Configuring Citrix Workspace using PowerShell module

Getting started

System requirements

Windows PowerShell version 5 is the minimum required version.

Installing the PowerShell modules

  1. Download the configuration PowerShell module.
  2. Unpack the .zip to a location of your choosing.

Client ID and secret

To use the API you need a client ID and Secret. For more information, see Citrix Cloud API.

Loading the PowerShell module

Use the following script to load the PowerShell module:

$ModulePath = "<insert path to powershell modules>\Citrix.Workspace.StoreConfigs.psm1"

if (Test-Path -Path $ModulePath)
    Write-Host "Importing StoreConfig PowerShell Module..." -ForegroundColor "Green"
    Import-Module -Name $ModulePath -verbose
    throw "StoreConfig PowerShell Module not found."

Get help on modules

The Workspace configuration module contains two cmdlets:

  • Get-WorkspaceCustomConfiguration
  • Set-WorkspaceCustomConfiguration

The PowerShell cmdlet Get-Help gives detailed instructions for a cmdlet:

Get-Help Get-WorkspaceCustomConfiguration -Full
Get-Help Set-WorkspaceCustomConfiguration -Full

Run PowerShell cmdlet

To run a PowerShell command, you need the ClientID, ClientSecret and Workspace URL domain. If you have multiple domains you can use any one. You must enter the domain even if you have a custom domain configured and the domain is disabled.

[string]$APIClientID = "<insert ClientID>"
[string]$APIClientSecret = "<insert ClientSecret>"
[string]$WSPURL = "<insert domain>"

# Get configuration
Get-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl $WSPURL `
                                  -ClientId $APIClientID `
                                  -ClientSecret $APIClientSecret `


  • Run the following command to enable DisallowICADownload: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl $WSPURL -ClientId $APIClientID -ClientSecret $APIClientSecret -DisallowIcaDownload $true
  • Run the following command to set inactivityTimeoutInMinutes to 1 hour, for example: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl $WSPURL -ClientId $APIClientID -ClientSecret $APIClientSecret -InactivityTimeoutInMinutes "60"
  • Run the following command to enable DisallowICADownload and set inactivityTimeoutInMinutes in a single command: Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations -WorkspaceUrl $WSPURL -ClientId $APIClientID -ClientSecret $APIClientSecret -DisallowIcaDownload $true -InactivityTimeoutInMinutes "60"


In the event of issues, -Verbose may be supplied to any of the cmdlets in order to produce additional logging. For example:

Set-WorkspaceCustomConfigurations [-WorkspaceUrl] <Uri> [-ClientId] <String> [-ClientSecret] <String> [[-DisallowIcaDownload] <Boolean>] -Verbose

Getting started