Getting started


The Citrix MAM SDK provides a range of features allowing you to work in familiar environments to build native apps. Once you build your apps, you can assume the role of an IT admin to quickly validate the management and distribution of your apps through the Citrix Endpoint Management console.

The Citrix Xamarin MAM SDK libraries include support for per-app micro VPN tunnels.

For more information about the supported app policies, see third-party app policies.


Before you set up your app with the MAM SDK, ensure that you have met the following pre-requisites:

  • Access to a Citrix developer account(Optional).
  • Experience with Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android (Native) mobile app development on the Visual Studio IDE.
  • Access to a Citrix Endpoint Management console to configure and deploy MDX and APK files.
  • Access to an Android Enterprise account to upload .aab or .apk files to Managed Google Play.
  • Access to test micro VPN tunneling with your app through Citrix Gateway.

Software requirements

Type Requirements
Supported OS Android 10 or later.
JDK 8 or 11
Supported Xamarin components Xamarin.Android WebView, Xamarin.Forms WebView, and Xamarin HttpClient.
IDE Visual Studio 8 or later for MacOS.
.NET Standard 2.0 or later.
Test devices Android device or Android virtual device.
Apps Latest version of Secure Hub from the Google Play Store.
Android SDK Android SDK or API version 24 or later.
MDX creation Java KeyStore (.jks or .keystore) for MDX file generation or an APK-signer file.

Build and deploy your app

Perform the following steps to download, integrate, and deploy your app:

  1. Download the Citrix Xamarin MAM SDK libraries.
  2. Review the contents of the SDK.
  3. Integrate the SDK into your app.
  4. Generate the MDX file.
  5. Distribute your app.
  6. Test and debug your app.
  7. Review configuration and then deploy your app.


The SDK allows you to test your app in enterprise simulation mode and supports automated testing. For more information about testing your app, see running apps on the Android Emulator.

Sample app

You can view and download the sample app from GitHub.

All of the MAM SDKs are included and used in this sample app. You can directly launch and verify the functionality of the SDKs and perform similar steps for integration as shown in the app.

For instructions on setting up and running the sample Xamarin.Android (Native) and Xamarin.Forms app, see:

Getting started