Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Adds a new catalog to the site.


New-BrokerCatalog [-Name] <String> [-AllocationType] <AllocationType> [-CatalogKind] <CatalogKind> [-PvsForVM <String[]>] [-Description <String>] [-IsRemotePC <Boolean>] [-MachinesArePhysical <Boolean>] [-MinimumFunctionalLevel <FunctionalLevel>] [-PvsAddress <String>] [-PvsDomain <String>] [-RemotePCHypervisorConnectionUid <Int32>] [-Scope <String[]>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [-UUID <Guid>] [-ZoneUid <Guid>] [-LoggingId <Guid>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>] New-BrokerCatalog [-Name] <String> [-AllocationType] <AllocationType> [-ProvisioningType] <ProvisioningType> [-SessionSupport] <SessionSupport> [-PersistUserChanges] <PersistUserChanges> [-ProvisioningSchemeId <Guid>] [-Description <String>] [-IsRemotePC <Boolean>] [-MachinesArePhysical <Boolean>] [-MinimumFunctionalLevel <FunctionalLevel>] [-PvsAddress <String>] [-PvsDomain <String>] [-RemotePCHypervisorConnectionUid <Int32>] [-Scope <String[]>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [-UUID <Guid>] [-ZoneUid <Guid>] [-LoggingId <Guid>] [-AdminAddress <String>] [-BearerToken <String>] [-VirtualSiteId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

New-BrokerCatalog adds a catalog through which machines can be provided to the site.

In order for a machine to register in a site, the machine must belong to a catalog with which it is compatible. The compatibility of a machine with a catalog is determined by two of the parameters of New-BrokerCatalog:

  • MinimalFunctionalLevel: The minimal functional level supported in the catalog. The functional level of the machine is determined by the capabilities of the Citrix VDA software on it.
  • SessionSupport: The session support (single/multi) of the catalog. The session support of the machine is determined by the variant of the Citrix VDA software installed (workstation/terminal services, respectively).


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
Name Specifies a name for the catalog. Each catalog within a site must have a unique name. true true (ByPropertyName)  
AllocationType Specifies how machines in the catalog are assigned to users. Values can be:
o Static - Machines in a catalog of this type are permanently assigned to a user.
o Permanent - equivalent to ‘Static’.
o Random - Machines in a catalog of this type are picked at random and temporarily assigned to a user.
true true (ByPropertyName)  
CatalogKind Deprecated: The type of machines the catalog will contain. Values can be: ThinCloned, SingleImage, PowerManaged, Unmanaged, Pvs, Pvd or PvsPvd.
Thin-Cloned, Single-Image and Personal vDisk Catalogs
Thin-cloned and single-image catalog kinds are for machines created and managed with Provisioning Services for VMs. All machines in this type of catalog are managed, and so must be associated with a hypervisor connection.
A thin-cloned catalog is used for original golden VM images that are cloned when they are assigned to a VM, and users’ changes to the VM image are retained after the VM is restarted.
A single-image catalog is used when multiple machines provisioned with Provisioning Services for VMs all share a single golden VM image when they run and, when restarted, they revert to the original VM image state.
A personal vDisk catalog is similar to a single-image catalog, but it also uses personal vDisk technology.
This catalog kind is for managed machines that are manually provisioned by administrators. All machines in this type of catalog are managed, and so must be associated with a hypervisor connection.
This catalog kind is for unmanaged machines, so there is no associated hypervisor connection.

This catalog kind is for managed machines that are provisioned using Provisioning Services. All machines in this type of catalog are managed, and so must be associated with a hypervisor connection. Only shared desktops are suitable for this catalog kind.
A Provisioning Services-personal vDisk (PvsPvd) catalog is similar to a Provisioning Services catalog, but it also uses personal vDisk technology.
true true (ByPropertyName)  
ProvisioningType Specifies the ProvisioningType for the catalog. Values can be:
o Manual - No provisioning.
o PVS - Machine provisioned by PVS (machine may be physical, blade, VM,…).
o MCS - Machine provisioned by MCS (machine must be VM).
true true (ByPropertyName)  
SessionSupport Specifies whether machines in the catalog are single or multi-session capable. Values can be:
o SingleSession - Single-session only machine.
o MultiSession - Multi-session capable machine.
true true (ByPropertyName)  
PersistUserChanges Specifies how user changes are persisted on machines in the catalog. Possible values are:
o OnLocal: User changes are stored on the machine’s local storage.
o Discard: User changes are discarded.
o OnPvd: User changes are stored on the user’s personal vDisk.
true true (ByPropertyName)  
PvsForVM Deprecated:
Identifies the provisioning scheme used by this catalog. To be specified in the format: ProvisioningSchemeGuid:ServiceGroupGuid. Applicable only to thin-cloned, single-image or personal vDisk catalogs.
false true (ByPropertyName)  
Description A description for the catalog. false true (ByPropertyName)  
IsRemotePC Specifies whether this is to be a Remote PC catalog.
IsRemotePC can only be enabled when:
o SessionSupport is SingleSession
o MachinesArePhysical is true.
false true (ByPropertyName) false
MachinesArePhysical Specifies whether machines in the catalog can be power-managed by the Citrix Broker Service. Where the Citrix Broker Service cannot control the power state of themachine specify $true, otherwise $false. Can only be specified together with a provisioning type of Pvs or Manual, or if used with the legacy CatalogKind parameter only with Pvs or PvsPvd catalog kinds. false true (ByPropertyName)  
MinimumFunctionalLevel The minimum FunctionalLevel required for machines to register in the site.
Valid values are L5, L7, L7_6, L7_7, L7_8, L7_9, L7_20, L7_25
false true (ByPropertyName) The FunctionalLevel of the current release (L7_6); by default no machines with less than the most current FunctionalLevel will be functional.
PvsAddress Specifies the URL of the Provisioning Services server. Only applicable to Provisioning Services or Provisioning Services-personal vDisk catalogs. false true (ByPropertyName)  
PvsDomain Specifies the Active Directory domain of the Provisioning Services server. Only applicable to Provisioning Services or Provisioning Services-personal vDisk catalogs. false true (ByPropertyName)  
RemotePCHypervisorConnectionUid Specifies the hypervisor connection to use for powering on remote PCs in this catalog (only allowed when IsRemotePC is true). false true (ByPropertyName)  
Scope Specifies the name of the delegated administration scope to which the catalog belongs. false true (ByPropertyName)  
TenantId Specifies identity of tenant associated with catalog. Must always be specified in multitenant sites, must not be specified otherwise. false true (ByPropertyName)  
UUID An optional GUID for this catalog. false true (ByPropertyName) A new GUID is generated if none is supplied.
ZoneUid Zone Uid associated with this catalog. false true (ByPropertyName) If no Uid is provided the catalog is associated with Primary Zone.
LoggingId Specifies the identifier of the high level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Desktop Studio and Desktop Director typically create High Level Operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a High Level Operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets. false false  
AdminAddress Specifies the address of a XenDesktop controller that the PowerShell snapin will connect to. This can be provided as a host name or an IP address. false false Localhost. Once a value is provided by any cmdlet, this value will become the default.
BearerToken Specifies the bearer token assigned to the calling user false false  
VirtualSiteId Specifies the virtual site the PowerShell snap-in will connect to. false false  
ProvisioningSchemeId Specifies the identity of the MCS provisioning scheme the new catalog is associated with (can only be specified for new catalogs with a ProvisioningType of MCS). false true (ByPropertyName) $null

Input Type


You cannot pipe input into this cmdlet.

Return Values


New-BrokerCatalog returns the created catalog.


Example 1

C:\PS> New-BrokerCatalog -AllocationType Static -CatalogKind Unmanaged -Description "Catalog1 Description" -Name "Catalog1 Name"


This command creates a catalog that can contain unmanaged physical or virtual machines that are permanently assigned to the user.

Example 2

C:\PS> New-BrokerCatalog -AllocationType Random -CatalogKind PowerManaged -Description "catalog 2 Description" -Name "Catalog2 Name"


This command creates a catalog that can contain power-managed machines that are randomly assigned to the user.

Example 3

C:\PS> New-BrokerCatalog -AllocationType Random -CatalogKind PVS -Description "PVS Catalog Desc" -Name "PVS Catalog Name" -PvsAddress "" -PvsDomain "" -PvsForVM $($farmGuid:$schemeGuid)


This command creates a catalog that can contain managed machines that are provisioned using Provisioning Services.
