Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Gets broker desktop groups configured for this site.


Get-BrokerDesktopGroup [-Uid] <Int32> [-Property <String[]>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Get-BrokerDesktopGroup [[-Name] <String>] [-AppDisk <Guid>] [-AppDnaAnalysisState <AppDnaAnalysisState>] [-AppDnaCompatibility <AppDnaCompatibility>] [-AppProtectionKeyLoggingRequired <Boolean>] [-AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired <Boolean>] [-AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned <Boolean>] [-AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak <Boolean>] [-AutoscaleLogOffWarningMessage <String>] [-AutoscaleLogOffWarningTitle <String>] [-AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringOffPeak <Int32>] [-AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringPeak <Int32>] [-AutoscalingEnabled <Boolean>] [-ColorDepth <ColorDepth>] [-DeliveryType <DeliveryType>] [-Description <String>] [-DesktopKind <DesktopKind>] [-DisconnectOffPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-DisconnectPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-Enabled <Boolean>] [-InMaintenanceMode <Boolean>] [-IsRemotePC <Boolean>] [-IsUsedByGpo <Boolean>] [-LicenseModel <LicenseModel>] [-LogoffOffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-LogoffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-MachineCost <Decimal>] [-MachineLogOnType <MachineLogOnType>] [-Metadata <String>] [-MinimumFunctionalLevel <FunctionalLevel>] [-OffPeakBufferSizePercent <Int32>] [-OffPeakDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-OffPeakDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-OffPeakLogOffAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-OffPeakLogOffTimeout <Int32>] [-PeakBufferSizePercent <Int32>] [-PeakDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-PeakDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-PeakExtendedDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-PeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-PeakLogOffAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-PeakLogOffTimeout <Int32>] [-PowerOffDelay <Int32>] [-ProductCode <String>] [-PublishedName <String>] [-RestrictAutoscaleTagUid <Int32>] [-ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutage <Boolean>] [-ScopeId <Guid>] [-ScopeName <String>] [-SecureIcaRequired <Boolean>] [-SessionSupport <SessionSupport>] [-SettlementPeriodBeforeAutoShutdown <TimeSpan>] [-SettlementPeriodBeforeUse <TimeSpan>] [-ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse <Boolean>] [-Tag <String>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [-TimeZone <String>] [-TotalApplicationGroups <Int32>] [-TotalApplications <Int32>] [-TurnOnAddedMachine <Boolean>] [-UUID <Guid>] [-ZonePreference <ZonePreference>] [-ApplicationGroupUid <Int32>] [-ApplicationUid <Int32>] [-TagUid <Int32>] [-PowerTimeSchemeUid <Int32>] [-MachineConfigurationUid <Int32>] [-RemotePCCatalogUid <Int32>] [-ReturnTotalRecordCount] [-MaxRecordCount <Int32>] [-Skip <Int32>] [-SortBy <String>] [-Filter <String>] [-Property <String[]>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Retrieve desktop groups matching the specified criteria. If no parameters are specified this cmdlet enumerates all desktop groups.

Desktop groups represent groups of desktops that are managed together for brokering purposes.

Brokerdesktopgroup Object

A desktop group object represents a collection of machines that are fully configured in a site that is able to run either a Microsoft Windows desktop environment, individual applications, or both.

  • AppDisks (System.Guid[]) The Application Disks used by machines in the desktop group.

  • AppDnaAnalysisState (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.AppDnaAnalysisState?) Specifies the current state of AppDNA Analysis on the desktop group

  • AppDnaCompatibility (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.AppDnaCompatibility?) The compatibility with the application disks attached to the desktop group

  • AppProtectionKeyLoggingRequired (System.Boolean) Specifies whether key logging app protection is required.

  • AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired (System.Boolean) Specifies whether screen capture app protection is required.

  • AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned (System.Boolean) Specifies whether assigned desktops in the desktop group are automatically started at the start of peak time periods. Only relevant for groups whose DesktopKind is Private.

  • AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak (System.Boolean) Specifies whether assigned desktops in the desktop are automatically started throughout peak time periods. Only relevant for groups whose DesktopKind is Private and which have AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned set to true.

  • AutoscaleLogOffWarningMessage (System.String) Warning message to display to users in active sessions prior to Autoscale issuing a logoff request.

  • AutoscaleLogOffWarningTitle (System.String) Warning message dialog title displayed prior to Autoscale issuing a logoff request.

  • AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringOffPeak (System.Int32) Minimum time that needs to elapse before Autoscale logs off active sessions on a draining machine in the delivery group during off-peak time. This property will override the power-off delay behavior if it is configured to a value greater than zero.

  • AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringPeak (System.Int32) Minimum time that needs to elapse before Autoscale logs off active sessions on a draining machine in the delivery group during peak time. This property will override the power-off delay behavior if it is configured to a value greater than zero.

  • AutoscalingEnabled (System.Boolean) Specifies whether machines in this desktop group can be Autoscaled.

  • ColorDepth (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.ColorDepth) Default color depth of sessions started with machines in the desktop group. Possible values are: FourBit, EightBit, SixteenBit, TwentyFourBit.

  • ConfigurationSlotUids (System.Int32[]) Uids of any configuration slots which hold machine configurations associated with the desktop group. The order of slot UIDs in this list correspond with the order of items in the associated MachineConfigurationNames and MachineConfigurationUids list properties, and so the same slot UID can appear more than once.

  • DeliveryType (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.DeliveryType) The type of resources being published. Possible values are: DesktopsOnly, AppsOnly, DesktopsAndApps.

  • Description (System.String) Description of the desktop group.

  • DesktopKind (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.DesktopKind) The kind of the desktops being published, possible values are: Private and Shared.

  • DesktopsAvailable (System.Int32) The number of machines in the desktop group in state Available; this is the number of machines with no sessions present.

  • DesktopsDisconnected (System.Int32) The number of disconnected sessions present on machines in the desktop group.

  • DesktopsFaulted (System.Int32) The number of machines in the desktop group whose FaultState is not None.

  • DesktopsInUse (System.Int32) The number of machines in the desktop group in state InUse; this is the number of machines with at least one session present.

  • DesktopsNeverRegistered (System.Int32) The number of machines in the desktop group that have never registered with the current site.

  • DesktopsPreparing (System.Int32) The number of machines in the desktop group whose PvD disk image is being prepared.

  • DesktopsUnregistered (System.Int32) The number of machines in the desktop group that are currently unregistered.

  • DisconnectOffPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds (System.Int32) Specifies the time in seconds after which an idle session belonging to the delivery group is disconnected during off-peak time.

  • DisconnectPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds (System.Int32) Specifies the time in seconds after which an idle session belonging to the delivery group is disconnected during peak time.

  • Enabled (System.Boolean) Specifies whether the desktop group is enabled or not; disabled desktop groups do not appear to users.

  • IconUid (System.Int32) The Uid of the icon to be used as a default for desktops in the desktop group. Individual desktop objects can override this default by setting the IconUid parameter on the desktop object.

  • InMaintenanceMode (System.Boolean) Specifies whether the machines in the desktop group are in maintenance mode or not.

  • IsRemotePC (System.Boolean) Specifies whether the desktop group is a Remote PC desktop group.

  • IsUsedByGpo (System.Boolean?) Indicate if the desktop group is used by group policy.

  • LicenseModel (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.LicenseModel?) Specifies the license model for this desktop group. If none is specified, then the site-wide license model is used.

  • LogoffOffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds (System.Int32) Specifies the time in seconds after which a disconnected session belonging to the delivery group is terminated during off-peak time.

  • LogoffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds (System.Int32) Specifies the time in seconds after which a disconnected session belonging to the delivery group is terminated during peak time.

  • MachineConfigurationNames (System.String[]) The MachineConfiguration names associated with the desktop group.

  • MachineConfigurationUids (System.Int32[]) The MachineConfiguration uids associated with the desktop group.

  • MachineCost (System.Decimal) The per-hour instance cost of machines in this desktop group.

  • MachineLogOnType (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.MachineLogOnType?) Specifies the login type (activedirectory/localmappedaccount) for machines in this desktop group.

  • MetadataMap (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>) Metadata associated with the desktop group.

  • MinimumFunctionalLevel (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.FunctionalLevel) The minimum FunctionalLevel required for the machines in the desktop group to be able to register with the Citrix Broker Service.

  • Name (System.String) Name of the desktop group.

  • OffPeakBufferSizePercent (System.Int32) The percentage of single-session machines that are kept available in an idle state, or for multi-session machines, the percentage of the total load capacity to be kept available outside peak hours.

  • OffPeakDisconnectAction (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionChangeHostingAction) The action that is performed after a configurable period of a user session disconnecting outside peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend or Shutdown.

  • OffPeakDisconnectTimeout (System.Int32) The number of minutes before the configured action is performed after a user session disconnects outside peak hours.

  • OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionChangeHostingAction) The action performed after a second configurable period of a user session disconnecting outside peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown.

  • OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout (System.Int32) The number of minutes before the second configured action is performed after a user session disconnects outside peak hours.

  • OffPeakLogOffAction (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionChangeHostingAction) The action performed after a configurable period of a user session ending outside peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown.

  • OffPeakLogOffTimeout (System.Int32) The number of minutes before the configured action is performed after a user session ends outside peak hours.

  • PeakBufferSizePercent (System.Int32) The percentage of single-session machines that are kept available in an idle state, or for multi-session machines, the percentage of the total load capacity to be kept available in peak hours.

  • PeakDisconnectAction (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionChangeHostingAction) The action performed after a configurable period of a user session disconnecting in peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown.

  • PeakDisconnectTimeout (System.Int32) The number of minutes before the configured action is performed after a user session disconnects in peak hours.

  • PeakExtendedDisconnectAction (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionChangeHostingAction) The action performed after a second configurable period of a user session disconnecting in peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown.

  • PeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout (System.Int32) The number of minutes before the second configured action is performed after a user session disconnects in peak hours.

  • PeakLogOffAction (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionChangeHostingAction) The action performed after a configurable period of a user session ending in peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown.

  • PeakLogOffTimeout (System.Int32) The number of minutes before the configured action is performed after a user session ends in peak hours.

  • PowerOffDelay (System.Int32) The number of minutes following a power-on operation that Auto Scale will wait before attemping to power off that same machine. Possible values are in the range 0 - 60.

  • ProductCode (System.String) Specifies the licensing product code for this desktop group. If none is specified, then the site-wide product code is used.

  • ProtocolPriority (System.String[]) A list of protocol names in the order in which they are attempted for use during connection.

  • PublishedName (System.String) The name of the desktop group as it is to appear to the user in StoreFront.

  • RestrictAutoscaleTagUid (System.Int32?) If set to a Tag UID, only machines that have this tag will be auto scaled.

  • ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutage (System.Boolean) Specifies whether desktops should not be shut down after being used during outage mode.

  • Scopes (Citrix.Fma.Sdk.DelegatedAdminInterfaces.ScopeReference[]) The list of the delegated admin scopes to which the desktop group belongs.

  • SecureIcaRequired (System.Boolean) Flag that specifies if the SecureICA encryption of the HDX protocol is required for sessions of desktops in the desktop group.

  • Sessions (System.Int32) The total number of user sessions currently running on all of the machines in the desktop group.

  • SessionSupport (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SessionSupport) Specifies the session support (single/multi) of the machines in the desktop group. Machines with the incorrect session support for the desktop group will be unable to register with the Citrix Broker Service.

  • SettlementPeriodBeforeAutoShutdown (System.TimeSpan) Time after a session ends during which automatic shutdown requests (for example, shutdown after use, idle pool management) are deferred. Any outstanding shutdown request takes effect after the settlement period expires. This is typically used to configure time to allow logoff scripts to complete.

  • SettlementPeriodBeforeUse (System.TimeSpan) Idle period before a machine can be selected to host a new session after registration or the end of a previous session. This is typically used to allow a machine to become idle following processing associated with start-up or logoff actions. A machine may still be selected during the idle period if no other machine is available for immediate use.

  • ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse (System.Boolean) Specifies if the desktops will shut down after they have been used and there are no sessions running on the machine. The machines will not shut down if they are placed into maintenance mode, even if this flag is set to $true. The machines, however, will shutdown after the machine is taken out of maintenance mode if the flag is still set.

  • Tags (System.String[]) Tags associated with the desktop group.

  • TenantId (System.Guid?) Identity of tenant associated with desktop group. Not applicable (always blank) in non-multitenant sites.

  • TimeZone (System.String) The timezone that desktops in the desktop group are in (for power policy purposes).

  • TotalApplicationGroups (System.Int32) Total number of application groups associated with the desktop group.

  • TotalApplications (System.Int32) Total number of applications associated with the desktop group.

  • TotalDesktops (System.Int32) Total number of machines in the desktop group.

  • TurnOnAddedMachine (System.Boolean) Specifies whether the broker should attempt to turn on power-managed machines when they are added to the desktop group.

  • Uid (System.Int32) Uid of the desktop group.

  • UUID (System.Guid) UUID of the desktop group.

  • ZonePreferences (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.ZonePreference[]) Ordered list of zone preferences taken into account when launching resources from this desktop group. Possible values for each preference are UserLocation, UserHome, UserHomeOnly and ApplilcationHome.


| Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value | | ————————————————– | ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- | ——— | ————– | ————- | | Uid | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of Uid. | true | false | | | Name | Gets desktop groups whose name matches the supplied pattern. | false | false | | | AppDisk | Gets only desktop groups using the specified application disk. | false | false | | | AppDnaAnalysisState | Gets only desktop groups with specified value of AppDnaAnalysisState | false | false | | | AppDnaCompatibility | Gets only desktop groups with specified value of AppDnaCompatibility | false | false | | | AppProtectionKeyLoggingRequired | Specifies whether key logging app protection is required. | false | false | | | AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired | Specifies whether screen capture app protection is required. | false | false | | | AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned | Gets only desktop groups with the specified value of AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned. | false | false | | | AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak | Gets only desktop groups with the specified value of AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak. | false | false | | | AutoscaleLogOffWarningMessage | Gets the warning message to display to users in active sessions prior to Autoscale issuing a logoff request. | false | false | | | AutoscaleLogOffWarningTitle | Gets the warning message dialog title displayed prior to Autoscale issuing a logoff request. | false | false | | | AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringOffPeak | Gets the minimum seconds that need to elapse before Autoscale logs off the active sessions on the draining machines belonging to the delivery group during off-peak time. This property will override the power-off delay behavior if it is configured to a value greater than zero. | false | false | | | AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringPeak | Gets the minimum seconds that need to elapse before Autoscale logs off the active sessions on the draining machines belonging to the delivery group during peak time. This property will override the power-off delay behavior if it is configured to a value greater than zero. | false | false | | | AutoscalingEnabled | Specifies whether machines in this desktop group can be Autoscaled. | false | false | | | ColorDepth | Gets only desktop groups with the specified color depth. Valid values are FourBit, EightBit, SixteenBit, and TwentyFourBit. | false | false | | | DeliveryType | Gets desktop groups according to their delivery type. Valid values are DesktopsOnly, AppsOnly and DesktopsAndApps. | false | false | | | Description | Gets desktop groups whose description matches the supplied pattern. | false | false | | | DesktopKind | Gets desktops of a particular kind. Valid values are Private and Shared. | false | false | | | DisconnectOffPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds | Specifies the time in seconds after which an idle session belonging to the delivery group is disconnected during off-peak time. | false | false | | | DisconnectPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds | Specifies the time in seconds after which an idle session belonging to the delivery group is disconnected during peak time. | false | false | | | Enabled | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of Enabled. | false | false | | | InMaintenanceMode | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of InMaintenanceMode. | false | false | | | IsRemotePC | Gets desktop groups with the specified IsRemotePC value. | false | false | | | IsUsedByGpo | Gets desktop groups that are used by group policy. | false | false | | | LicenseModel | Gets desktop groups with the specified license model. | false | false | | | LogoffOffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds | Specifies the time in seconds after which a disconnected session belonging to the delivery group is terminated during off-peak time. | false | false | | | LogoffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds | Specifies the time in seconds after which a disconnected session belonging to the delivery group is terminated during peak time. | false | false | | | MachineCost | The per-hour instance cost of machines in this desktop group. | false | false | | | MachineLogOnType | Gets desktop groups that have the specified login type. Values can be: o ActiveDirectory - Perform Active Directory login on the machine. o LocalMappedAccount - Perform local mapped account login on the machine. | false | false | | | Metadata | Gets records with matching metadata entries. The value being compared with is a concatenation of the key name, a colon, and the value. For example: -Metadata "abc:x*" matches records with a metadata entry having a key name of "abc" and a value starting with the letter "x". | false | false | | | MinimumFunctionalLevel | Gets desktop groups with a specific MinimumFunctionalLevel. Valid values are L5, L7, L7_6, L7_7, L7_8, L7_9, L7_20, L7_25 | false | false | | | OffPeakBufferSizePercent | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakBufferSizePercent. | false | false | | | OffPeakDisconnectAction | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakDisconnectAction. | false | false | | | OffPeakDisconnectTimeout | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakDisconnectTimeout. | false | false | | | OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction. | false | false | | | OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout. | false | false | | | OffPeakLogOffAction | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakLogOffAction. | false | false | | | OffPeakLogOffTimeout | Gets desktop groups with the specified value of OffPeakLogOffTimeout. | | | |

Input Type


You cannot pipe input into this cmdlet.

Return Values


Get-BrokerDesktopGroup returns an object for each matching desktop group.


To perform greater-than or less-than comparisons, use -Filter. For more information, see about_Broker_Filtering and the examples.


Example 1

C:\PS> Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -PublishedName EMEA\*


Finds all desktop groups with published names starting with “EMEA”.

Example 2

C:\PS> Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -InMaintenanceMode $true


Finds all desktop groups in maintenance mode.
