eef2ad5-2b05-442c-a5b5-1a7e9ecaf36d

                StorageId    1a033f55-d552-5ba9-e364-2af7b859303e



Returns the Metadata (Role, ParentDiskID, and StorageId for OS Delta Disk) of the Resource of the ProvisionedVirtualMachine object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 9

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedVirtualMachine[0].Resource[1].Metadata

                Key       Value

                ---       -----

                Role      Identity Disk

                StorageId 1a033f55-d552-5ba9-e364-2af7b859303e



Returns the Metadata (Role and StorageId for Identity Disk) of the Resource of the ProvisionedVirtualMachine object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”

Example 10

C:\PS> $result = Get-ProvResource -ProvisioningSchemeUid 'e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92'

                C:\PS> $result.ProvisionedVirtualMachine[0].Resource[2].Metadata

                Key       Value

                ---       -----

                Role      PersonalVDisk




Returns the Metadata (Role and StorageId for Personal Virtual Disk) of the Resource of the ProvisionedVirtualMachine object for the provisioning scheme ID “e9aa1cf8-b2a8-4c3c-a309-1d53f7882e92.”
