Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Creates or updates metadata key-value pairs for a Site


Set-XDSiteMetadata -DataName <String> -DataValue <String> [-PassThru] [-AdminAddress <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Creates or updates metadata key-value pairs for a Site which has a Controller identified by AdminAddress.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
DataName The name of the metadata member that is to be created/updated. true true (ByPropertyName)  
DataValue The value of the metadata member that is to be created/updated. true true (ByPropertyName)  
PassThru Returns the affected record. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output. false false False
AdminAddress Specifies the address of the Delivery Controller to which the PowerShell module will connect. This can be provided as a host name or an IP address. false false Localhost. Once a value is provided by any cmdlet, this value will become the default.

Input Type


The DataName and DataValue parameters may be piped into this cmdlet by property name.

Return Values

None Or Citrix.Xendesktoppowershellsdk.Serviceinterfaces.Configuration.Site

This cmdlet does not generate any output, unless you use the PassThru parameter, in which case it generates a Citrix.XenDesktopPowerShellSdk.ServiceInterfaces.Configuration.Site object.


Example 1

Set-XDSiteMetadata -DataName "MyMetadataName" -DataValue "1234"


Creates, or if it already exists, updates the metadata key “MyMetadataName” with the value “1234”.
