Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops SDK


Returns a new MonitorNotificationPolicy object


New-MonitorNotificationPolicy -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-Webhook <String>] [-IsSnmpEnabled <Boolean>] [-Enabled <Boolean>] [-IsEmailAttachmentEnabled <Boolean>] [-IsWebhookAttachmentEnabled <Boolean>] [-LoggingId <Guid>] [<CitrixCommonParameters>] [<CommonParameters>]


Returns a new policy instance using the specified parameters



Creates session policy and persist the data into database

New-MonitorNotificationPolicy -Name "Policy1" -Description "Policy Description" -Enabled $true



Name of policy to create

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Description of policy to create

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Webhook URL of policy to create

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


boolean value representing if SNMP is enabled for new Policy

Type: Boolean
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Boolean paramter indicating the enabled state of the policy. true - Enabled, false - Disabled

Type: Boolean
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


boolean value representing if email attachment is enabled for new Policy

Type: Boolean
Position: Named
Default value: False
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Introduced in: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7 2407


boolean value representing if webhook attachment is enabled for new Policy

Type: Boolean
Position: Named
Default value: False
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Introduced in: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7 2407


Specifies the identifier of the high-level operation this cmdlet call forms a part of. Citrix Studio and Director typically create high-level operations. PowerShell scripts can also wrap a series of cmdlet calls in a high-level operation by way of the Start-LogHighLevelOperation and Stop-LogHighLevelOperation cmdlets.

Type: Guid
Position: Named
Default value: None
Required: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common Citrix parameters: -AdminAddress, -AdminClientIP, -BearerToken, -TraceParent, -TraceState and -VirtualSiteId. For more information, see about_CitrixCommonParameters.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



You can’t pipe objects to this cmdlet.



Returns the collection of policy objects created
