Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Introduced in: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7 2311

Removes a provisioning scheme configuration version


Remove-ProvSchemeVersion [-ProvisioningSchemeName] <String> -Version <Int32> [-LoggingId <Guid>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-ProvSchemeVersion -ProvisioningSchemeUid <Guid> -Version <Int32> [-LoggingId <Guid>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]


Provides the ability to remove a prior provisioning scheme configuration version.



Removes version 3 of provisioning scheme MyScheme.

Remove-ProvSchemeVersion -ProvisioningSchemeName MyScheme -Version 3


Removes version 1 of provisioning scheme with Uid 5b37b311-fa3f-49dd-b93b-661b9e6fa571.

Remove-ProvSchemeVersion -ProvisioningSchemeUid 5b37b311-fa3f-49dd-b93b-661b9e6fa571 -Version 1



The unique identifier of the provisioning scheme with the version to be removed.

Type: Guid
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


The version to remove. Cannot be the current provisioning scheme version in use or a version referenced by any machine in the provisioning scheme.

Type: Int32
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


The name of the provisioning scheme with the version to be removed.

Type: String
Position: 2
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.

Type: Guid
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common Citrix parameters: -AdminAddress, -AdminClientIP, -BearerToken, -TraceParent, -TraceState and -VirtualSiteId. For more information, see about_CitrixCommonParameters.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



You can pipe an object containing a parameter called ‘ProvisioningSchemeName’ or ‘ProvisioningSchemeUid’ to Remove-ProvSchemeVersion.



By default, this cmdlet returns no output.


In the case of failure, the following errors can result.

Error Codes

ProvisioningSchemeNotFound The specified provisioning scheme could not be located.

ProvisioningSchemeVersionNotFound The specified ProvisioningScheme version could not be located.

ProvisioningSchemeVersionRemovalConflict The provisioning scheme version cannot be removed due to it being referenced by other resources.

CannotRemoveCurrentProvisioningSchemeVersion The provisioning scheme version cannot be removed since it is the current version.

DatabaseError An error occurred in the service while attempting a database operation.

DatabaseNotConfigured The operation could not be completed because the database for the service is not configured.

ServiceStatusInvalidDb An error occurred in the service while attempting a database operation - communication with the database failed for for various reasons.

CommunicationError An error occurred while communicating with the service.

PermissionDenied The user does not have administrative rights to perform this operation.

ConfigurationLoggingError The operation could not be performed because of a configuration logging error.
