Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Create a new desktop group for managing the brokering of groups of desktops.


New-BrokerDesktopGroup [-Name] <String> -DesktopKind <DesktopKind> [-AppDisks <Guid[]>] [-AppProtectionKeyLoggingRequired <Boolean>] [-AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired <Boolean>] [-AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned <Boolean>] [-AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak <Boolean>] [-AutoscaleLogOffWarningMessage <String>] [-AutoscaleLogOffWarningTitle <String>] [-AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringOffPeak <Int32>] [-AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringPeak <Int32>] [-AutoscalingEnabled <Boolean>] [-ColorDepth <ColorDepth>] [-DeliveryType <DeliveryType>] [-Description <String>] [-DisconnectOffPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-DisconnectPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-Enabled <Boolean>] [-IconUid <Int32>] [-InMaintenanceMode <Boolean>] [-IsRemotePC <Boolean>] [-LicenseModel <LicenseModel>] [-LogoffOffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-LogoffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds <Int32>] [-MachineCost <Decimal>] [-MachineLogOnType <MachineLogOnType>] [-MinimumFunctionalLevel <FunctionalLevel>] [-OffPeakBufferSizePercent <Int32>] [-OffPeakDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-OffPeakDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-OffPeakLogOffAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-OffPeakLogOffTimeout <Int32>] [-PeakBufferSizePercent <Int32>] [-PeakDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-PeakDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-PeakExtendedDisconnectAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-PeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout <Int32>] [-PeakLogOffAction <SessionChangeHostingAction>] [-PeakLogOffTimeout <Int32>] [-PowerOffDelay <Int32>] [-ProductCode <String>] [-ProtocolPriority <String[]>] [-PublishedName <String>] [-RestrictAutoscaleTagUid <Int32>] [-ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutage <Boolean>] [-Scope <String[]>] [-SecureIcaRequired <Boolean>] [-SessionSupport <SessionSupport>] [-SettlementPeriodBeforeAutoShutdown <TimeSpan>] [-SettlementPeriodBeforeUse <TimeSpan>] [-ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse <Boolean>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [-TimeZone <String>] [-TurnOnAddedMachine <Boolean>] [-UUID <Guid>] [-ZonePreferences <ZonePreference[]>] [-LoggingId <Guid>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

The New-BrokerDesktopGroup cmdlet creates a new broker desktop group that can then be used to manage the brokering settings of all desktops within that desktop group. Once the desktop group has been created, you can create desktops in it by adding the appropriate broker machines to it using the Add-BrokerMachine or Add-BrokerMachinesToDesktopGroup cmdlets.

Desktop groups hold settings that apply to all desktops they contain.

For any automatic power management settings of a desktop group to take effect, the group’s TimeZone property must be specified. Automatic power management operations include pool management (power time schemes), reboot schedules, session disconnect and logoff actions, and powering on assigned machines etc.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
Name The name of the new broker desktop group. true true (ByPropertyName)  
DesktopKind The kind of desktops this group will hold. Valid values are Private and Shared. true true (ByPropertyName)  
AppDisks Specifies the application disks to be used by machines in the desktop group. false true (ByPropertyName) None
AppProtectionKeyLoggingRequired Specifies whether key logging app protection is required. false true (ByPropertyName)  
AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired Specifies whether screen capture app protection is required. false true (ByPropertyName)  
AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned Specifies whether assigned desktops in the desktop group should be automatically started at the start of peak time periods. Only relevant for groups whose DesktopKind is Private. false true (ByPropertyName) true
AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak Specifies whether assigned desktops in the desktop group should be automatically started throughout peak time periods. Only relevant for groups whose DesktopKind is Private and which have AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned set to true. false true (ByPropertyName) false
AutoscaleLogOffWarningMessage Specifies the warning message to display to users in active sessions prior to Autoscale issuing a logoff request. false true (ByPropertyName)  
AutoscaleLogOffWarningTitle Specifies the warning message dialog title displayed prior to Autoscale issuing a logoff request. false true (ByPropertyName)  
AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringOffPeak Specifies the minimum seconds that need to elapse before Autoscale logs off the active sessions on the draining machines belonging to the delivery group during off-peak time. This property will override the power-off delay behavior if it is configured to a value greater than zero. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
AutoscaleMaxSecondsBeforeForcedLogOffDuringPeak Specifies the minimum seconds that need to elapse before Autoscale logs off the active sessions on the draining machines belonging to the delivery group during peak time. This property will override the power-off delay behavior if it is configured to a value greater than zero. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
AutoscalingEnabled Specifies whether machines in this desktop group can be Autoscaled. false true (ByPropertyName)  
ColorDepth Specifies the color depth that the ICA session should use for desktops in this group. Valid values are FourBit, EightBit, SixteenBit, and TwentyFourBit. false true (ByPropertyName) TwentyFourBit
DeliveryType Specifies whether desktops, applications, or both, can be delivered from machines contained within the new desktop group. Desktop groups with a DesktopKind of Private cannot be used to deliver both desktops and applications. Defaults to DesktopsOnly if not specified.
Valid values are DesktopsOnly, AppsOnly, and DesktopsAndApps.
false true (ByPropertyName) DesktopsOnly
Description A description for this desktop group useful for administrators of the site. false true (ByPropertyName) null
DisconnectOffPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds Specifies the time in seconds after which an idle session belonging to the delivery group is disconnected during off-peak time. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
DisconnectPeakIdleSessionAfterSeconds Specifies the time in seconds after which an idle session belonging to the delivery group is disconnected during peak time. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
Enabled Whether the desktop group should be in the enabled state; disabled desktop groups do not appear to users. false true (ByPropertyName) true
IconUid The UID of the broker icon to be displayed to users for their desktop(s) in this desktop group. false true (ByPropertyName) The Uid of the default desktop icon in this site - use the Get-BrokerSite cmdlet to find this value.
InMaintenanceMode Whether the desktop should be created in maintenance mode; a desktop group in maintenance mode will not allow users to connect or reconnect to their desktops. false true (ByPropertyName) false
IsRemotePC Specifies whether this is to be a Remote PC desktop group.
IsRemotePC can only be enabled when:
o SessionSupport is SingleSession
o DeliveryType is DesktopsOnly
o DesktopKind is Private
false true (ByPropertyName) false
LicenseModel The license model for this desktop group. If none is specified, then the site-wide license model is used. false true (ByPropertyName) null
LogoffOffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds Specifies the time in seconds after which a disconnected session belonging to the delivery group is terminated during off-peak time. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
LogoffPeakDisconnectedSessionAfterSeconds Specifies the time in seconds after which a disconnected session belonging to the delivery group is terminated during peak time. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
MachineCost The per-hour instance cost of machines in this desktop group. false true (ByPropertyName)  
MachineLogOnType Specifies the login type for the desktop group. Values can be:
o ActiveDirectory - Perform Active Directory login on the machine.
o LocalMappedAccount - Perform local mapped account login on the machine.
false true (ByPropertyName)  
MinimumFunctionalLevel The minimum FunctionalLevel required for machines to work successfully in the desktop group.
Valid values are L5, L7, L7_6, L7_7, L7_8, L7_9, L7_20, L7_25
false true (ByPropertyName) The FunctionalLevel of the current release (L7_6); by default no machines with less than the most current FunctionalLevel will be functional.
OffPeakBufferSizePercent The percentage of single-session machines that are kept available in an idle state, or for multi-session machines, the percentage of the total load capacity to be kept available outside peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
OffPeakDisconnectAction The action to be performed after a configurable period of a user session disconnecting outside peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown false true (ByPropertyName) Nothing
OffPeakDisconnectTimeout The number of minutes before the configured action should be performed after a user session disconnects outside peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction The action to be performed after a second configurable period of a user session disconnecting outside peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown. false true (ByPropertyName) Nothing
OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout The number of minutes before the second configured action should be performed after a user session disconnects outside peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
OffPeakLogOffAction The action to be performed after a configurable period of a user session ending outside peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown. false true (ByPropertyName) Nothing
OffPeakLogOffTimeout The number of minutes before the configured action should be performed after a user session ends outside peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
PeakBufferSizePercent The percentage of single-session machines that are kept available in an idle state, or for multi-session machines, the percentage of the total load capacity to be kept available in peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
PeakDisconnectAction The action to be performed after a configurable period of a user session disconnecting in peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown. false true (ByPropertyName) Nothing
PeakDisconnectTimeout The number of minutes before the configured action should be performed after a user session disconnects in peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
PeakExtendedDisconnectAction The action to be performed after a second configurable period of a user session disconnecting in peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown. false true (ByPropertyName) Nothing
PeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout The number of minutes before the second configured action should be performed after a user session disconnects in peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
PeakLogOffAction The action to be performed after a configurable period of a user session ending in peak hours. Possible values are Nothing, Suspend, or Shutdown. false true (ByPropertyName) Nothing
PeakLogOffTimeout The number of minutes before the configured action should be performed after a user session ends in peak hours. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
PowerOffDelay The number of minutes following a power-on operation that Auto Scale will wait before attemping to power off that same machine. Possible values in the range 0 - 60. false true (ByPropertyName) 30
ProductCode The licensing product code for this desktop group. If none is specified, then the site-wide product code is used. false true (ByPropertyName) null
ProtocolPriority A list of protocol names in the order in which they should be attempted for use during connection. false true (ByPropertyName) null
PublishedName The name that will be displayed to users for their desktop(s) in this desktop group. false true (ByPropertyName) The same value as that supplied for the name of the desktop group.
RestrictAutoscaleTagUid If set to a Tag UID, only machines that have this tag will be auto scaled. false true (ByPropertyName)  
ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutage Specifies whether power cycle operations are required during outage for pooled machines. false true (ByPropertyName) false
Scope Specifies the name of the delegated administration scope to which the desktop group should belong. false true (ByPropertyName)  
SecureIcaRequired Whether HDX connections to desktops in the new desktop group require the use of a secure protocol. false true (ByPropertyName) false
SessionSupport Specifies whether machines in the desktop group are single or multi-session capable. Values can be:
o SingleSession - Single-session only machine.
o MultiSession - Multi-session capable machine.
false true (ByPropertyName)  
SettlementPeriodBeforeAutoShutdown Time after a session ends during which automatic shutdown requests (for example, shutdown after use, idle pool management) are deferred. Any outstanding shutdown request takes effect after the settlement period expires. This is typically used to configure time to allow logoff scripts to complete. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
SettlementPeriodBeforeUse Idle period before a machine can be selected to host a new session after registration or the end of a previous session. This is typically used to allow a machine to become idle following processing associated with start-up or logoff actions. A machine may still be selected during the idle period if no other machine is available for immediate use. false true (ByPropertyName) 0
ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse Whether desktops in this desktop group should be automatically shut down when each user session completes (only relevant to power-managed desktops). false true (ByPropertyName) false
TenantId Specifies identity of tenant associated with desktop group. Must always be specified in multitenant sites, must not be specified otherwise. false true (ByPropertyName)  
TimeZone The time zone in which this desktop group’s machines reside.
The time zone must be specified for any of the group’s automatic power management settings to take effect. Automatic power management operations include pool management (power time schemes), reboot schedules, session disconnect and logoff actions, and powering on assigned machines etc.
false true (ByPropertyName) null
TurnOnAddedMachine This flag specifies whether the Broker Service should attempt to power on machines when they are added to the desktop group. false true (ByPropertyName) $false for single session machines and $true for multi-session machines.
UUID An optional GUID for this desktop group. false true (ByPropertyName) A new GUID is generated if none is supplied.
ZonePreferences Ordered list of zone preferences to be applied when launching resources from this desktop group. Valid zone preference values are UserLocation, UserHome, UserHomeOnly and ApplicationHome.
The list can have zero or more entries subject to the following restrictions: Zone preferences can only be applied to groups having a DesktopKind of Shared; the same zone preference value cannot occur in the list more than once; the UserHome and UserHomeOnly values are mutually exclusive and cannot both appear in the list.
false true (ByPropertyName) For shared groups the default preference list is ApplicationHome, UserHome, then UserLocation.
LoggingId Specifies the identifier of the high level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Desktop Studio and Desktop Director typically create High Level Operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a High Level Operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets. false false  
AdminAddress Specifies the address of a XenDesktop controller that the PowerShell snapin will connect to. This can be provided as a host name or an IP address. false false Localhost. Once a value is provided by any cmdlet, this value will become the default.
BearerToken Specifies the bearer token assigned to the calling user false false  
VirtualSiteId Specifies the virtual site the PowerShell snap-in will connect to. false false  

Input Type


You cannot pipe input into this cmdlet.

Return Values


The newly created desktop group.


Once a new desktop group is created, you can create desktops in it by adding the appropriate broker machines to it using the Add-BrokerMachine or Add-BrokerMachinesToDesktopGroup cmdlets.


Example 1

C:\PS> New-BrokerDesktopGroup "Assigned Desktops" -PublishedName "MyDesktop" -DesktopKind Private


Create a desktop group to manage the brokering of private desktops, which will appear to users with the name “MyDesktop”.
