Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops REST APIs

How to disconnect or log off a session in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Use REST APIs to to disconnect or log off a session from your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site.

Follow the prerequisites and examples to get started with this API.

You can make API requests using the PowerShell code, C# code, Python, or any tool that supports invoking the REST API.

Prerequisites to disconnect or log off a session

Disconnect or log off a session from your site using any REST API tool

Learn from the following example to disconnect or log off a virtual app or desktop session from your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site using any REST API tool.

Disconnecting a session followed by a manual reconnect helps to solve some temporary session issues, for example, graphics corruption.

Logging off the session helps to recover from session-level issues, for example, application or desktop hang. It can also be used for security reasons.

The time needed to completely log off a Windows session is unpredictable. Therefore, response to the session log off API is asyncronous. The response has a job URL in the Location header, which can then be queried for the status and result of the log off process.

To avoid data loss, it is recommended that the session owners be notified to save their work before the session disconnects or logs off.

Request for session disconnect

POST https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{id}/$disconnect HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Authorization: CWSAuth bearer=<token-from-prerequisites> Citrix-CustomerId: loy6oujtu6a4 Citrix-InstanceId: 22ded57c-0306-47e4-b6e8-fed6252759e1

Response for session disconnect

HTTP/1.1 200 OK citrix-transactionid: d4cbb328-c3c1-476e-8505-25890bf88155 content-Length: 8320 content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 date: "Tue, 08 Dec 2020 11:34:57 GMT" { "Items": [ { "Id": "41ba32e9-d12b-485c-afd2-c4d0d047cd8b", "Uid": 8, "ApplicationsInUse": [ { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Uid": null, "Name": "WorkingApp_1" } ], "AppState": "Active", "AppStateLastChangeTime": "11/16/2020 2:01:04 PM", "Brokering": { "AutonomouslyBrokered": false, "DurationMilliseconds": null, "Time": null, "UserName": null, "UserSid": null }, "Client": { "DeviceId": null, "HardwareId": "55667788", "IPAddress": "", "Name": "", "Platform": "Unknown", "ProductId": 9, "ReceiverIPAddress": null, "ReceiverName": null, "Version": "v1.0" }, "Connection": { "ConnectedViaHostName": null, "ConnectedViaIP": "", "ConnectionMode": "Brokered", "LaunchedViaHostName": null, "LaunchedViaIP": "", "Protocol": "Hdx", "SecureIcaActive": false, "SmartAccessTags": [] }, "ContainerScopes": [ { "Scopes": [ { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Uid": null, "Name": "All", "Description": null, "IsBuiltIn": true, "IsAllScope": true, "IsTenantScope": false, "TenantId": null, "TenantName": null } ], "ScopeType": "MachineCatalog" }, { "Scopes": [ { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Uid": null, "Name": "All", "Description": null, "IsBuiltIn": true, "IsAllScope": true, "IsTenantScope": false, "TenantId": null, "TenantName": null } ], "ScopeType": "DeliveryGroup" } ], "EstablishmentDurationMilliseconds": 22260, "EstablishmentTime": "11/16/2020 2:01:04 PM", "IsAnonymousUser": false, "IsHidden": false, "LogoffInProgress": false, "LogonInProgress": false, "Machine": { "Id": null, "Uid": 15, "AgentVersion": "1912.0.1000.24525", "AllocationType": "Random", "ApplicationsInUse": null, "AssociatedUsers": null, "MachineCatalog": { "Id": "0520987c-0312-4e1c-bd09-7714fc8732ec", "Uid": 2, "Name": "Sales-B" }, "ContainerScopes": null, "ControllerDnsName": null, "DeliveryGroup": { "Id": "5c796610-cb80-40ae-8378-5cbd5cefbd89", "Uid": 2, "Name": "Sales" }, "DeliveryType": null, "Description": null, "DesktopConditions": null, "DnsName": "", "Hosting": { "HostedMachineId": null, "HostedMachineName": null, "HostingServerName": null, "LastHostingUpdateTime": null, "HypervisorConnection": { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Uid": null, "Name": "SalesVda" }, "ImageOutOfDate": false }, "InMaintenanceMode": false, "IPAddress": "", "IsAssigned": null, "MachineType": "Virtual", "LastConnectionFailure": null, "LastConnectionTime": null, "LastConnectionUser": null, "LastDeregistrationReason": null, "LastDeregistrationTime": null, "LastErrorReason": null, "LastErrorTime": null, "LoadIndex": null, "Name": "HTLABS04\\Sales-B03", "OSType": "Windows 2019", "OSVersion": null, "PersistUserChanges": "Discard", "PowerActionPending": null, "PowerState": "Unknown", "ProvisioningType": "MCS", "PublishedApplications": null, "RegistrationState": null, "ScheduledReboot": "Unknown", "SessionClientAddress": null, "SessionClientName": null, "SessionClientVersion": null, "SessionConnectedViaHostName": null, "SessionConnectedViaIP": null, "SessionCount": null, "SessionLaunchedViaHostName": null, "SessionLaunchedViaIP": null, "SessionProtocol": null, "SessionSecureIcaActive": null, "SessionSmartAccessTags": null, "SessionStartTime": null, "SessionState": null, "SessionStateChangeTime": null, "SessionSupport": "SingleSession", "SessionUserName": null, "Sid": null, "SummaryState": "Disconnected", "WillShutdownAfterUse": null, "WindowsConnectionSetting": null, "Zone": { "Id": "1d405094-3abe-4ab9-b304-b21522bcd3e6", "Uid": null, "Name": "htlabs04-EastUs" }, "SupportedPowerActions": null, "FaultState": "Unknown" }, "SessionType": "Application", "StartTime": "11/16/2020 2:01:04 PM", "State": "Disconnected", "StateChangeTime": "11/16/2020 2:02:49 PM", "UntrustedUserName": "HTLABS04\\DevUser1", "User": { "DisplayName": "DevUser1", "SamName": null, "SamAccountName": null, "CommonName": null, "PrincipalName": "", "Sid": "S-1-5-21-886277602-2428626936-2556752729-2162", "GroupSids": null, "DenyOnlySids": null, "PasswordCanExpire": null, "DaysUntilPasswordExpiry": null, "IsBuiltIn": null, "IsGroup": null, "Name": "HTLABS04\\DevUser1", "StreetAddress": null, "City": null, "State": null, "Country": null, "Mail": null, "TelephoneNumber": null, "HomePhone": null, "Mobile": null, "Enabled": null, "Locked": null, "PropertiesFetched": 0, "Domain": null, "Forest": null, "Guid": null, "DistinguishedName": null, "CanonicalName": null, "PossibleLookupFailure": false, "DirectoryServer": null } } ], "ContinuationToken": null, "TotalItems": 1 }

Request for session log off

POST https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{id}/$logoff HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Authorization: CWSAuth bearer=<token-from-prerequisites> Citrix-CustomerId: loy6oujtu6a4

Response for session log off

HTTP/1.1 200 OK citrix-transactionid: ce0d3943-e294-4fc8-b2c6-85271d4a0c3b content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 date: "Tue, 08 Dec 2020 11:34:57 GMT" Location: https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Jobs/81c05d9f...

Disconnect or log off a session from your site using PowerShell

Learn from the following example to disconnect or log off a virtual app or desktop session from your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site using any PowerShell code.

function DisconnectSession { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $customerid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $siteid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $sessionid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $bearerToken ) $requestUri = [string]::Format("https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{0}/`$disconnect", $sessionid) $headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/json"; "Authorization" = "CWSAuth Bearer=$bearerToken"; "Citrix-CustomerId" = $customerid; "Citrix-InstanceId" = $siteid; } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUri -Method POST -Headers $headers return $response } function LogoffSession { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $customerid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $siteid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $sessionid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $bearerToken ) $requestUri = [string]::Format("https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{0}/`$logoff", $sessionid) $headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/json"; "Authorization" = "CWSAuth Bearer=$bearerToken"; "Citrix-CustomerId" = $customerid; "Citrix-InstanceId" = $siteid; } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUri -Method POST -Headers $headers return $response } $customerId = "customer1" $siteId = "61603f15-cdf9-4c7f-99ff-91636601a795" $sessionId = "56f1cbf3-1cc6-40cd-9c82-c95633ba88bb" $bearerToken = "ey1.." $response = DisconnectSession $customerid $siteid $sessionId $bearerToken $response = LogoffSession $customerid $siteid $sessionId $bearerToken $resultlocation = $response.Headers["Location"]

Disconnect or log off a session from your site using C# code

Learn from the following example to disconnect or log off a virtual app or desktop session from your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site using any C# code.

public static async Task<string> DisconnectSession( string customerid, string siteid, string bearerToken, string sessionid) { var requestUri = "https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{0}/$disconnect", sessionid); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.ParseAdd("application/json"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Citrix-CustomerId", customerid); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Citrix-InstanceId", siteid); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("CWSAuth Bearer=" + bearerToken); var jsonBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model, new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new StringEnumConverter() } }); var response = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, new StringContent(jsonBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); if (response != null) { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return content; } return null; } } public static async Task<string> LogoffSession( string customerid, string siteid, string bearerToken, string sessionid) { var requestUri = string.Format("https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{1}/$logoff", siteid, sessionid); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.ParseAdd("application/json"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Citrix-CustomerId", customerid); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("CWSAuth Bearer=" + bearerToken); var response = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, null); if (response != null) { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return content; } return null; } }

Disconnect or log off a session from your site using Python

Learn from the following example to disconnect or log off a virtual app or desktop session from your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site using Python.

import requests def DisconnectSession(bearerToken, customerid, sessionid, siteid): request_uri = "https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{0}/$disconnect".format(sessionid) headers = { 'Authorization': 'CWSAuth Bearer=%s' % bearerToken, 'Citrix-CustomerId': customerid, 'Citrix-InstanceId': siteid, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } response =, headers = headers) return response.json() def LogoffSession(bearerToken, customerid, sessionid, siteid): request_uri = "https://[DdcServerAddress]/cvad/manage/Sessions/{0}/$logoff".format(sessionid) headers = { 'Authorization': 'CWSAuth Bearer=%s' % bearerToken, 'Citrix-CustomerId': customerid, 'Citrix-InstanceId': siteid, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } response =, headers = headers) return response.json()
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops REST APIs OpenAPI Specification
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How to disconnect or log off a session in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops