Citrix ITSM Adapter service

Tables in the Citrix ITSM connector

When developing your own services, you can use the ServiceNow (SNOW) table APIs to invoke information from tables used in the Citrix ITSM connector plug-in.

The section describes the tables that are available with the Citrix ITSM connector plug-in since version 2110.1.0. This section provides the following information for those tables:

  • Table label: Indicates the table name displayed in the ServiceNow Service Management Portal.
  • Table name: Indicates the table name in the database.
  • Table columns: List table columns in the database table.

Table label: Citrix Alert

This table lists alerts that originate from Citrix components.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
category Category String NA 40
comment Comment String NA 40
condition Condition String NA 40
description Description String NA 40
incident Incident Reference Incident 32
policy_name Policy Name Reference Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Alert Policies 40
priority Priority String NA 40
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 40
state State String NA 40
sub_category Sub Category String NA 40
target Target String NA 128
trigger_value Trigger Value String NA 40
type Type String NA 40

Table label: Citrix Cloud Notification Policies

This table lists the notification policies that IT Admin creates to retrieve notifications from Citrix Cloud.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
create_incident Create Incident True/False NA 40
enabled Enabled True/False NA 40
name Name String NA 40
priority Priority String NA 40
severity Severity String NA 40
description Description String NA 8192
title Title String NA 256
policy_priority Policy Priority Integer NA 32
service_now_action Service Now Action String NA 32
category Category String NA 32
impact Impact String NA 40
urgency Urgency String NA 40
assign_to Assign To Reference User 32
assign_to_group Assignment Group Reference Group 32

Table label: Citrix ITSM Access Given

This table lists the parameters that are used to request the ITSM Adapter service.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
admin_account Admin Account String NA 40
admin_password Admin Password Password (2 Way Encrypted) NA 255
ad_group AD Group Reference Citrix ITSM AD Groups 100
application_group Application Group Reference Citrix ITSM Application Group 32
delivery_group Delivery Group Reference Citrix ITSM Delivery Group 100
machine_catalog Machine Catalog Reference Citrix ITSM Machine Catalogs 32
ritm RITM Reference Requested Item 32
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 32
site_id Site ID String NA 100
tuuid TUUID String NA 200
users Users List User 1024

Table label: Citrix ITSM AD Groups

This table lists AD groups of the customer.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
name Name String NA 100

Table label: Citrix ITSM Application Group

This table lists that application groups of the customer.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
ad_groups AD Groups List Citrix ITSM AD Groups 4000
name Name String NA 100
uuid UUID String NA 40

Table label: Citrix ITSM Applications

This table lists applications that are available to the customer.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
ad_groups AD Groups List Citrix ITSM AD Groups 4000  
ad_group_for_auto_approve AD Group for Automatic Approval List Citrix ITSM AD Groups 4000  
application_groups Application Groups List Citrix ITSM Application Groups 4000  
application_group_for_auto_approve Application Group for Automatic Approval List Citrix ITSM Application Groups 4000  
availability_for_requests Available for Requests True/False NA 40 true
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
delivery_group_for_auto_approve Delivery Group for Automatic Approval List Citrix ITSM Delivery Group 4000  
delivery_group Delivery Group List Citrix ITSM Delivery Group 4000  
enable_auto_approve Enable Automatic Approval True/False NA 40 false
limit_visibility Limit Visibility List Citrix ITSM AD Groups 4000  
name Application Name String NA 100  
published_name Published Name String NA 40  
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 32  
uuid UUID String NA 40  

Table label: Citrix ITSM Configuration

This table lists properties of the ITSM SNOW plug-in.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
allow_edit Allow Edit True/False NA 40  
description Description String NA 500  
name Name String NA 100  
pid PID Integer NA 40  
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 32  
value Value String NA 500  

Table label: Citrix ITSM Delivery Group

This table lists delivery groups of the customer.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
ad_groups AD Groups List Citrix ITSM AD Groups 4000  
allocation_type Allocation Type String NA 40  
days_of_idling_before_alerts Days of idling before alerts Integer NA 40 30
days_of_idling_before_deprovisioning Days of idling before deprovisioning Integer NA 40 45
delivery_type Delivery Type String NA 40  
desktops_available Desktops Available Integer NA 40  
desktops_inuse Desktops InUse Integer NA 40  
desktops_unregistered Desktops Unregistered Integer NA 40  
enable_deprovisioning Enable Deprovisioning True or False NA 40 false
isremotepc IsRemotePC True/False NA 40 false
name Name String NA 100  
sessions Sessions Integer NA 40  
session_support Session Support String NA 100  
total_desktops Total Desktops Integer NA 40  
uuid UUID String NA 40  

Table label: Citrix ITSM Machine Catalogs

This table lists machine catalogs of the customer.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
minimum_functional_level Minimum Functional Level String NA 100  
name Name String NA 100  
description Description String NA 400  
provisioning_type Provisioning Type String NA 100  
scopes Scopes String NA 100  
session_support Session Support String NA 100  
zone_name Zone Name String NA 100  
uuid UUID String NA 40  

Table label: Citrix ITSM OS Configurations

This table lists the available OS configurations.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
add_to_ad_group Add to AD Group Instead True/False NA 40 false
ad_group_for_auto_approve AD Group for Automatic Approval Reference Citrix ITSM AD Groups 32  
allocation_type Allocation Type String NA 40  
availability_for_requests Available for Requests True/False NA 40 true
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
delivery_group Delivery Group List Citrix ITSM Delivery Group 4000  
enable_auto_approve Enable Automatic Approval True/False NA 40 false
machine_catalog Machine Catalog Reference Citrix ITSM Machine Catalogs 32  
name OS Type String NA 100  
os_version OS Version String NA 40  
published_name Published Name String NA 40  
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 32  
uuid UUID String NA 40  

Table label: Citrix ITSM Sites

This table lists ITSM sites in your deployment.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
site_id Site ID String NA 100  
site_name Site Name String NA 100  

Table label: Citrix Notification

This table lists notifications from Citrix Cloud.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
categories Categories String NA 4000
component Component String NA 40
create_date Create Date String NA 40
description Description String NA 1024
detail_uri Detail Uri String NA 1024
id Id String NA 100
notification_state Notification State String NA 40
policies Policies List Citrix Cloud Notification Policies 40
priority Priority String NA 40
severity Severity String NA 40
title Title String NA 40

Table label: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Alert Policies

This table lists alert policies from the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
assign_to Assign to Reference User 32
assign_to_group Assignment Group Reference Group 32
category Category String NA 40
create_incident Create Incident True/False NA 40
create_incidents_for Create Incidents for String NA 40
create_incident_for_critical_alerts_only Create Incidents for Critical Alerts Only True/False NA
description Description String NA 1024
impact Impact Integer NA
urgency Urgency Integer NA
monitor Monitor True/False NA 40
id Id String NA 100
policy_name Policy Name String NA 40
scope Scope String NA 40
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 40
target_kind Target Kind String NA 40
uid UID String NA 40
webhook Webhook String NA 1024

Table label: Deprovisioning List

This table lists deprovisioning requests.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
allocation_type Allocation Type String NA 32
associated_user Associated User String NA 40
delivery_group Delivery Group String NA 32
identify Code Identify Code String NA 40
last_connection_time Last Connection Time String NA 40
last_connection_user Last Connection User String NA 40
machine_catalog Machine Catalog String NA 32
machine_name Machine Name String NA 60
os_type OS Type String NA 32
power_state Power State String NA 40
registration_state Registration State String NA 40
state State String NA 40
unused_days Unused Days Integer NA 40
user User String NA 32
uuid UUID String NA 40

Table label: User Requests

This table lists user requests.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
requested_item Requested Item Reference Requested Item 32  

Table label: Citrix VDAs

This table lists the VDA machines and machine details in your deployment.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
associatedusernames AssociatedUserNames String NA 40  
catalogname CatalogName String NA 40  
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
desktopgroupname DesktopGroupName String NA 40  
dnsname DNSName String NA 40  
hostedmachineid HostedMachineId String NA 40  
hostedmachinename HostingServerName String NA 40  
hypervisorconnectionname HypervisorConnectionName String NA 40  
ipaddress IPAddress String NA 40  
isassigned IsAssigned String NA 40  
lastconnectiontime LastConnectionTime String NA 40  
lastconnectionuser LastConnectionUser String NA 40  
lastderegistrationreason LastDeregistrationReason String NA 40  
lastderegistrationtime LastDeregistrationTime String NA 40  
machinename MachineName String NA 40  
ostype OSType String NA 40  
osversion OSVersion String NA 40  
powerstate PowerState String NA 40  
provisioningtype ProvisioningType String NA 40  
registrationstate RegistrationState String NA 40  
sessionsupport SessionSupport String NA 40  
sid SID String NA 40  
site Site Reference Citrix ITSM Sites 40  
uuid UUID String NA 40  

Table label: Data Import Policies

This table lists settings for Data Import Policies.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length Default value
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32  
daily_start_time Daily Run Time Choice NA 40 08:00Z
enabled Enabled True/False NA 40 true
license_type License Type List NA 4000  
optional_fields Optional Fields List NA 40  
policy_name Policy Name String NA 40  
policy_type Policy Type Choice NA 40 Push VDI
Pre Needed pre_needed String NA 40  
Pre Type pre_type String NA 40  

Table label: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Active Use

This table lists daily active usage for Citrix virtual app and desktop licenses.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
license_type License Type String NA 48
daily_active_use Daily Active Use Integer NA
daily_active_use_percentage Daily Active Use Percentage Percent Complete NA
daily_device_active_use Daily Device Active Use Integer NA
dailydevice_active_use_percentage Daily Device Active Use Percentage Percent Complete NA
recording_time_stamp Recording Time Stamp String NA 48

Table label: ADM Alert

This table lists alerts that originate from Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) service.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
category Category String NA 40
comment Comment String NA 1024
contact_type Contact Type String NA 40
description Description String NA 1024
impact Impact String NA 40
incident Incident Reference Incident 32
short_description Short Description String NA 1024
urgency Urgency String NA 40
state State String NA 40
sub_category Sub Category String NA 40

Table label: ADM Event Policy

This table lists the event policies that IT Admin creates to retrieve events from ADM service.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
name Policy Name String NA 128
priority Policy Priority Integer NA
category Category String NA 64
severity Severity List NA 1024
failure_object Failure Object String NA 256
region Region String NA 40
information Information String NA 256
action ServiceNow Action String NA 40
incident_category Incident Category String NA 32
impact Impact String NA 40
urgency Urgency String NA 40
assign_to Assign To Reference User 32
assign_to_group Assignment Group Reference Group 32

Table label: Citrix Cloud Health Incident

This table lists Citrix Cloud health incidents.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
title Title String NA 128
event_status Event Status String NA 1024
priority Priority String NA 40
affected_services Affected Services String NA 1024
latest_message Latest Message String NA 256
messages Messages String NA 1024
event_start_at Event Start At String NA 40
event_end_at Event End At String NA 40
event_type Event Type String NA 40
policy Policy Reference Citrix Cloud Health Incident Policy 40
incident Incident Reference Incident 32
event_id Event Id String NA 40

Table label: Citrix Cloud Health Incident Policy

This table lists the Citrix Cloud health incident policies.

Table name


Table columns

Column name Column label Type Reference Max length
customer Customer Reference Citrix Customers 32
name Policy Name String NA 128
policy_priority Policy Priority Integer NA
servicename Service Name List NA 4000
region Region String NA 40
event_type Event Type String NA 40
servicenow_action ServiceNow Action String NA 40
category Category String NA 64
impact Impact String NA 40
urgency Urgency String NA 40
assign_to Assign To Reference User 32
assign_to_group Assignment Group Reference Group 32