StoreFront 1912 LTSR reached end-of-life on 18-Dec-2024. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of StoreFront.


Citrix StoreFront SDK PowerShell Modules


Import a NetScaler remote access configuration


Import-STFNetScalerConfiguration [-Configuration] <NetScalerConfigurationDocument> [[-PropagateChanges] <SwitchParameter>] [[-RoamingGatewaysToOverwrite] <RoamingGateway[]>] [[-CreateNew] <SwitchParameter>] [[-LogonType] <Domain | RSA | DomainAndRSA | SMS | SmartCard | SmartCardDomain | SmartCardRSA | SmartCardDomainAndRSA | SmartCardSMS>] [[-CallbackUrl] <String>] [[-GatewayIndex] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Import a NetScaler remote access configuration supplied by a NetScaler administrator.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
Configuration A NetScaler configuration to be imported into StoreFront. true true (ByValue)  
PropagateChanges Propagate configuration changes to other members of the cluster. false false  
RoamingGatewaysToOverwrite Specify gateways that should be overwritten if the import finds more than one matching gateway that will be overwritten by the import. false false  
CreateNew Specify that a new gateway should be created rather than update an existing gateway. false false  
LogonType Specify the logon type for a gateway overriding whatever is specified in the configuration document. false false  
CallbackUrl Optional callback url to replace the suggested url if it cannot be resolved. false false  
GatewayIndex Optional ability to specify which gateway from the configuration which will be imported. false false  

Input Type


Parameter Configuration: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.NetScalerConfiguration.NetScalerConfigurationDocument reference type


Parameter PropagateChanges: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter value type


Parameter RoamingGatewaysToOverwrite: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.RoamingGateway reference type


Parameter CreateNew: The .NET System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter value type


Parameter LogonType: The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.NetScalerConfiguration.ImportLogonType value type


Parameter CallbackUrl: The .NET System.String reference type


Parameter GatewayIndex: The .NET System.Int32 value type

Return Values


The .NET Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.NetScalerConfiguration.DocumentValidation reference type


-WhatIf parameter can be used to verify the configuration consistency.


EXAMPLE 1 Import a NetScaler remote access configuration

$netscalerConfiguration = Read-STFNetScalerConfiguration –Path C:\NSG\ $stasToUpdate = Test-STFSecureTicketAuthority -StaConfigurationObject $netscalerConfiguration Import-STFNetScalerConfiguration -Configuration $netscalerConfiguration


KS The example reads in a NetScaler configuration package, validates that the Secure Ticket Authorities can be resolved and imports the configuration. If validation errors are found they are output to the pipeline. If propagating to the cluster the progress can be monitored with Wait-STFPublishServerGroupConfiguration

EXAMPLE 2 Import specific vServer from NetScaler remote access configuration file.

$ImportedGateways = Read-STFNetScalerConfiguration -path "$env: USERPROFILE\desktop\" Import-STFNetScalerConfiguration -Configuration $ImportedGateways -GatewayIndex 0 Import-STFNetScalerConfiguration -Configuration $ImportedGateways -GatewayIndex 1 Import-STFNetScalerConfiguration -Configuration $ImportedGateways -GatewayIndex 2


The example reads in a NetScaler configuration package and then imports the

first gateway defined in the package, followed by the second and the third.
