Add a farm to a Store
Add-STFStoreFarm [-Farm] <Farm> [-StoreService] <StoreService> [[-Product] <String>] [[-RestrictPoPs] <String>] [[-FarmGuid] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-STFStoreFarm [-FarmName] <String> [-FarmType] <XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store> [[-Servers] <String[]>] [[-ServiceUrls] <String[]>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-TransportType] <HTTP | HTTPS | SSL>] [[-SSLRelayPort] <Int32>] [[-LoadBalance] <Boolean>] [[-AllFailedBypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-BypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-TicketTimeToLive] <Int32>] [[-RadeTicketTimeToLive] <Int32>] [[-MaxFailedServersPerRequest] <Int32>] [[-Zones] <String[]>] [[-PassThru] <SwitchParameter>] [-StoreService] <StoreService> [[-Product] <String>] [[-RestrictPoPs] <String>] [[-FarmGuid] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Detailed Description
Add a XenApp \ XenDesktop farm to the specified Store service.
Related Commands
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Farm | The Farm object to add to the Store service | true | true (ByValue) | |
StoreService | Store service the farm will be added to | true | false | |
FarmName | The friendly name of the farm | true | false | |
FarmType | The type of farm to be added. XenDesktop or XenApp for example | true | false | |
Servers | The hostnames or IP addresses of the xml services | false | false | |
ServiceUrls | The url to the service location used to provide web and SaaS apps via this farm. | false | false | |
Port | Service communication port | false | false | |
TransportType | Type of transport to use. Http, Https, SSL for example | false | false | |
SSLRelayPort | The SSL Relay port | false | false | |
LoadBalance | Round robin load balance the xml service servers | false | false | |
AllFailedBypassDuration | Period of time to skip all xml service requests should all servers fail to respond | false | false | |
BypassDuration | Period of time to skip a server when is fails to respond | false | false | |
TicketTimeToLive | Period of time an ICA launch ticket is valid once requested on pre 7.0 XenApp and XenDesktop farms | false | false | |
RadeTicketTimeToLive | Period of time a RADE launch ticket is valid once requested on pre 7.0 XenApp and XenDesktop farms | false | false | |
MaxFailedServersPerRequest | Maximum number of servers within a single farm that can fail before aborting a request | false | false | |
Zones | The list of Zone names associated with the farm | false | false | |
Product | Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. The product name of the farm configured | false | false | |
RestrictPoPs | Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. Restricts GWaaS traffic to the specified POP | false | false | |
FarmGuid | Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. A tag indicating the scope of the farm | false | false | |
PassThru | The resulting Store service | false | false |
Input Type
Parameter Farm: A .NET class representing the configuration of a Farm in StoreFront Store service
Parameter StoreService: A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Store service
Parameter FarmName: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter FarmType: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.FarmType
value type
Parameter Servers: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter ServiceUrls: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter Port: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter TransportType: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.TransportType
value type
Parameter SSLRelayPort: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter LoadBalance: The .NET System.Boolean
value type
Parameter AllFailedBypassDuration: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter BypassDuration: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter TicketTimeToLive: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter RadeTicketTimeToLive: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter MaxFailedServersPerRequest: The .NET System.Int32
value type
Parameter Zones: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter Product: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter RestrictPoPs: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter FarmGuid: The .NET System.String
reference type
Parameter PassThru: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
value type
Return Values
A .NET class representing the configuration of a Farm in StoreFront Store service
EXAMPLE 1 Add a farm to the only Store service
$store = Get-STFStoreService
Add-STFStoreFarm -StoreService $store -FarmName "XenDesktop75" -FarmType XenDesktop -Port 80 -TransportType HTTP -Servers Xen1
Adds the Xen1 XenDesktop server to the XenDesktop75 farm
EXAMPLE 2 Add a farm to the Store service at /Citrix/Store
$store = Get-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store
Add-STFStoreFarm -StoreService $store -FarmName "XenDesktop75" -FarmType XenDesktop -Port 80 -TransportType HTTP -Servers Xen1
Adds the Xen1 XenDesktop server to the XenDesktop75 farm
EXAMPLE 3 Copy a farm from the Store service at /Citrix/Store1 to the Store service at /Citrix/Store2
$store1 = Get-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store1
$farm = $store1.FarmsConfiguration.Farms[0]
$store2 = Get-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store2
Add-STFStoreFarm -StoreService $store2 -Farm $farm
Adds a new farm to $store2 with the same properties as the first farm from
$store1. The farm object ($farm) is not changed by this operation.