
Utils to read/write from/to a Uint8Array. Supported reading/writing of 1-4 bytes of data. Refer to individual API examples to construct/parse the packet as per structure. You can refer to the sample VC examples (ping, mix and over), provided for more details on usage.

new Utils()


(inner) readUint8(buffer, offset) → {number}

Reads 1 byte of data from the Uint8Array passed.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.


  • ReceiverError


1 byte of data read.


  • number


//Creating sample Uint8Array of length 20 and reading total of 2 bytes of data. In real use case the input would be received from the server.
var input = new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]);
//Setting offset to 0 as we are reading from beginning.
var offset = 0;

//Reading first byte of data
var num1 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint8(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 1 as we read 1 byte of data.
offset +=1;

//Reading second byte of data
var num2 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint8(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 1 as we read 1 byte of data.
offset +=1;

(inner) readUint16(buffer, offset)→ {number}

Reads 2 bytes of data from the Uint8Array passed.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.


  • ReceiverError


2 bytes of data read.


  • number


//Using sample Uint8Array created in readUint8 example and reading total of 4 bytes of data. In real use case the input would be received from the server.
//offset will be 2 after reading 2 bytes from previous example of readUint8

//Reading first 2 bytes of data
var num1 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint16(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 2 as we read 2 bytes of data.
offset +=2;

//Reading next 2 bytes of data
var num2 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint16(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 2 as we read 2 bytes of data.
offset +=2;

(inner) readUint24(buffer, offset)→ {number}

Reads 3 bytes of data from the Uint8Array passed.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.


  • ReceiverError


3 bytes of data read.


  • number


//Using sample Uint8Array created in readUint8 example and reading total of 6 bytes of data. In real use case the input would be received from the server.
//offset will be 6 after reading 4 bytes from previous example of readUint16

//Reading 3 bytes of data
var num1 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint24(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 3 as we read 3 bytes of data.
offset +=3;

//Reading next 3 bytes of data
var num2 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint24(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 3 as we read 3 bytes of data.
offset +=3;

(inner) readUint32(buffer, offset)→ {number}

Reads 4 bytes of data from the Uint8Array passed.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.


  • ReceiverError


4 bytes of data read.


  • number


//Using sample Uint8Array created in readUint8 example and reading total of 8 bytes of data. In real use case the input would be received from the server.
//offset will be 12 after reading 4 bytes from previous example of readUint24

//Reading 4 bytes of data
var num1 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint32(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 4 as we read 4 bytes of data.
offset +=4;

//Reading next 4 bytes of data
var num2 = citrix.receiver.utils.readUint32(input,offset);
//Incrementing offset by 4 as we read 4 bytes of data.
offset +=4;
//Reached end of length of Uint8Array.

(inner) writeUint8(buffer, offset, num)→ {number}

Write 1 byte of data to the Uint8Array passed with the number at index set by offset.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.
num number Data that needs to be written into the Uint8Array.


  • ReceiverError


offset at which the next write can be written.


  • number


//Creating empty Uint8Array with length of 20 and writing 2 bytes of data. Recommended way to construct reply data to server.
var length = 20; //Length of data packet.
var input = new Uint8Array(length);
//Setting offset to 0 as we are writing from beginning.
var offset = 0;
var number1 = 100;//Data to be written

//Writing first byte of data and storing the offset returned for next write.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint8(input,offset,number1);

var number2 = 25;
//Writing second byte of data by passing the offset received from previous call.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint8(input,offset,number2);

(inner) writeUint16(buffer, offset, num)→ {number}

Writes 2 bytes of data to the Uint8Array passed with the number at index set by offset.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.
num number Data that needs to be written into the Uint8Array.


  • ReceiverError


offset at which the next write can be written.


  • number


//Using the Uint8Array created in example writeUint8 and writing 6 bytes of data. Recommended way to construct reply data to server.

//offset will be 2 in continuation with previous example of writeUint8

var number1 = 400;//Data to be written

//Writing 2 bytes of data at index 2 and storing the offset returned for next write.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint16(input,offset,number1);

var number2 = 4;
//Writing next two bytes of data by passing the offset received from previous call.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint16(input,offset,number2);

(inner) writeUint24(buffer, offset, num)→ {number}

Writes 3 bytes of data to the Uint8Array passed with the number at index set by offset.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.
num number Data that needs to be written into the Uint8Array.


  • ReceiverError


offset at which the next write can be written.


  • number


//Using the Uint8Array created in example writeUint8 and writing 6 bytes of data. Recommended way to construct reply data to server.

//offset will be 6 in continuation with previous example of writeUint16

var number1 = 70;//Data to be written

//Writing 3 bytes of data at index 6 and storing the offset returned for next write.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint24(input,offset,number1);

var number2 = 67;
//Writing next three bytes of data by passing the offset received from previous call.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint24(input,offset,number2);

(inner) writeUint32(buffer, offset, num)→ {number}

Writes 4 bytes of data to the Uint8Array passed with the number at index set by offset.


Name Type Description
buffer Uint8Array Uint8Array from which the data needs to read.
offset number Offset from where the Uint8Array needs to be read.
num number Data that needs to be written into the Uint8Array.


  • ReceiverError


offset at which the next write can be written.


  • number


//Using the Uint8Array created in example writeUint8 and writing 8 bytes of data. Recommended way to construct reply data to server.
//offset will be 12 in continuation with previous example of writeUint24

var number1 = 110;//Data to be written

//Writing 4 bytes of data at index 12 and storing the offset returned for next write.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint32(input,offset,number1);

var number2 = 56;
//Writing next four bytes of data by passing the offset received from previous call.
offset = citrix.receiver.utils.writeUint32(input,offset,number2);
//Reached end of length of Uint8Array.