Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2411 SDK




Short Description

The Machine Creation Service PowerShell snap-in provides administrative functions for the Machine Creation Service.

Command Prefix

All commands in this snap-in have the noun prefixed with ‘Prov’.

Long Description

The Machine Creation Service PowerShell snap-in enables both local and remote administration of the Machine Creation Service. It provides facilities to create virtual machines and manage the associated disk images.

The snap-in provides two main entities:

Provisioning Scheme

Specifies details of new virtual machines created by the Machine Creation Service. Provisioning schemes define the following information.

Hosting Unit

Provides details of the hypervisor and storage on which new virtual machines will be created. Stored and maintained by the Host Service and PowerShell snap-in.

Identity Pool

Lists the Active Directory computer accounts available for use by new virtual machines. Stored and maintained by the Active Directory Identity Service and PowerShell snap-in.

Master Image

Specifies the disk image that will be used for new virtual machines. Accessed through the hosting provider in the Host Service snap-in.

Provisioned VM

Defines the virtual machines created by the Machine Creation Services. These virtual machines are associated with the provisioning scheme from which they were created.

The processes of creating provisioning schemes and new virtual machines can take a significant amount of time to complete. For this reason, these long-running tasks can be run asynchronously so that other commands are accessible while the processes are running. Note, however, that only one long-running task can operate on a provisioning scheme at any one time. The processes are monitored using the Get-ProvTask command. For more information, see the help for Get-ProvTask.
