Class: CustomVC

new CustomVC()


Name Type Description
streamName string Virtual Channel name.
description string Description of the Virtual channel.
minVersion string Lowest supported version of this virtual channel, used to allow version negotiation between the client-side and the server-side components.
maxVersion string Highest supported version of this virtual channel, used to allow version negotiation between the client-side and the server-side components.
driverOpen driverOpen Callback set for receiving virtual channel open from the session
driverInfo driverInfo Callback set for sending virtual channel information from the session
icaDataArrival icaDataArrival Callback set for receiving the ICA packet from the server side component of the virtual channel.
driverClose driverClose Callback set for receiving the virtual channel close in the session.


(inner) sendData(data)

Sends the packet to the server side component of the virtual channel for the session.


Name Type Description
data sendDataPacket Data packet that needs to be sent to server.


Error during sendData




Sample reply packet construction to CTXPING Virtual channel

//In continuation with the pingIcaDataArrival function implementation
    var reply = {};
    reply["data"] = new Uint8Array(length);
    reply["length"] = length;
    var offset =0;
    reply["offset"] = offset;

    offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint16(reply["data"],offset,uSign);
    offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint16(reply["data"],offset,uType);
    offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint16(reply["data"],offset,uLen);
    offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint16(reply["data"],offset,uCounter);
    offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint32(reply["data"],offset,ulServerMS);
    offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint32(reply["data"],offset,new Date().getMilliseconds());

Class: CustomVC