Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Returns a string containing information to send to the App-V Launcher. You can plug this string directly into the Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) to launch App-V applications.


ConvertTo-CtxAppVLauncherArg [-AppVPublishingServer] <string> [-AppId] <String> [[-PackageId] <String>] -SeqLoc <String> -TargetInPackage <boolean> [<CommonParameters>] ConvertTo-CtxAppVLauncherArg [-LauncherPath] <SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Returns a string containing information to send to the App-V Launcher. You can plug this string directly into the Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) to launch App-V applications.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
AppVPublishingServer The Url including the port number, of the publishing Server which is serving the application. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)  
AppId The AppId of the specific application for which CtxAppVLauncher argugents is required. True false  
PackageId The PackageId of the package to which the application belongs. false true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)  
SeqLoc The sequence location of the package. true false  
TargetInPackage Pass this as $true if TargetInPackage field is “true” in the Manifest file for the particular App Id. true false  
LauncherPath Gets the Citrix Launcher path. The Citrix Launcher is a component installed on the VDA. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)  

Input Type

Return Values


Example 1

ConvertTo-CtxAppVLauncherArg -AppVPublishingServer "" -PackageId "1bcb6993-10b1-4659-b9d4-e809e10cecdf_5" -AppId "[{ProgramFilesX86}]\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe" -SeqLoc "\\\share\App-V\Firefox.appv" -TargetInPackage $true


Converts the arguments provided into a cmdlet to launch Beyond Compare from the appv-pubsrv Publishing Server on the VDA.

Example 2

ConvertTo-CtxAppVLauncherArg -LauncherPath


Gets the Citrix App-V Launcher path.
