Short Description
The Host Service PowerShell snap-in provides administrative functions for the Host Service.
Command Prefix
All commands in this snap-in have the noun prefixed with ‘Hyp’.
Long Description
The Host Service PowerShell snap-in enables both local and remote administration of the Host Service. It lets you configure XenDesktop deployments to make use of hypervisors, networks, and storage, and enables browsing of their contents using the Host PowerShell provider (Citrix.HypervisorProvider).
The provider creates a default PSDrive with a drive identifier of ‘XDHyp’. This drive provides two root folders:
HostingUnits Folder Contains a list of all the hosting units that have been defined using the new-Item provider command.
Hosting units define not only a hypervisor connection, but also reference networks and storage. Hosting units are used by the Machine Creation Service to provide the information required to create and manage virtual machines that can be used by other services. A hosting unit references a root path. This is a specific point in the provider connection tree. The hosting unit is constrained to provide only items below this point in the tree. This restricts the locations that the Machine Creation Service can use to create virtual machines and the networks and storage that can be used.
Connections Folder Contains a list of all the hosting unit connections that are defined using the new-Item provider command.
Change directory to a specific connection and use the dir/Get-ChildItem command to list all of the infrastructure (such as folders, hypervisors, networks, storage, and virtual machines) that is available in the hosting unit to which the connection refers. The paths to these items are used as the input to commands in the Host Service and Machine Creation Service snap-ins.
The contents of the Hosting Unit and Connection folders reflect the content and structure of the hypervisor to which they refer. The item extensions reflect the object type for each item. Not all item types are appropriate for all hypervisor types. Possible item types are:
Virtual Machine (.vm) Snapshot (.snapshot) Cluster (.cluster) Host (.host) HostGroup (.hostgroup) DataCenter (.datacenter) Folder (.folder) ResourcePool (.resourcepool) ComputeResource (.computeresource)
When used with a path that refers to the Host provider (with a default drive of ‘XDHyp:’), the Host provider extends the standard New-Item, Get-Item, Get-ChildItem, Remove-Item, Rename-Item, and Set-Item commands as described below. For more information about the basic behavior of these commands, see the help for the command. The Move-Item and Copy-Item commands are not supported for the Host provider.
New-Item The following parameters are available when using New-Item in the Connections directory (or a path that refers to the directory). The Credential parameter is not supported.
-HypervisorAddress <String[]> Specifies an array of addresses that can be used to contact the required hypervisor. All the addresses are considered equivalent, that is, all of the addresses provide access to the same virtual machines, snapshots, network, and storage.
-ConnectionType <ConnectionType> Specifies the type of hypervisor that the connection is for. Supported hypervisor types are:
XenServer SCVMM (Microsoft Hyper-V) vCenter (VMware vSphere/ESX) Custom
-PluginId <String> Specifies the class name for the Citrix Managed Machine library that is used to access the hypervisor. You can obtain this list using the Get-HypHypervisorPlugin command. The PluginId parameter must be specified if the ConnectionType is set to ‘Custom’.
-UserName <String>, -Password <String>, -SecurePassword <SecureString> Specifies the credentials for the connection to the hypervisor. You can specify the password as either Password or SecurePassword, but not both. The UserName parameter, and either Password or SecurePassword, specify the same information as the HypervisorCredential parameter, so use of one precludes use of the other.
-HypervisorCredential <PSCredential> Specifies credentials for the connection to the hypervisor. The HypervisorCredential parameter specifies the same information as UserName and either Password or SecurePassword, so use of one precludes use of the other.
-Persist Specifies that the connection details are persistent. If this parameter is not included, the connection is held only for the duration of the current runspace and PSDrive combination. Only persistent connection items are visible to administrators in other runspaces and PSDrives. Hosting units cannot be created from connections that are not persistent.
-AdminAddress <String> Specifies the address of the Host Service that the command communicates with. After it is set, this address is used for all commands in the Host Service PowerShell snap-in. If this parameter is not included or set by another command, or if Set-HypAdminConnection has not been used, the command attempts to use a local Host Service.
-LoggingId <Guid> Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.
-Scopes <String[]> Specifies the list of administrative scopes that the new connection will be a part of. The scopes control which administrators are able to work with the connection.
-ZoneUid <Guid> Specifies the ZoneUid the connection belongs to. The zone determines which connections are local to the controller.
The following parameters are available when using New-Item in the HostingUnits directory (or a path that refers to the directory).
-HypervisorConnectionName <String> Specifies the name of the connection that the hosting unit uses. To create a hosting unit, the referenced connection must be persistent and the ConnectionType must not be set to ‘Custom’.
-HypervisorConnectionUid <Guid> Specifies the unique identifier of the connection that the hosting unit uses. To create a hosting unit, the referenced connection must be persistent and the ConnectionType must not be set to ‘Custom’.
-RootPath <String> Specifies the location in a connection that is used as the starting reference for the hosting unit. The path must point to an item in the connection that is marked as a SymLink. The root of a XenServer connection is a special case that is also considered a SymLink. If this parameter is not included, the current location in the provider is used.
-NetworkPath <String> Specifies the path in a connection to the network item that is used when the Machine Creation Service creates new virtual machines.
-StoragePath <String> Specifies one or more paths in a connection to storage items that are used when the Machine Creation Service creates new virtual machines. After they are set, you can modify storage paths using the Add-HypHostingUnitStorage and Remove-HypHostingUnitStorage commands. If the connection is based on cloud infrastructure, storage items are typically not available, in which case this parameter can be omitted.
-PersonalvDiskStoragePath <String> Specifies one or more paths in a connection to storage items that are used when the Machine Creation Service creates disks for the virtual machines. After they are set, you can modify storage paths using the Add-HypHostingUnitStorage and Remove-HypHostingUnitStorage commands.
-NoVmTagging Specifies that new virtual machines are not tagged with metadata from the hypervisor. By default, all virtual machines created by the Machine Creation Service are tagged to show they are created by XenDesktop. These tags are used by the provider to restrict the list of virtual machines displayed when viewing the content of the Connections or HostingUnit paths. If this parameter is not included, all virtual machines are displayed at all times.
-AdminAddress <String> Specifies the address of the Host Service that the command will communicate with. After it is set, this address is used for all commands in the Host Service PowerShell snap-in. If this parameter is not included or set by another command, or if Set-HypAdminConnection has not been used, the command attempts to use a local Host Service.
-UseLocalStorageCaching When Get-HypServiceAddedCapability indicates that the LocalStorageCaching feature is available, use this parameter to specify that the virtual machines created for this hosting unit will use local storage caching for their disk images.
-GpuGroup Specifies a path to a GPU Group in a connection that will be used when Machine Creation Services creates VMs. Only a single GPU Group is supported and the value is immutable.
-LoggingId <Guid> Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.
-JobGroup <Guid> Specifies the Uid assocuiated with the HypStorage object created with the New-HypStorage command. This HypStorage object specifies any additional storage details required for the new connection.
The following parameters are available when using New-Item relative to a connection or hosting unit.
-ItemType <String> Specifies the type of item to create when invoked relative to a connection or hosting unit. Supported ItemType values are:
SecurityGroup (cloud only)
-Description Specifies a description for the security group.
-VpcId Specifies a VPC ID for the security group.
Get-ChildItem (alias dir)
Remove-Item The following additional parameters are available.
AdminAddress <String> Specifies the address of the Host Service that the command communicates with. After it is set, this address is used for all commands in the Host Service PowerShell snap-in. If this parameter is not included or set by another command, or if Set-HypAdminConnection has not been used, the command attempts to use a local Host Service.
-LoggingId <Guid> Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.
You can specify the Path parameter by name or by using the unique identifier for the connection or hosting unit enclosed in braces. For example:
-Path XDHyp:\{1233-3213ACDF-12323}
The Filter parameter is not supported. Virtual machines created by the Machine Creation Service are returned only if the -Force parameter is used or if virtual machine tagging was disabled on the hosting unit with the NoVmTagging parameter when the VMs were created.
Set-Item The following parameters are available when using Set-Item in the Connections directory.
-UserName <String>, -Password <String>, -SecurePassword <SecureString> Specifies the credentials for the connection to the hypervisor. The password can be given as either Password or SecurePassword, but not both. The UserName parameter and either Password or SecurePassword specify the same information as the HypervisorCredential parameter, so use of one precludes use of the other.
-HypervisorCredential <PSCredential> Specifies credentials for the connection to the hypervisor. The HypervisorCredential parameter specifies the same information as the UserName parameter and either Password or SecurePassword, so use of one precludes use of the other.
-HypervisorAddress <String[]> Specifies the addresses of the hypervisor that this connection represents. This replaces all existing addresses.
-LoggingId <Guid> Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.
-MaintenanceMode <Boolean> Places the connection into maintenance mode which disables all communication between XenDesktop and the Hypervisor. Use this mode when making changes to the hypervisor; for instance, if the password for the access account needs to be changed.
-AdminAddress <String> Specifies the address of the Host Service that the command communicates with. After it is set, this address is used for all commands in the Host Service PowerShell snap-in. If this parameter is not included or set by another command, or if Set-HypAdminConnection has not been used, the command tries to use a local Host Service.
The Credential parameter is not supported. Addresses can be modified with the Add-HypHypervisorConnectionAddress and Remove-HypHypervisorConnectionAddress commands. Metadata can be modified with the Add-HypMetadata and Remove-HypMetadata commands.
The following parameters are available when using New-Item in the HostingUnits directory.
-NetworkPath <String> Specifies the path in a connection to the network item that is used when the Machine Creation Service creates new virtual machines.
-NoVmTagging Specifies that new virtual machines are not tagged with metadata from the hypervisor. By default, all virtual machines created by the Machine Creation Service are tagged to show they are created by XenDesktop. These tags are used by the provider to restrict the list of virtual machines displayed when viewing the content of the Connections or HostingUnit paths. If this parameter is not included, all virtual machines are displayed at all times.
-AdminAddress <String> Specifies the address of the Host Service that the command communicates with. After it is set, this address is used for all commands in the Host Service PowerShell snap-in. If this parameter is not included or set by another command, or if Set-HypAdminConnection has not been used, the command attempts to use a local Host Service.
-UseLocalStorageCaching <Boolean> When Get-HypServiceAddedCapability indicates that the LocalStorageCaching feature is available, use this parameter to specify that the virtual machines created for this hosting unit will use local storage caching for their disk images.
-LoggingId <Guid> Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation that this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.
Storage can be modified with the Add-HypHostingUnitStorage and Remove-HypHostingUnitStorage commands. Metadata can be modified with the Add-HypMetadata and Remove-HypMetadata commands.
The item types returned when these commands are used in the Host Service provider are defined in the Object Definitions section below.
To Create a Persistent Hypervisor Connection
new-item -path “xdhyp:\Connections” -Name MyConn -ConnectionType XenServer -HypervisorAddress “http:\\address” -UserName user -Password password -Persist
PSPath: Citrix.HostingUnitService.Admin.V1.0\ Citrix.Hypervisor::XDHyp:\Connections\MyConn PSParentPath: Citrix.HostingUnitService.Admin.V1.0\ Citrix.Hypervisor::XDHyp:\Connections PSChildName: MyConn PSDrive: XDHyp PSProvider: Citrix.HostingUnitService.Admin.V1.0\ Citrix.Hypervisor PSIsContainer: True HypervisorConnectionUid: 04e6daa2-5cbd-4491-b70c-6daf733ee82a HypervisorConnectionName: MyConn ConnectionType: XenServer HypervisorAddress: {http:\\address} UserName: user Persistent: True PluginId: XenFactory SupportsPvsVMs: True Revision: 1b0b0d02-bc1b-49d8-b2b0-be6fb7f150ad MaintenanceMode: False Metadata: {MaxAbsoluteActiveActions = 100, MaxAbsoluteNewActionsPerMinute = 100, MaxPowerActionsPercentageOfDesktops = 20}
To Create a Hosting Unit
new-item -Path “xdhyp:\HostingUnits” -Name MyHU -HypervisorConnectionName MyConn -RootPath XDHYP:\Connections\MyConn -NetworkPath XDHYP:\Connections\MyConn\Network 0.network -StoragePath XDHYP:\Connections\MyConn\Local storage on myXenServer.storage
PSPath: Citrix.HostingUnitService.Admin.V1.0\ Citrix.Hypervisor::XDHyp:\HostingUnits\MyHU PSParentPath: Citrix.HostingUnitService.Admin.V1.0\ Citrix.Hypervisor::XDHyp:\HostingUnits PSChildName: MyHU PSDrive: XDHyp PSProvider: Citrix.HostingUnitService.Admin.V1.0\ Citrix.Hypervisor PSIsContainer: True HostingUnitUid: df91f886-1141-4280-bd59-2ee260a4df79 HostingUnitName: MyHU HypervisorConnection: MyConn RootPath: / RootId: NetworkPath: /Network 0.network NetworkId: ab47080b-ca15-771a-c8dc-6ad9650158f1 Storage: {/Local storage on myXenServer.storage} VMTaggingEnabled: True Metadata: {}
Relative paths can be used for all parameters.
Object Definitions
Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.HypervisorConnection The hypervisor connection object is returned when a connection item is located. This item has the following parameters.
HypervisorConnectionUid <Guid> Specifies the unique identifier for the connection item.
HypervisorConnectionName <String> Specifies the name of the connection item.
ConnectionType <Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.ConnectionType> Specifies the type of hypervisor that the connection is for. Supported hypervisor types are:
XenServer SCVMM (Microsoft Hyper-V) vCenter (VMware vSphere/ESX) Custom
HypervisorAddress <String[]> Specifies the addresses that can be used to contact the required hypervisor.
Username <String> Specifies the administrator user name for the connection to the hypervisor (from the user name and password given as administrator credentials when setting up this connection)
Persistent <Boolean> Specifies whether or not the connection is persistent.
PluginId <String> Specifies the Citrix Managed Machine class identifier for the hypervisor.
SupportsPvsVM <Boolean> Specifies whether or not the connection can be used as part of a hosting unit. If this parameter is set to ‘True’, a hosting unit referencing this connection can be created.
Revision <Guid> A unique identifier that is changed every time any properties of the connection are changed.
MaintenanceMode <Boolean> Specifies whether or not the connection is currently in maintenance mode.
Metadata <Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.Metadata[]> The collection of metadata associated with the connection.
Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.HostingUnit The hosting unit object is returned when a hosting unit item is located. This item has the following parameters.
HostingUnitName <String> Specifies the name of the hosting unit.
HostingUnitUid <Guid> Specifies the unique identifier for the hosting unit.
HypervisorConnection <Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.HypervisorConnection> Specifies the hypervisor connection item that the hosting unit references.
NetworkId <String> Specifies the unique identifier for the network in the hypervisor context that the hosting unit references.
NetworkPath <String> Specifies the path to the network in the Host Service provider.
RootId <String> Specifies the unique identifier for the root connection item in the hypervisor context that the hosting unit references.
RootPath <String> Specifies the path to the root of the hosting unit from within the Host Service provider.
Storage <Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.Storage[]> Specifies the collection of storage objects that are defined for use as part of the hosting unit. This object contains the following parameters.
StorageID <String> Specifies the identifier for the storage in the hypervisor context.
StoragePath <String> Specifies the path to the storage in the Host Service provider.
VMTaggingEnabled <Boolean> Specifies whether or not virtual machine metadata is used to tag virtual machines created by XenDesktop.
Metadata <Citrix.XDInterServiceTypes.Metadata[]> Specifies the collection of metadata associated with the hosting unit.
Citrix.HostingUnitService.Sdk.HypervisorObject The hypervisor object is returned when any item is located from within a Connection or HostingUnit folder. This item has the following parameters.
AdditionalData <Dictionary<String,String> Stores extra untyped data for the item. This dictionary contains different information for each item type.
For Storage Items Key = StorageType Values = Shared or Local
For VM Items Key = PowerState Values = PoweredOn, PoweredOff, Suspended, TransitioningToOn, TransitioningToOff, Suspending, Resuming, Unknown, Error Key = TemplateIsWindowsTemplate Values = True or False
For Snapshot Items Key = TemplateIsWindowsTemplate Values = True or False
For Azure Managed Disk Items Key = TemplateIsWindowsTemplate Values = True or False
For Azure SIG Image Definition Items Key = TemplateIsWindowsTemplate Values = True or False
Name <String> Specifies the name of the item.
FullName <String> Specifies the name with the appropriate file extension.
ObjectPath <String> Specifies the relative path to the item from the root of the connection of which the item is part.
FullPath <String> Specifies the absolute path to the item in the Citrix.Hypervisor provider.
Id <String> Specifies the identity of the item in the hypervisor context.
IsContainer <Boolean> Specifies whether or not the item can contain other items.
IsSymLink <Boolean> Specifies whether or not the item can be used as a RootPath of a hosting unit.
ObjectType <Citrix.HostingUnitService.Sdk.NodeType> Specifies the item type.
Error Codes
The provider commands can return the following error codes.
New-Item ConnectionNameOrUidInvalid The name or unique identifier of the hypervisor connection specified for the hosting unit is invalid.
HostingUnitRootPathInvalid The root path specified for the hosting unit is invalid. The root path must be a valid item in the hypervisor tree and a SymLink.
HostingUnitNetworkPathInvalid The network path specified for the hosting unit is invalid. The network path must be a valid item in the hypervisor tree and relative to the root path.
HostingUnitStoragePathInvalid The storage path specified for the hosting unit is invalid. The storage path must be a valid item in the hypervisor tree and relative to the root path.
HostingUnitDuplicateObjectExists A hosting unit object with the same name already exists. Hosting unit names must be unique.
HostingUnitStorageDuplicateObjectExists A hosting unit storage object with the same storage path already exists for this hosting unit. There can be only one object for each combination of hosting unit and storage path.
HypervisorNotContactable The hypervisor could not be contacted at the supplied address, which is either invalid or unreachable.
HypervisorAddressInvalidFormat The address is not in a valid form for the specified hypervisor type.
ConnectionAddressInvalid The specified address is invalid and does not belong to the same pool.
HypervisorConnectionDuplicateObjectExists A hypervisor connection object with the same name already exists. Hypervisor connection names must be unique.
HypervisorConnectionAddressDuplicateObjectExists A hypervisor connection address object with the same address already exists for this hypervisor connection. There can be only one object for each combination of hypervisor connection and address.
HypervisorConnectionForHostingUnitIsVirtual The specified hypervisor connection for the hosting unit is a virtual non-persistent connection. A persistent connection is required when creating a hosting unit.
InputNameInvalid The name specified for the hosting unit or hypervisor connection is invalid because it contains one or more of the following characters: \/;:#.*?=<> | “’{}. |
InputPathInvalid The specified path is invalid because it is not in one of the following formats:
XDHyp:\Connections\<Name> XDHyp:\Connections\{Guid}
ExceptionThrown An unexpected error occurred.
DatabaseError There was a problem communicating with the database.
CommunicationError There was a problem communicating with the remote service.
PermissionDenied The user does not have administrative rights to perform this operation.
ScopeNotFound One or more of the scopes nominated for the new connection do not exist.
CannotCreateSecurityGroupHere Security groups can only be created in a virtual private cloud (VPC).
Get-Item and Get-ChildItem HypervisorConnectionObjectNotFound The hypervisor connection object specified in the path could not be found.
HostingUnitObjectNotFound The specified hosting unit object could not be found.
HypervisorInMaintenanceMode The hypervisor for the specified connection is currently in maintenance mode and cannot be accessed. FailureToRetrieveConnectionPassword The password for the HypervisorConnection cannot be retrieved or decrypted. ExceptionThrown An unexpected error occurred.
DatabaseError There was a problem communicating with the database.
CommunicationError There was a problem communicating with the remote service.
Remove-Item HostingUnitObjectToDeleteDoesNotExist The specified hosting unit object does not exist.
HypervisorConnectionObjectToDeleteDoesNotExist The specified hypervisor connection object does not exist.
InputPathInvalid The specified path is invalid because it is not in one of the following formats:
XDHyp:\Connections\<Name> XDHyp:\Connections\{Guid} XDHyp:\HostingUnits\<Name> XDHyp:\HostingUnits\{Guid}
HypervisorConnectionObjectToDeleteIsInUse The specified hypervisor connection object cannot be deleted because it is being used by one or more hosting units.
ExceptionThrown An unexpected error occurred.
DatabaseError There was a problem communicating with the database.
CommunicationError There was a problem communicating with the remote service.
ObjectCannotBeRemoved The specified object cannot be removed.
Rename-Item InputPathInvalid The specified path is invalid because it is not in one of the following formats:
XDHyp:\Connections\<Name> XDHyp:\Connections\{Guid} XDHyp:\HostingUnits\<Name> XDHyp:\HostingUnits\{Guid}
HostingUnitDuplicateNameExists A hosting unit object with the same name already exists. Hosting unit names must be unique.
HypervisorConnectionDuplicateNameExists A hypervisor connection object with the same name already exists. Hypervisor connection names must be unique.
InputNameInvalid The new name specified for the hosting unit or hypervisor connection is invalid because it contains one or more of the following characters: \/;:#.*?=<> | “’{}. |
ExceptionThrown An unexpected error occurred.
DatabaseError There was a problem communicating with the database.
CommunicationError There was a problem communicating with the remote service.
Set-Item InputPathInvalid The specified path is invalid because it is not in one of the following formats:
XDHyp:\Connections\<Name> XDHyp:\Connections\{Guid} XDHyp:\HostingUnits\<Name> XDHyp:\HostingUnits\{Guid}
HostingUnitObjectToUpdateDoesNotExist The specified hosting unit object does not exist.
HostingUnitNetworkPathInvalid The new network path specified for the hosting unit is invalid. Either the network path does not exist or it is not relative to the root path of the hosting unit.
HypervisorConnectionObjectToUpdateDoesNotExist The specified hypervisor connection object does not exist.
ExceptionThrown An unexpected error occurred.
DatabaseError There was a problem communicating with the database.
DatabaseNotConfigured The operation could not be completed because the database for the service is not configured.
DataStoreException An error occurred in the service while attempting a database operation. Communication with the database failed for various reasons.
CommunicationError There was a problem communicating with the remote service.