Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Gets the current XenDesktop broker site.


Get-BrokerSite [-ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutageAllowed <Boolean>] [-Property <String[]>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Get-BrokerSite cmdlet gets the current broker site.

The broker site is a top-level, logical representation of the XenDesktop site, from the perspective of the brokering services running within the site. It defines various site-wide default attributes used by the brokering services.

A XenDesktop installation has only a single broker site instance.

————————– BrokerSite Object

The BrokerSite object represents logical representation of the XenDesktop site. It contains the following properties:

  • AlwaysBypassAuthForCachedResources (System.Boolean)

    Allows client to always display cached resources without authentication.

  • ApplicationIconUid (System.Int32)

    The default icon used for new applications if one is not explicitly specified.

  • BaseOU (System.Guid?)

    The objectGUID property identifying the base OU in Active Directory used for desktop registrations.

  • BrokerServiceGroupUid (System.Guid)

    The Uid for the Broker Service Group.

  • BypassAuthForCachedResources (System.Boolean)

    Allows client to display cached resources without authentication.

  • CloudSiteLicense (System.String)

    Configures the single cloud license chosen to be used as the default one for the site.

  • CloudValidLicenses (System.String)

    The valid cloud license SKUs.

  • ColorDepth (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.ColorDepth)

    The default color depth for new desktop groups.

  • ConfigLastChangeTable (System.String)

    The last table that was changed as part of the last change to the broker configuration.

  • ConfigLastChangeTime (System.DateTime)

    The time the broker configuration was changed.

  • ConfigurationServiceGroupUid (System.Guid?)

    The Uid for the Configuration Service Group.

  • ConnectionLeasingEnabled (System.Boolean?)

    Always false. Connection leasing is no longer supported.

  • CredentialForwardingToCloudAllowed (System.Boolean)

    The indicator that whether the Connector is allowed to forward user credentials to cloud.

  • DefaultMinimumFunctionalLevel (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.FunctionalLevel?)

    The default minimum functional level used for new catalogs and desktop groups when no explicit value is provided.

  • DefaultReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutage (System.Boolean)

    The default ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutage used for new desktop groups when no explicit value is provided.

  • DeleteResourceLeasesOnLogOff (System.Boolean)

    Forces client to delete all leases on explicit logoff.

  • DesktopGroupIconUid (System.Int32)

    The default icon used for new desktop groups if one is not explicitly specified.

  • DnsResolutionEnabled (System.Boolean)

    The setting to configure whether numeric IP address or the DNS name to be present in the ICA file.

  • GpoCustomTemplatesGuid (System.Guid)

    The Guid of the GPO policy set that stores the policy templates defined by the site administrator.

  • GpoDataNoError (System.Boolean)

    Status of the Policy GPOBlob to policySet conversion

  • GpoPoliciesGuid (System.Guid)

    The Guid of the GPO policy set that stores the policies for the site.

  • GpoTemplatesGuid (System.Guid)

    The Guid of the GPO policy set that stores the policy templates for the site.

  • InMemorySchemaAppliedVersion (System.Int32)

    Version of in-memory SQL table optimization applied to database schema.

  • InMemorySchemaSupportedVersion (System.Int32)

    Version of in-memory SQL table optimization supported by database schema.

  • IsSecondaryBroker (System.Boolean)

    Reserved for internal use.

  • LicensedSessionsActive (System.Int32?)

    The count of active licensed session.

  • LicenseEdition (System.String)

    The license edition for session brokering.

  • LicenseGraceSessionsRemaining (System.Int32?)

    The count of Concurrent License Grace Sessions Remaining

  • LicenseModel (Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.LicenseModel?)

    The licensing model in use. Values can be ‘Concurrent’ or ‘UserDevice’

  • LicenseServerName (System.String)

    The DNS for License Server Name

  • LicenseServerPort (System.Int32)

    The port for the License Server

  • LicensesWithExpiredSwm (System.String)

    The list of licenses with expired software maintenance dates

  • LicensingBurnIn (System.String)

    The date for the license to end in yyyy.MMdd format

  • LicensingBurnInDate (System.DateTime?)

    The date for the license to end

  • LicensingGraceHoursLeft (System.Int32?)

    The number of grace hours left after license expiry

  • LicensingGracePeriodActive (System.Boolean?)

    The indicator for licensing grace period active

  • LicensingOutOfBoxGracePeriodActive (System.Boolean?)

    The indicator for licensing out of the box grace period active

  • LocalHostCacheEnabled (System.Boolean)

    The indicator that the Local Host Cache feature is switched on

  • MetadataMap (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>)

    The metadata for this command.

  • Name (System.String)

    The name of the site

  • PeakConcurrentLicensedDevices (System.Int32?)

    The peak number of concurrent devices

  • PeakConcurrentLicenseUsers (System.Int32?)

    The peak number of concurrent license users

  • PreferredAccountName (System.String)

    Determines if SAM name or UPN should be displayed for default name of user/group account

  • RequireXmlServiceKeyForNFuse (System.Boolean)

    Determines if the NFuse, MCP, and Admin interfaces require authentication with a service key.

  • RequireXmlServiceKeyForSta (System.Boolean)

    Determines if the StA interface requires authentication with a service key.

  • ResourceLeaseValidityPeriodInDays (System.Int32)

    Validity period for a lease.

  • ResourceLeasingEnabled (System.Boolean)

    Enables lease syncing on client.

  • ReuseMachinesWithoutShutdownInOutageAllowed (System.Boolean)

    Specifies whether or not power cycle behavior during outage can be overriden on a delivery group level.

  • SecureIcaRequired (System.Boolean)

    The default SecureICA usage requirements for new desktop groups.

  • TelemetryHeadlessLaunchEnabled (System.Boolean)

    Enables client to perform headless telemetry launches.

  • TelemetryLaunchMinTimeIntervalMins (System.Int32)

    Configures minimum time interval (in minutes) between headless telemetry launches.

  • TelemetryLaunchShadowDelayMins (System.Int32)

    Configures delay (in minutes) between ICA-HDX launch and headless telemetry launch.

  • TotalUniqueLicenseUsers (System.Int32?)

    The total count of license users

  • TrustManagedAnonymousXmlServiceRequests (System.Boolean)

    The XML Service managed anonymous settings.

  • TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort (System.Boolean)

    The XML Service trust settings.

  • UseADLookupEnabled (System.Boolean)

    Use AD directory context for lookup

  • UseVerticalScalingForRdsLaunches (System.Boolean)

    Use vertical scaling when finding an RDS machine for a session launch.

  • XmlServiceKey1 (System.String)

    The first XML Service Key

  • XmlServiceKey2 (System.String)

    The second XML Service Key



Gets the current broker site.




Specifies whether or not power cycle behavior during outage can be overriden on a delivery group level.

Type: Boolean
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the properties to be returned. This is similar to piping the output of the command through Select-Object, but the properties are filtered more efficiently at the server.

Type: String[]
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Introduced in: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7 2106


This cmdlet supports the common Citrix parameters: -AdminAddress, -AdminClientIP, -BearerToken, -TraceParent, -TraceState and -VirtualSiteId. For more information, see about_CitrixCommonParameters.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



You cannot pipe input into this cmdlet.



Get-BrokerSite returns the single broker site instance.
