Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK




Test-MonitorNotificationEmailServerConfiguration [-InputObject] <MonitorNotificationEmailServerConfiguration> [-Credential <PSCredential>] -EmailAddresses <String[]> [-LoggingId <Guid>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]
Test-MonitorNotificationEmailServerConfiguration -EmailAddresses <String[]> [-LoggingId <Guid>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]
Test-MonitorNotificationEmailServerConfiguration -ProtocolType <EmailProtocolType> -ServerName <String> -PortNumber <Int32> -SenderEmailAddress <String> -RequiresAuthentication <Boolean> [-Credential <PSCredential>] -EmailAddresses <String[]> [-LoggingId <Guid>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]





Test whether email can be sent using the specified oncfiguration

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PasswordHere" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $secpasswd) Test-MonitorNotificationEmailServerConfiguration -ProtocolType Smtp -ServerName "" -PortNumber 25 -SenderEmailAddress "" -RequiresAuthentication $true -EmailAddresses "" -Credential $mycreds



Email addresses to which the test mail to be sent

Type: String[]
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Email protocol Possible values are Smtp SmtpSsl SmtpTls

Type: EmailProtocolType
Accepted values: Unknown, Smtp, SmtpSsl, SmtpTls
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Email server name

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Email server port number

Type: Int32
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Sender’s email address

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Whether the server requires authentication

Type: Boolean
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Configuration object to test

Type: MonitorNotificationEmailServerConfiguration
Position: 1
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Configuration credential

Type: PSCredential
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.

Type: Guid
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common Citrix parameters: -AdminAddress, -AdminClientIP, -BearerToken, -TraceParent, -TraceState and -VirtualSiteId. For more information, see about_CitrixCommonParameters.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



You can’t pipe objects to this cmdlet.



True - when test mail is successfully sent, otherwise false
