Handling access policies with Secure Private Access API

This topic provides instructions on how to create, list, update, and delete policies using the Secure Private Access API. Before starting with this API, understand the mandatory headers for all requests listed in Getting Started.

For more details about access policies, see the following topics.

1. Get a list of access policies

The following is an example of a GET request and response for getting a list of access policies:

GET https://api.cloud.com/accessSecurity/accessPolicy

Request header sample

Accept: application/json
Citrix-CustomerId: \{\{customerId\}\}
Authorization: CWSAuth Bearer=\{\{bearerToken\}\}
Citrix-TransactionId: \{\{Citrix-TransactionId\}\}

Request parameters

A set of optional parameters can be used in the GET request:

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
offset Positive integer Starting index of the returned collection. Default is 0.
limit Positive integer Max index of the last returned item for this request. It must always be offset < limit. Default is 1000.
orderby String The field used to sort the returned list. Fields that can be used with orderby are name, modified, priority, and active. Default is name.
name String A string used to search for access policies with this exact name field.

A sample URL:

GET https://api.cloud.com/accessSecurity/accessPolicy?offset=0&limit=3&orderby=modified&name=TestPolicy

This request asks for the first to third items (3 items total) from the collection of access policies that are named TestPolicy and are ordered by modified field.

Successful response sample

A 200 OK response with a JSON body:

    "items": [
            ...Policy #1...
            ...Policy #2...
            ...Policy #3...
    "totalNum": 10

The JSON object has an items array that contains the list of policy objects. The list can be whole or partial depending on the pagination parameters (offset, limit) used. The JSON object also has a totalNum property that contains the total number of policy objects that would be returned regardless of the pagination parameters.

Access policies object schema in the response body

Each policy object in the items array contains the following schema. Each property value is given as a string unless differently specified.

  • id (read only). The universal unique identifier of the current policy.
  • modified. The timestamp of when this policy was modified as a string following the ISO 8601 format, for example “2022-11-28T08:51:28Z”.
  • apps. An array of app universal unique identifiers that this policy applies to.
  • name. Indicates the name of this policy.
  • description (optional). This field contains a short description of the policy.
  • priority. An integer indicating the policy’s priority. For more details, see Create Policy - Priority Number in Policies.
  • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this policy is active or not.
  • accessRules. This field represents an array of access rules comprising this policy. Each access rule object contains:
    • name (optional). Indicates the name of the access rule.
    • id (read only, not required). The universal unique identifier of the access rule.
    • description (optional). This field contains a short description of the access rule.
    • priority. An integer indicating the access rule’s priority.
    • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this rule is active or not.
    • access. In multi-rule policies, this field can be set to capture the action for the HTTP apps. The value can be ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • accessNative (optional). In multi-rule policies, this field can be set to capture the action for the TCP apps. The value can be ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • restrictions. Additional restrictions given as an object containing:
      • redirectSBS (optional). A boolean true or false indicating whether Secure Browser Service must be redirected or not.
      • enhancedSecuritySettings. Additional enhanced security settings given as an object:
        • browserV1 (optional). Takes embeddedBrowser as the only value.
        • clipboardV1 (optional). This element restricts clipboard access, disables cut/copy/paste operations between the app and the system clipboard. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • downloadV1 (optional). This element disables the user’s ability to download from within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • printingV1 (optional). This element disables the ability to print from within the Citrix Enterprise Browser. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • watermarkV1 (optional). This element displays a watermark on the user’s screen displaying the user name and IP address of the user’s machine. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • keyLoggingV1 (optional). This element enables protection against key loggers. All the keys are encrypted on the key loggers. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • screenCaptureV1 (optional). This element disables the ability to capture the screens using any of the screen capture programs or apps. If a user tries to capture the screen, a blank screen is captured. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • proxyTrafficV1 (optional). The value can be direct or secureBrowse.
        • uploadV1 (optional). This element disables the user’s ability to upload within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
    • rules. An array of rules that comprise this access rule. Each rule object contains:
      • type. This field indicates the rule type and takes one of TYPE_TAG, TYPE_USERGROUP, TYPE_PLATFORM, TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN or TYPE_MACHINEGROUP values.
      • operator. The operator field helps to represent the relation between values. Takes one of OPERATOR_EQ, OPERATOR_IN, OPERATOR_CONTAINS, OPERATOR_LTE, OPERATOR_GTE, OPERATOR_NOT, or OPERATOR_RANGE values. If the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN, the operator should take the values OPERATOR_IN and OPERATOR_NOT.
      • tagSource (optional). Indicates the source of data retrieval. Takes one of CAS, EPA, NLS or ITM values. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • tagKey (optional). States the key of the tag, as the tags are key-value pairs. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • values. This field contains the values used in this rule.
      • metadata (reserved). States a JSON object that contains the metadata of the rule (can be empty/null).
    • conditions (optional). An array of conditions under which this access rule applies to. Each condition object contains:
      • userAndGroups. The user or groups where this access policy applies to. This is a JSON object that contains conditions (can be empty/null).
      • platformFilter (optional). This field indicates the platform. Takes one of PLATFORM_FILTER_MOBILE, PLATFORM_FILTER_PC, or PLATFORM_FILTER_ANY.

Successful response headers sample

Among other headers, a transaction ID can be used in following requests.

Citrix-TransactionId: 2098daee-aea0-444c-9bae-f8b4fdb5d0b7

Potential unsuccessful responses

Status Code - Description Potential Reason
400 BAD REQUEST A parameter was given by an incorrect type. The JSON object in the response body usually provides enough information about the mistake.
401 UNAUTHORIZED An invalid CitrixId or Authorization token in headers.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE Accept header not set as application/json.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Some other form of catastrophic error.

2. Get a specific policy

The following is an example of a GET request and response for getting a specific policy. The policy’s UUID is appended to the request URL:

GET https://api.cloud.com/accessSecurity/accessPolicy/{{policyUUID}}`

Request header sample

Accept: application/json
Citrix-CustomerId: \{\{customerId\}\}
Authorization: CWSAuth Bearer=\{\{bearerToken\}\}
Citrix-TransactionId: \{\{Citrix-TransactionId\}\}

Successful response sample

A 200 OK response with a JSON body that contains a policy object:

    "id": "9001aed9-39d2-4d49-9345-ec901e0a2816",
    "modified": "2022-11-28T08:51:28Z",
    "apps": [ "62c061d8-e6f0-4856-b8cd-28f076457e06" ],
    "name": "TestPolicy",
    "description": "TestPolicy Description",
    "priority": 3848354,
    "active": false,
    "accessRules": [
            "name": "Test Policy | browserV1 ",
            "id": "1c052a01-dafa-45ff-8c8e-340974e1b1c4",
            "priority": 1,
            "active": true,
            "access": "ACCESS_ALLOW",
            "restrictions": {
                "enhancedSecuritySettings": {
                    "browserV1": "embeddedBrowser",
                    "watermarkV1": "disabled"
            "rules": [
                    "type": "TYPE_USERGROUP",
                    "operator": "OPERATOR_IN",
                    "tagSource": "ITM",
                    "tagKey": "",
                    "values": [
                    "metadata": {
                        "ak2": "SID:/03fc0b3d-7441-4236-8e39-a4d5da073edb/,OID:/9df11d6a-8584-42ca-a3ed-6c4b3d1a5f43"

Policy object schema in response body

The policy object in the response body contains the following schema. Each property value is given as a string unless differently specified.

  • id (read only). The universal unique identifier of the current policy.
  • modified. The timestamp of when this policy was modified as a string following the ISO 8601 format, for example “2022-11-28T08:51:28Z”.
  • apps. An array of app universal unique identifiers that this policy applies to.
  • name. Indicates the name of this policy.
  • description (optional). This field contains a short description of the policy.
  • priority. An integer indicating the policy’s priority. For more details, see Create Policy - Priority Number in Policies.
  • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this policy is active or not.
  • accessRules. This field represents an array of access rules comprising this policy. Each access rule object contains:
    • name (optional). Indicates the name of the access rule.
    • id (read only, not required). The universal unique identifier of the access rule.
    • description (optional). This field contains a short description of the access rule.
    • priority. An integer indicating the rule’s priority.
    • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this rule is active or not.
    • access. The value can be ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • accessNative (optional). The value can be ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • restrictions. Additional restrictions given as an object containing:
      • redirectSBS (optional). A boolean true or false indicating whether Secure Browser Service must be redirected or not.
      • enhancedSecuritySettings. Additional enhanced security settings given as an object:
        • browserV1 (optional). Takes embeddedBrowser as the only value.
        • clipboardV1 (optional). This element restricts clipboard access, disables cut/copy/paste operations between the app and the system clipboard. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • downloadV1 (optional). This element disables the user’s ability to download from within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • printingV1 (optional). This field disables the ability to print from within the Citrix Enterprise Browser. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • watermarkV1 (optional). This element displays a watermark on the user’s screen displaying the user name and IP address of the user’s machine. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • keyLoggingV1 (optional). This element enables protection against key loggers. All the keys are encrypted on the key loggers. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • screenCaptureV1 (optional). This element disables the ability to capture the screens using any of the screen capture programs or apps. If a user tries to capture the screen, a blank screen is captured. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • proxyTrafficV1 (optional). Takes one of direct or secureBrowse values.
        • uploadV1 (optional). This element disables the user’s ability to upload within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
    • rules. An array of rules that comprise this access rule. Each rule object contains:
      • type. This field indicates the rule type and takes one of TYPE_TAG, TYPE_USERGROUP, TYPE_PLATFORM, TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN or TYPE_MACHINEGROUP values.
      • operator. The operator field helps to represent the relation between values. Takes one of OPERATOR_EQ, OPERATOR_IN, OPERATOR_CONTAINS, OPERATOR_LTE, OPERATOR_GTE, OPERATOR_NOT, or OPERATOR_RANGE values. If the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN, the operator should take the values OPERATOR_IN and OPERATOR_NOT.
      • tagSource (optional). Indicates the source of data retrieval. Takes one of CAS, EPA, NLS or ITM values. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • tagKey (optional). States the key of the tag, as the tags are key-value pairs. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • values. This field contains the values used in this rule.
      • metadata (reserved). States a JSON object that contains the metadata of the rule (can be empty/null).
    • conditions (optional). An array of conditions under which this access rule applies to. Each condition object contains:
      • userAndGroups. The user or groups where this access policy applies to. This is a JSON object that contains conditions (can be empty/null).
      • platformFilter (optional). This field indicates the platform. Takes one of PLATFORM_FILTER_MOBILE, PLATFORM_FILTER_PC, or PLATFORM_FILTER_ANY.

Successful response headers sample

Among other headers, a transaction ID that can be used in following requests.

Citrix-TransactionId: 2098daee-aea0-444c-9bae-f8b4fdb5d0b7

Potential unsuccessful responses

Status Code - Description Potential Reason
401 UNAUTHORIZED An invalid CitrixId or Authorization token in headers.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE Accept header not set as application/json.
404 NOT FOUND No policy was found with the specified UUID.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Some other form of catastrophic error.

3. Create a policy

The following is an example of a POST request and response for creating a new policy:

POST https://api.cloud.com/accessSecurity/accessPolicy

Request header sample

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Citrix-CustomerId: \{\{customerId\}\}
Authorization: CWSAuth Bearer=\{\{bearerToken\}\}
Citrix-TransactionId: \{\{Citrix-TransactionId\}\}

Request body sample

    "apps": [ "62c061d8-e6f0-4856-b8cd-28f076457e06" ],
    "name": "TestPolicy",
    "description": "TestPolicy Description",
    "priority": 3848354,
    "active": false,
    "accessRules": [
            "name": "Test Policy | browserV1 ",
            "id": "1c052a01-dafa-45ff-8c8e-340974e1b1c4",
            "priority": 1,
            "active": true,
            "access": "ACCESS_ALLOW",
            "restrictions": {
                "enhancedSecuritySettings": {
                    "watermarkV1": "disabled"
            "rules": [
                    "type": "TYPE_USERGROUP",
                    "operator": "OPERATOR_IN",
                    "tagSource": "ITM",
                    "tagKey": "",
                    "values": [
                    "metadata": {
                        "ak2": "SID:/03fc0b3d-7441-4236-8e39-a4d5da073edb/,OID:/9df11d6a-8584-42ca-a3ed-6c4b3d1a5f43"

JSON object schema in the request body

Each property value is given as a string unless differently specified.

  • apps. An array of app universal unique identifiers that this policy applies to.
  • name. Indicates the name of this policy.
  • description (optional). This field keeps a short description of the policy.
  • priority. An integer indicating the policy’s priority. For more details, see Priority Number in Policies.
  • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this policy is active or not.
  • accessRules. This field represents an array of access rules comprising this policy. Each access rule object contains:
    • name (optional). Indicates the name of the access rule.
    • id (read only, not required). The universal unique identifier of the access rule.
    • description (optional). This field keeps a short description of the access rule.
    • priority. An integer indicating the access rule’s priority.
    • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this rule is active or not.
    • access. One of ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • accessNative (optional). One of ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • restrictions. Additional restrictions given as an object containing:
      • redirectSBS (optional). A boolean true or false indicating whether Secure Browser Service must be redirected or not.
      • enhancedSecuritySettings. Additional enhanced security settings given as an object:
        • clipboardV1 (optional). This element restricts clipboard access, disables cut/copy/paste operations between the app and the system clipboard. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • downloadV1 (optional). This field disables the user’s ability to download from within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • printingV1 (optional). This field disables the ability to print from within the Citrix Enterprise Browser. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • watermarkV1 (optional). This element displays a watermark on the user’s screen displaying the user name and IP address of the user’s machine. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • keyLoggingV1 (optional). This field enables protection against key loggers. All the keys are encrypted on the key loggers. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • screenCaptureV1 (optional). This field disables the ability to capture the screens using any of the screen capture programs or apps. If a user tries to capture the screen, a blank screen is captured. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • uploadV1 (optional). This element disables the user’s ability to upload within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
    • rules. An array of rules that comprise this access rule. Each rule object contains:
      • type. This field indicates the rule type and takes one of TYPE_TAG, TYPE_USERGROUP, TYPE_PLATFORM, TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN or TYPE_MACHINEGROUP values.
      • operator. The operator field helps to represent the relation between values. Takes one of OPERATOR_EQ, OPERATOR_IN, OPERATOR_CONTAINS, OPERATOR_LTE, OPERATOR_GTE, OPERATOR_NOT, or OPERATOR_RANGE values. If the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN, the operator should take the values OPERATOR_IN and OPERATOR_NOT.
      • tagSource (optional). Indicates the source of data retrieval. Takes one of CAS, EPA, NLS or ITM values. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • tagKey (optional). States the key of the tag, as the tags are key-value pairs. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • values. This field contains the values used in this rule.
      • metadata (reserved). States a JSON object that contains the metadata of the rule (can be empty/null).
    • conditions (optional). An array of conditions under which this access rule applies to. Each condition object contains:
      • userAndGroups. The user or groups where this access policy applies to. This is a JSON object that contains conditions (can be empty/null).
      • platformFilter (optional). This field indicates the platform. Takes one of PLATFORM_FILTER_MOBILE, PLATFORM_FILTER_PC, or PLATFORM_FILTER_ANY.

Priority number in access policies

The priority property allows you to use a positive integer to set the priority of the specified access policy relative to the other access policies. Using spaced-out values for the priorities of different access policies allows for easier manipulation of policies’ order. It is recommended that when creating a new policy that needs to have the highest priority, check for the current highest priority by using a GET request. Then add a buffer to the current priority to set the new highest priority for the policy. For example, if the current priority is 12500, then set 20000 as the priority for the new policy. Priorities can change with PUT requests that update existing access policies but users must take into account the priorities of the adjacent access policies (by getting them first) and calculating the new priority accordingly (for example with a value between them, in the middle).

Successful response sample

An empty 201 Created response.

Successful response headers sample

Among other headers, the location of the policy that was created containing its UUID and a transaction ID that can be used in following requests.

Location: https://api.cloud.com/accessSecurity/accessPolicy/9001aed9-39d2-4d09-9345-ec901e0a2816
Citrix-TransactionId: 2098daee-aea0-444c-9bae-f8b4fdb5d0b7

Potential unsuccessful responses

Status Code - Description Potential Reason
400 BAD REQUEST JSON object sent in the request body might not follow the correct schema. The JSON object in the response body usually provides enough information about such a mistake.
401 UNAUTHORIZED An invalid CitrixId or Authorization token in headers.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE Accept header not set as application/json.
415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE Content-Type header not set as application/json; charset=utf-8.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Some other form of catastrophic error. One of the potential reasons is that one of the app ids submitted with the policy does not correspond to an existing app.

4. Update a policy

The following is an example of a PUT request and response for Updating a specific policy. The policy’s UUID is appended to the request URL:

PUT https://api.cloud.com/accessSecurity/accessPolicy/{{policyUUID}}`

Request header sample

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Citrix-CustomerId: \{\{customerId\}\}
Authorization: CWSAuth Bearer=\{\{bearerToken\}\}
Citrix-TransactionId: \{\{Citrix-TransactionId\}\}

Request body sample

    "modified": "2022-11-28T09:51:28Z",
    "apps": [ "62c061d8-e6f0-4856-b8cd-28f076457e06" ],
    "name": "TestPolicy",
    "description": "TestPolicy Description",
    "priority": 3848354,
    "active": true,
    "accessRules": [
            "name": "Test Policy | browserV1 ",
            "id": "1c052a01-dafa-45ff-8c8e-340974e1b1c4",
            "priority": 1,
            "active": true,
            "access": "ACCESS_ALLOW",
            "restrictions": {
                "enhancedSecuritySettings": {
                    "watermarkV1": "enabled"
            "rules": [
                    "type": "TYPE_USERGROUP",
                    "operator": "OPERATOR_IN",
                    "tagSource": "ITM",
                    "tagKey": "",
                    "values": [
                    "metadata": {
                        "ak2": "SID:/03fc0b3d-7441-4236-8e39-a4d5da073edb/,OID:/9df11d6a-8584-42ca-a3ed-6c4b3d1a5f43"

Successful response sample

A 204 NO CONTENT response with an empty body.

Policy object schema in response body

The policy object in the response body contains the following schema. Each property value is given as a string unless differently specified.

  • modified. The timestamp of when this policy was modified as a string following the ISO 8601 format, for example “2022-11-28T08:51:28Z”.
  • apps. An array of app universal unique identifier that this policy applies to.
  • name. Indicates the name of this policy.
  • description (optional). This field contains a short description of the policy.
  • priority. An integer indicating the policy’s priority. For more details, see Create Policy - Priority Number in Policies.
  • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this policy is active or not.
  • accessRules. This field represents an array of access rules comprising this policy. Each access rule object contains:
    • name (optional). Indicates the name of the access rule.
    • id (read only, not required). A universal unique identifier of the access rule.
    • description (optional). This field contains a short description of the access rule.
    • priority. An integer indicating the access rule’s priority.
    • active. A boolean true or false indicating whether this rule is active or not.
    • access. The value can be ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • accessNative (optional). The value can be ACCESS_ALLOW or ACCESS_DENY indicating the type of the access rule.
    • restrictions. Additional restrictions given as an object containing:
      • redirectSBS (optional). A boolean true or false indicating whether s Browser Service must be redirected or not.
      • enhancedSecuritySettings. Additional enhanced security settings given as an object:
        • clipboardV1 (optional). This element restricts clipboard access, disables cut/copy/paste operations between the app and the system clipboard. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • downloadV1 (optional). This field disables the user’s ability to download from within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • printingV1 (optional). This field disables the ability to print from within the Citrix Enterprise Browser. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • watermarkV1 (optional). This element displays a watermark on the user’s screen displaying the user name and IP address of the user’s machine. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • keyLoggingV1 (optional). This field enables protection against key loggers. All the keys are encrypted on the key loggers. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • screenCaptureV1 (optional). This field disables the ability to capture the screens using any of the screen capture programs or apps. If a user tries to capture the screen, a blank screen is captured. The value can be disabled or enabled.
        • uploadV1 (optional). This element disables the user’s ability to upload within the app. The value can be disabled or enabled.
    • rules. An array of rules that comprise this access rule. Each rule object contains:
      • type. This field indicates the rule type and takes one of TYPE_TAG, TYPE_USERGROUP, TYPE_PLATFORM, TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN or TYPE_MACHINEGROUP values.
      • operator. The operator field helps to represent the relation between values. Takes one of OPERATOR_EQ, OPERATOR_IN, OPERATOR_CONTAINS, OPERATOR_LTE, OPERATOR_GTE, OPERATOR_NOT, or OPERATOR_RANGE values. If the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN, the operator should take the values OPERATOR_IN and OPERATOR_NOT.
      • tagSource (optional). Indicates the source of data retrieval. Takes one of CAS, EPA, NLS or ITM values. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • tagKey (optional). States the key of the tag, as the tags are key-value pairs. This field can’t be used if the type of the rule is TYPE_MULTIURLDOMAIN.
      • values. This field contains the values used in this rule.
      • metadata (reserved). States a JSON object that contains the metadata of the rule (can be empty/null).
    • conditions (optional). An array of conditions under which this access rule applies to. Each condition object contains:
      • userAndGroups. The user or groups where this access policy applies to. This is a JSON object that contains conditions (can be empty/null).
      • platformFilter (optional). This field indicates the platform. Takes one of PLATFORM_FILTER_MOBILE, PLATFORM_FILTER_PC, or PLATFORM_FILTER_ANY.

Successful response headers sample

Among other headers, a transaction ID that can be used in following requests.

Citrix-TransactionId: 2098daee-aea0-444c-9bae-f8b4fdb5d0b7

Potential unsuccessful responses

Status Code - Description Potential Reason
400 BAD REQUEST JSON object sent in the request body might not follow the correct schema. The JSON object in the response body usually provides enough information about such a mistake.
401 UNAUTHORIZED An invalid CitrixId or Authorization token in headers.
404 NOT FOUND No policy was found with the specified UUID.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE Accept header not set as application/json.
415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE Content-Type header not set as application/json; charset=utf-8.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Some other form of catastrophic error.

5. Delete a policy

The following is an example of a DELETE request and response for deleting a specific policy. The policy’s UUID is appended to the request URL:

DELETE https://api.cloud.com/accesssecurity/accessPolicy/{{policyUUID}}`

Request header sample

Accept: application/json
Citrix-CustomerId: \{\{customerId\}\}
Authorization: CWSAuth Bearer=\{\{bearerToken\}\}
Citrix-TransactionId: \{\{Citrix-TransactionId\}\}

Successful response sample

A 204 NO CONTENT response with an empty body.

Successful response headers sample

Among other headers, a transaction ID that can be used in following requests.

Citrix-TransactionId: 2098daee-aea0-444c-9bae-f8b4fdb5d0b7

Potential unsuccessful responses

Status Code - Description Potential Reason
401 UNAUTHORIZED An invalid CitrixId or Authorization token in the headers.
404 NOT FOUND No policy was found with the specified UUID.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE Accept header not set as application/json.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Some other form of catastrophic error.
Access Security OpenAPI Specification
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Handling access policies with Secure Private Access API