Getting started


Software requirements

Type Requirements
Supported Android versions Android 10.0 or later.
JDK 8 or 11
IDE Android Studio 4.2 or later for Mac.
Test devices Android device or Android virtual device.
Apps The latest version of Secure Hub from the Google Play Store.
Android SDK Android SDK or API version 24 or later.
Android Gradle plugin 4.2 or later.
Gradle Wrapper 6.7 or later.
MDX Creation Java KeyStore (.jks or .keystore) for MDX file generation or an APK-signer file.
Miscellaneous tools Node.js and Node Package Manager (NPM) 10.x or later, Cordova CLI, Apache Cordova Plugman(Optional).

System requirements

Before you set up the MAM SDK, ensure that you have the met following pre-requisites:

  • A Citrix developer account(Optional).
  • Experience with Android mobile app development using Cordova.
  • Access to a Citrix Endpoint Management environment to upload the MDX and APK files in order to distribute the app.
  • Access to an Android Enterprise account to upload the .aab or .apk files to the Managed Google Play portal(Optional).
  • Access to test micro VPN tunneling with your app through Citrix Gateway.

Build and deploy your app

Perform the following steps to download, integrate, and deploy your app:

  1. Review the features of the SDK.
  2. Set up and build the sample Cordova app.
  3. Generate the MDX file.
  4. Distribute your app.
  5. Test and debug your app.
  6. Review configuration and then deploy your app.


The SDK allows you to test your app in enterprise simulation mode and supports automated testing. For more information about testing your app, see Setting up an Emulator.

Sample app

To view and download the sample app, visit Citrix MAM SDK sample app on GitHub.

You must add the Citrix micro VPN plug-in for Cordova to the sample app. You can then launch the app, verify the functionality of the SDKs, and take similar steps for integration as shown in the app.

For more details about setting up and running the sample app, see Set up and build the sample Cordova app.

Getting started