Custom activities in Citrix ITSM connector
As an IT administrator, you can use custom activities in the Citrix ITSM connector to create or customize your own workflows in ServiceNow.
This section describes input variables, output variables, and returned results of the custom activities.
The following activities are available from version 2110.1.0 of the Citrix ITSM connector plug-in.
Get Sessions
This activity retrieves sessions that match specific variable values. If no variables are specified, the activity enumerates all sessions.
Input variables
Specify the variable values to filter target sessions.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
UserName | String | Optional | Specify the user name that the sessions are assigned to. |
CatalogName | String | Optional | Specify the catalog name that the sessions belong to. |
DesktopGroupName | String | Optional | Specify the name of the desktop group that the sessions are associated with. Desktop groups are also known as delivery groups |
MachineName | String | Optional | Specify the name of the machine where the sessions are started. Format: DOMAIN\machine. |
DesktopKind | String | Optional | Specify the type of the desktop where the sessions are started. Valid values include Private and Shared. |
SessionType | String | Optional | Specify the session type. Valid values include Application and Desktop. |
SessionState | String | Optional | Specify the session state. Valid values include Other, PreparingNewSession, Connected, Active, Disconnected, Reconnecting, NonBrokeredSession, and Unknown. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the sessions belong to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity result: true or false. |
Sessions | String | Shows the detailed session information, as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
Reset User Session
This activity resets user sessions that match specific variable values.
Input variables
Specify the variable values to filter target sessions.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
site_id | String | Optional | Specify the site ID where the session is started. |
session_id | String | Required | Specify the session ID. |
customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the session belongs to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
result | String | Shows the activity result: success or failure. |
Get Machines
This activity retrieves machines that match specific variable values. If no variables are specified, the activity enumerates all machines.
Input variables
Specify the input variables to filter target machines.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
CatalogName | String | Optional | Specify the name of the catalog that the machines belong to. |
CatalogUid | String | Optional | Specify the UID of the catalog that the machines belong to. |
DeliveryGroup | String | Optional | Specify the name of the delivery group that the machines are associated with. |
RegistrationState | String | Optional | Specify the registration state of the machines. Valid values include Unregistered, Initializing, Registered, and AgSpecifyror. |
PowerManagementSupport | Boolean | Optional | Specify whether the machines support power management or not. |
Uuid | String | Optional | Specify the machine UUID. |
AssignedUserName | String | Optional | Specify the user name that machines are assigned to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the machines belong to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the result of the activity: true or false. |
Machines | String | Shows the detailed machine information as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
"MachineName": "string",
"uid": "string",
"uuid": "string",
"SID": "string",
"osType": "string",
"ZoneName": "string",
"catalogName": "string",
"deliveryGroup": "string",
"registrationState": "string",
"supportedPowerActions": ["string"],
"powerState": "string"
Update Power Action
This activity applies power actions to machines.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the machine and power action.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
MachineName | String | Required | Specify the machine name in the format of DOMAIN\machine. |
DNSName | String | Required | Specify the FQDN of the machine. |
PowerAction | String | Required | Specify the power action. Valid values include Turn on, Turn off, Shut down, Reset, and Restart. |
SiteId | String | Optional | Specify the site ID that the machine belongs to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the machine belongs to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity result: success or failure. |
MachineInfo | String | Shows the detailed information about the machine as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
"siteId": {
"machineName": {
"machineName": "string",
"action": "string",
"actionStartTime": "string",
"actionCompletionTime": "string",
"state": "string"
Deprovision VDI
This activity removes a specific VDI desktop from your cloud deployment or retains the desktop but remove the current user’s access rights.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the machine and removal mode.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
MachineSID | String | Required | Specify the machine SID. |
MachineName | String | Required | Specify the machine name. |
DNSName | String | Required | Specify the FQDN of the machine. |
RemoveUserAccessOnly | Boolean | Required | Specify the removal mode. True means to retain a specific VDI desktop but remove the current user’s access rights. False means to remove a specific VDI desktop from your cloud deployment. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the machine belongs to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity result: success or failure. |
Get Applications
This activity retrieves applications that match specific variable values. If no variables are specified, the activity enumerates all applications.
Input variables
Specify the variable values to filter target applications.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
Name | String | Optional | Specify the name of the application. |
PublishedName | String | Optional | Specify the published name of the application. |
AssociatedApplicationGroupName | String | Optional | Specify the application group name. |
AssociatedDesktopGroupName | Boolean | Optional | Specify the name of the desktop group (also known as delivery group). |
AssociatedUser | String | Optional | Specify the name of the user who is assigned the specific application. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the application belongs to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | Boolean | Shows the activity result: true or false. |
Applications | String | Shows the detailed application information as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
"Name": "string",
"PublishedName": "string",
"DesktopGroup": [
"Name": "string",
"ADGroups": ["string"],
"DeliveryType": "string",
"AllocationType": "string",
"DesktopsUnregistered": "string",
"DesktopsAvailable": "string",
"DesktopsInUse": "string",
"Sessions": "string",
"TotalDesktops": "string",
"SessionSupport": "string",
"IsRemotePC": "string",
"DesktopAssignments": [
"Name": "string",
"ADGroups": [
"ApplicationGroup": [{
"AssociatedADGroups": ["string"],
"SiteId": "string",
"SiteName": "string"
Assign User To Group
This activity assigns a user to a delivery group, an application group, or both.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the user and the groups you want to assign to them.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
users | String | Optional | Specify the user name. |
delivery_group | String | Required | Specify the delivery group name that you want to assign to the users. |
application_group | String | Required | Specify the application group name that you want to assign to the user. |
site_id | String | Optional | Specify the site ID that the user belongs to. |
customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the user belongs to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
result | String | Shows the activity result: success or failure. |
Create MCS Task
This activity creates the Add MCS-created machines task.
Input variables
Use the input variables to configure the task based on your needs.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
CatalogName | String | Required | Specify the name of the machine catalog that you want to add the machines to. |
SiteName | String | Optional | Specify the name of the site that you want to add the machines to. |
DesktopGroupName | String | Optional | Specify the name of the desktop group (also known as delivery group) you want to add the machines to. |
Quantity | String | Optional | Specify the number of the machines that you want to create. |
PowerOn | String | Optional | Specify whether to power on the machines after they are created. Valid values: True, False. |
AdminAccount | String | Optional | Specify the name of the admin account that you want to create on the machines. |
AdminPassword | String | Optional | Specify the password of the admin account that you want to create on the machines. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account where the task is created. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity result: True or False. |
TaskUuid | String | Shows the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the task. |
Retrieve MCS Task Status
This activity retrieves the status of an MCS task.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the task ID.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
TaskUuid | String | Optional | Specify the UUID of an MCS task. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account where the task is created. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the status of the specified MCS task. Valid values: Success, Working, or Failed. |
Send Message to Session
This activity sends a message to the specified sessions.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the sessions and message details.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
SessionUids | Array | Required | Specify the UIDs of the sessions that you want to send a message to. |
MessageStyle | String | Required | Specify the style of the message box that you want to use. Valid values: Critical, Question, Exclamation, or Information. |
Title | String | Required | Specify the text that you want to display in the title bar of the message box. |
Text | String | Required | Specify the text that you want to display in the message box. |
SiteId | String | Optional | Specify the site ID that the sessions belong to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the Citrix Cloud account ID that the sessions belong to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
Update Maintenance Mode
This activity turns on or off maintenance mode for the specified machines.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the machines and maintenance mode.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
MachineUids | Array | Optional | Specify the UIDs of the machines where you want to turn on or off maintenance mode. |
MachineNames | Array | Optional | Specify the computer names of the machines where you want to turn on or off maintenance mode. |
DNSNames | Array | Optional | Specify the FQDN of the machines where you want to turn on or off maintenance mode. |
MaintenanceMode | String | Required | Specify whether to turn on maintenance mode for the specified machines. Valid values: On or Off. Note: Machines in maintenance mode can neither receive new sessions nor be power-managed. |
SiteId | String | Optional | Specify the ID of the site where the machines belong to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the Citrix Cloud account ID that the machines belong to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
Run PowerShell scripts on a machine
This activity runs a PowerShell script on a specified machine.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the machine name, script content, and information to access the machine.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
MachineName | String | Required | Specify the name of the machine where you want to run the script. |
UserName | String | Required | Specify the name of the user who is assigned to the machine. |
Password | String | Required | Specify the password that the user uses to access the machine. |
ScriptContent | String | Required | Specify the PowerShell script that you want to run on the specified machine. |
ResourceLocationId | String | Optional | Specify the ID of the resource location to which the machine belongs. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the Citrix Cloud account that the machine belongs to. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
TaskId | String | Shows the ID of the task created to run the script. |
Response | String | Shows the response from the PowerShell script. |
Status | String | Shows the status of the task. |
ResourceLocationId | String | Shows the ID of the resource location that the machine belongs to. |
Get PowerShell Output
This activity retrieves the output of a PowerShell script based on the task ID.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the task ID.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
TaskId | String | Specify the ID of the task created to run the script. | |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the customer. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Response | String | Shows the response of the PowerShell script. |
Status | String | Shows the status of the task. |
Get Failure Sessions
This activity retrieves the specified failed sessions.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the delivery group, user, and customer ID to retrieve the failed sessions.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
DeliveryGroup | String | Required | Specify the name of the delivery group that the failed sessions belong to. |
User | String | Required | Specify the user that the sessions are assigned to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the customer. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
FailureSessions | String | Shows the detailed session information as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
Run a Citrix Health Check test
This activity runs a citrix health check (CHC) test on a specified machine.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the machine UUID, site ID, and customer ID to run the test.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
MachineUuid | String | Required | Specify the name of the machine where you want to run the CHC test. |
DNSName | String | Required | Specify the FQDN of the machine where you want to run the CHC test. |
SiteId | String | Optional | Specify the site ID that the machine belongs to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the customer. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
Get CHC Report
This activity retrieves the latest CHC report of a specified machine.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the machine UUID, site ID, and customer ID to retrieve the report.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
MachineUuid | String | Required | Specify the UUID of the machine where you want to run the CHC test. |
MachineName | String | Required | Specify the name of the machine where you want to run the CHC test. |
DNSName | String | Required | Specify the FQDN of the machine where you want to run the CHC test. |
SiteId | String | Optional | Specify the site ID that the machine belongs to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the customer. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
Report | String | Shows the detailed report information as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
"CustomerId": "string",
"Site": "string",
"MachineId": "string",
"MachineName": "string",
"Status": "string",
"StatusMessage": "DateTime",
"UpdatedAt": "DateTime",
"ReportName": "string",
"ReportIssues": "string",
"ReportLocation": "string"
VDI Assignment
This activity assigns a VDA to a specified user.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the user name, machine name, and site ID to assign the VDA.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
UserName | String | Required | Specify the name of the user that the machine is assigned to. |
MachineName | String | Required | Specify the name of the machine that you want to assign. |
SiteId | String | Optional | Specify the site ID that the machine belongs to. |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the customer. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
Machine | String | Shows the detailed machine information as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
"MachineName": "string",
"uid": "string",
"uuid": "string",
"SID": "string",
"osType": "string",
"ZoneName": "string",
"catalogName": "string",
"deliveryGroup": "string",
"registrationState": "string",
"supportedPowerActions": ["string"],
"powerState": "string"
Get License Usage Data
This activity retrieves the license usage data of a specified customer.
Input variables
Use the input variables to specify the customer and the license mode.
Variable | Type | Value | Description |
Customer | String | Required | Specify the ID of the customer. |
LicenseMode | String | Required | Specify the license mode. Valid values include UserDevice, Concurrent, and Mixed. |
Output variables
Variable | Type | Description |
Result | String | Shows the activity status: Success or Failure. |
LicenseUsageData | String | Shows the detailed license usage data as shown in the following JSON string. |
Return results
"customerId": "string",
"dailyHistoricalActiveUse": [
"activeUseCount": int,
"activeUsePercentage": "string",
"deviceActiveUseCount": int,
"deviceActiveUsePercentage": "string",
"recordingTimeStamp": "string",
"licenseType": "string",
"totalLicenseCount": int,
"totalUsage": int
In this article
- Get Sessions
- Reset User Session
- Get Machines
- Update Power Action
- Deprovision VDI
- Get Applications
- Assign User To Group
- Create MCS Task
- Retrieve MCS Task Status
- Send Message to Session
- Update Maintenance Mode
- Run PowerShell scripts on a machine
- Get PowerShell Output
- Get Failure Sessions
- Run a Citrix Health Check test
- Get CHC Report
- VDI Assignment
- Get License Usage Data